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Musgrove Store Ledger
Accounts Book: William Anderson
Musgrove General Store November 1867 - May 1871. Transcribed by
Monya F. Havekost. Names are
listed in the order in which they appear, followed by the page number(s) on
which they are found. Bracketed remarks added by transcriber.
"The store was located on the property of William Anderson Musgrove
which was located in northern Fayette Co. and then (with county line
changes) in southern Marion Co. A room on the front porch of this home
served as the Post Office for MONT CALM (no longer in existence). Some of
the letters I have which were written in the early 1870s are also postmarked
PALO. Both of these places were in close proximity." Monya Havekost
- Delk, John 11
- Dodson, Wm. 12
- Bradley, R. E. 14
- Duke, Martin 16
- Boling, Henry 19
- Anderson, Bink 25
- Bolin, Martin C. 14
- Berryhill, Wm. 9
- Beasly, John 30
- Anderson, Zef 23
- Dodson, Horace 21
- Dodson, R. A. J. 23
- Davis, Hanah 26
- Dodson, J. T. 29
- Dodson, Sally 33 [Name crossed out in index, but page 33 shows name
Dodson replaced with name Frank]
- Corbit, A. M. 60
- Chambless, M. E. 86
- Chiles, Wm. 57
- Corbet, L. E. 99
- Cunningham, Jane 112
- Crafford, John 69
- Couch, Frank 152
- Couch, Wm. 152
- Anderson, Z. 72
- Adams, A. J. 91
- Anthony, Wm. 99
- Dutton, Wm. 40, 108, 149
- McDonald, G. W. 44, 148
- Dodson, Horace 45 [Name crossed out in index, but page 45 shows he had
a paid account in 1869]
- Dodson, G. W. 58
- Dickenson, John J. 73
- Dodson, J. T. 83
- Dodson, Lemuel 85
- Davis, Mathew 91
- Dosse, Joel 112
- Davis, Robert 115
- Dodson, R. A. J. 126
- Dodson, Horace and J. T. 162
- Brock, Wm J. 61
- Berryhill, Alex 70 [Name crossed out in index. Had an account in
- Brown, George 137
- Brock, Henry Col. 139
- Berryhill, Wm. Sr. 150
- Berryhill, James Ed 146
- McCalum, Nathan Col 115
- Couch, M. 113 [Name and accounts crossed through on page 113]
- Garner, Jackson 1
- Garner, Nathan 2
- Guin, Jermiah 21
- Gin matter 34 [Not a name, but accounts with gin. Names listed under
account are A. J. Stewart and D. L. Logan]
- Erwin, John 24
- Franks, Salley 33
- Erwin, John 45
- Earnest, Francis M. 70
- Ehl, Caleb 151
- Godfrey, O. P. 117
- Gaddis, Linden 113
- Halliman, Mary 170
- Hamilton, Monroe 175 [Page 175 lists the account as Col. Monroe
- Harwood, Elias 3
- Harris, Maggie 4, 35, 130
- Hodges, Stephen 11
- Ham, Spiars 42, 120
- Harwood, E. 43
- Hodges. J. T. 50
- Harris, Mosses 57
- Hodges, Wm. 65
- Harrison, Robert 66
- Ham, Wm. 77
- Hodges, Stephen 81
- Harris, Thos. 90
- Harris, G. W. 94
- Harris, Drucilla 75
- Ham, Jef 100, 163
- Holliman, Jas. J. 158
- Guin, R. 77
- Guin, Jeremiah 82
- Guin, H. M. 58
- Gamel, H. H. 87
- Garner, Nathan 101
- Garrison, W. H. 143
- Guin, Mrs. Mike 104
- Garrison, W. 160 [Name in index and account on page 160 crossed out]
- Howell, Wm. 37
- Humber, Robt. 129 [Nothing listed on page 129 for this person]
- Ham, H. J. 111
- Humber, R. H. 114
- Ham, Henry Sr. 120
- Ham, J. B. 117
- Holingsworth, Samuel 125
- Ham, B .R. 134
- Moss, George 5 [Listed on page 5 as George Moss and Thos. Harris]
- Musgrove, J. W. 7
- McClung, Jonas 8
- Musgrove and White 9
- Morton, H. M. 11
- Messalanis [miscellaneous] names listed are: Margaret Dodson,
Tilden Musgrove, N. A. Musgrove, E. Harwood, P. H. White,W. A. Musgrove,
B. T. Anderson, Bink Anderson, Hugh Reed, Sizemore Holingsworth
- Musgrove, N. A. 11
- Metcalfe, James - Negro 20
- Musgrove, W. T. 27
- Musgrove, H. F. 28
- Musgrove, A. N. 34
- Musgrove, J. W. Sr. 41, 109, 155
- Melton, J. W. 41
- Musgrove, W. T. 42, 118, 167
- Moss, S. W. 46
- Musgrove. W. A. 47, 138
- Musgrove, H. F. 48, 153
- Musgrove, W. B. 53
- Metcalfe, James - Coul[colored] 133, 54
- Manervy - Couled[colored] 55
- Moss, Barnet 64
- Logan D. L. 8
- Lesueur, J. M. 19
- Louis 31 [Page 31: Louis, freed man. Commenced work Jan. 1, 1869 at 10
dollars pr month]
- Mills, L. F. 68
- Morton, J. B. 71
- Morton. H. M. 71
- Mills, Susan 95
- Mosley, John 96
- Malory John W. 97
- McClung, J. B. 100
- Mills, E. G. 67, 175
- May, Miss Salley 105
- McDonald, Wm. 106
- Morrison, N. J. 85
- May, Lee 63
- Kirkland, J. C. 6
- Kuikendall, John 78
- Kirkland, J. C. 102
- Kuikendall, J. L. l42
- Kuikendall, Jas. 55 [Spelled Kuykendall on page 55]
- Logan, D. L. 92, 144
- Langston, Saml 98
- Lee, David 103
- Langston, John Sr. 104
- Langston, John Jr. 106
- Lee, James 170
- Jackson, W. L. 159
- Jones, Nimrod 115
- Moss, Abraham 119
- Mozeley, James 122
- May, Miss mary 114
- McDonald, J. A. 125
- McDonald, James, Sr. 125
- Mathews, W. H. 126
- May, Hannah 105
- McCalum, Nathan 115
- Mingo - Colured 131
- Musgrove, A. N. 147
- Morton, J. F. 152
- Musgrove & Brothers 171
- Northcut, H. L. 6
- Northcut, G. J. 74
- Northcut, H. L. 94, 162
- Northcut, D. C. 97
- Nash, Isaac - Colured 82
- Nerne - Coulered 127, 55
- Northam, N. J. 128
- Owin, M C. 142
- Pearson, Lewis 55
- Perry, A. 148
- Price, J. W. 128
- Stewart, C. C. 4
- South, Josiah 5
- Stewart, R. J. 12 1869
- South, John 16
- Shaw, Jerima 16
- Sizemore & Webster 25
- Samford, J. B. 38
- Stewart, Jerry - Coul[Colored] 49, 165
- Stewart, J. J. 51
- Spann, P. M. R 52
- Sanford, J. B. 56, 143
- Stewart, C. C. 63
- South, Asbury 75
- Stewart, Wm. M. 89
- South, John 71
- South, Josiah, 103
- Shelnut, David 113
- Russell, Mark 62
- Russell, J. J. 84
- Reese, T. M. 89
- Russell, Miss Nan 90
- Reed, Sam - Coulered 96
- Reese, L H. 74
- Reeves, A. J. 116
- Russell, J. H. 123
- Rainwater, John W. 119
- Roberts. Thos 134
- Reede, Miss Mary 137
- Reese, David 157
- Thompson, U. L. 5
- Robertson, R. C. 13
- Reed, Hugh 24
- Taylor, John B 157
- Thompson, J. A. 72
- Stewart. R. 122
- Smith, R. L. 78
- Shane, Hugh 126
- Stewart, J. M. 132
- Stewart, John 139
- Stewart, R. J. 141
- Sorrels, C. C. 158
- Stewart, C. A. 160
- Strother, J. M. 146
- Sizemore, J. H. 166
- Webster, Wm. 3
- Williams, G. E. 3, 33, 34
- Weeks, Wiley 18
- Ward, Willis 18
- Ward, Jas & John 23
- White, John 24
- Walker, Wm. 26
- Webster, A. L. 40, 134
- Weeks. E. E. 43
- White. L. F. 69
- Walker, Dick 76
- White, Hugh 79 & 136
- White, Wm. 79
- White, A. G. 80
- Webster, M. V. 89
- White, Hall 95
- White, Cezar 98
- White, J. W. 101
- White, A. W. 105
- Webster, T. S. 107
- Ward, Willis 107
- Williams. G. E. 65
- Webster, W. C. 67
- Ward, J. W. 64
- Webster, Sam 116
- Whealer, Charles A. 121
- Ward, B. F. 135
- Weeks, James 135
- Ward, Monroe 132
- Weeks, John 161
- Whitby. J. M. 165
- White, J. W. 181
- Young, G. W. 88
- Young, James 88
- Vicary, C. T. 145
- Vicory, James 151
- Not listed in index but found in book:
- Bawlin, Henry N. 19
- Blakney, Mrs. M. C. 86
- Berryhill, J. C. 93
- Bowlin, M. C. 93
- Hahl, Caleb 151
- Bishop, Pinkney 168