Sumter County Alabama

Sumter County
E. Black letter to P. H. Black

Cantre Mississippi December 11, 1863

Dear Father, Mother Brothers and Sister:

It is with great pleasure that I write you a few lines to let you know that I am well. Hoping that these few lines will go safe to hand and find you well. I received one letter by......appleton and am now proud to hear that you are all well. I received the things you cent me - one pair of gloves and one pair of socks and one neck comforter. I want you to send me 2 pr of socks for Porter and Higgins. They are from Arkansas and can't get nothing from home. Take my money and buy the socks or wool and send them to me and the price and yourselves out of my money please send this by first sender. I want you to tell me in the next letters what that is that sister is again to git married to.

All is quiet in from of very bad who........send me on coverlet or blanket or light quilt and one plate of butter and some sweet bread. Tell all the girls how I love them but I have found one in Miss that takes my time.

Yours respectfully,

E. Black to P.H. Black

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