Sumter County Alabama

Sumter County
D. H. Cambell Letter to his wife

Deer Creek Mississippi  April 1863

Dear Wife:

I once again seat myself to drop you a few lines to let you know that I am well and hardy and hope these few lines may find you.............blessing. We arrived at this place night, we had the fight with the yankees and drove them off. We lost one man and one wounded............. We expect to stay here three or fore mud and water a plenty. The reason that I have not rite before was I could not get no paper. You must not think hard of me not must do the best you can it could be with ..........a great deal more than I ever thought. I wanta know and want you to try to get my land rented..........I want you to write..........and let me know how all the connections are. Let me how yore corn is holding out and tell me whether you have got salt to lard yore meat or not. I want whether they will be any cane.............getting to come time or not come bad enough you know and hope that God will permit me to .........come I so nothing more at present but remember yore husband until death.

D.H. Cambell

Direct yore letters to Vicksburg

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