Sumter County Alabama

Sumter County
Incorporation of The Town of Warsaw

Transcribed by Mary Hoit Abbe
March 30, 2003.
I was not sure of the name underlined. It needs proof reading.

Orphan Court Minute Book 9

p. 429

            This day came J. B. Wilkinson, W. H. Gill, Ben White, Jacob P. Lee, H. T. Daniel, R. L. Belsher, J. R. Kirkland, Wm A. Rogers, J. T. Coggins, N. T. Burchett, Samuel Thompson, John W. Baker, B. B. Bell, Marion Bostick, Thomas J. Little, Samuel Morton, J. T. Meek, John T. Jenkins, William G. Little, George Alliann, Robt Reid, J. R. Whitlow, & A. G. Weston, residing in Warsaw in said county and filed a petition in writing setting forth the bounds of the proposed town, and praying that an election may be provided in conformity to the statute, to allow the people to vote for or against said

incorporation, and it appearing to the Court that said petition in all respects conforms to the statute regulating and providing for the incorporation of towns, & it is ordered by the Court that an election be held in front of Post Office in said Town of Warsaw on Thursday the 16 day of September next to ascertain whether or not a majority of the qualified voters residing within the limits designated in said petition, are in favor of the incorporating of said Town.  And Benjamin White, John W. Baker and B. B. Bell are hereby appointed inspectors of said election.


On p. 426

Probate Court for the County of Sumter

Regular Term holden at the Court House

on the Second Monday in August (being the 9 day thereof) 1858

Present A. W. Dillard Judge thereof

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