Southwest Blue Book, 1923 - 1924 Lenora H. King, Editor and Publisher, Copyright 1923; Printed Oct., 1923 Notes: 1) Unless otherwise indicated, all street addresses are located in Los Angeles, CA 2) U.D.C. = United Daughters of the Confederacy 3) L.A.A.C. = Los Angeles Athletic Club Society Blue Book – “J” Jacobs, Dr. and Mrs. W. R. (Frieda Mildred Nast) Jacobs, Virginia and Billie (Juniors) 827 S. Gramercy Dr.; Tel. 568905 Club: L. A. Athletic Jacqueline, Dr Sydney Stickney de la Roche 1019 Beacon Ave.; Tel. Drexel 0792 Clubs: The Order of the Founders and Patriots of America; The Sons of the Revolution, in N. Y. and California; Society of the Colonial Wars; Alliance Francaise; Chamber of Commerce, L.A. and Hollywood; City; Sierra; L. A. Country; Automobile; American Association for the Advancement of Science; Drama; League [sic]; L. A. Opera Reading; So. Cal. Athletic and Country James, Mrs. William Swain Hurlburt, Miss Dorothy (Junior) 521 Shatto Pl.; Tel. Dunkirk 2122 Janney, Dr. and Mrs. Nelson W. (Maude Hays) Janney, Joanne (Junior) 2060 S. Hobart Blvd.; Tel. 70079 Clubs: L. A. Country; California; Sons of the Revolution; Society of the Sigma Psi Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Janss, Dr. and Mrs. Edwin (Florence Cluff) Janss, Edwin, Jr., Patricia and William (Juniors) 4800 Los Feliz Blvd. and Berendo St.; Tel. 599780 Clubs: University; L. A. Country; L.A.A.C. Janss,, Mr. and Mrs. Herman (Emma Louise Braly) Janss, Miss Louise 601 S. Gramercy Pl.; Tel. 560992 Clubs: California, L. A. Country Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Amy Hulse of N. Y.) 831 S. Kingsley Dr. Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. Van Buren (Amy Busch) Jarvis, Amy (Junior) 314 S. Rossmore Ave.; Tel. Holly 5282 Clubs: L. A. Country; California; University Jeffras, Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Mary Gray) Jeffras, Nathaniel Gray (Junior) (Mr. Jeffras, Yale ’86) Hotel Ambassador; Tel. Drexel 7000 Clubs: California Country; Friday Morning Jeffras, Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel (Audree Workman) 905 S. Catalina St.; Tel. Drexel 8189 Jeffries, Mrs. James Gordon (Rosa Bailey) 1508 S. Van Ness Ave.; Tel. 768976 Jeffries, Mr. and Mrs. William Parish (Lora Hubbell) Jeffries, Allerton H., Sally Elizabeth and Dorothy (Juniors) 976 Arapahoe St.; Tel. 53996 Jenks, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. (Ruby Garland) Jenks, Garland Le Roy (Junior) 4033 W. Twenty-third St.; Tel. 768599 Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pratt (Alice Bent) Jennings, Miss Marjorie Pauline and Mr. Robert Frank 4170 Glen Albyn Dr.; Tel. Gar. 4224 Clubs: Friday Morning; Highland Park Ebell; L. A. Athletic; University Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald C. (Marion Winston) Duarte Jenson, Com. and Mrs. Henry Norman (Echo Allen) Jenson, Richard Norman (Junior) 1000 Ave. G, Coronado, Cal.; Tel. Cor. 328 Jess, Mrs. Grace Wood (Wood) Jess, Martha Louise and Alice Rob (Juniors) 2360 W. Twenty-second St.; Tel. 768975 Jessop, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo De 610 First St., Coronado Beach; Tel. Cor. 42-W [sic] Jessop, Mr. Joseph; Misses Fanny and Lina and Mr. Jones 822 First St., Coronado Beach; Tel. Cor. 467-J Job, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. (Emma L. Herbel) 1809 Virginia Rd.; Tel. 74774 Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. (Florence Perry) Johnson, Miss Sada Johnson, Miss Eleanor Monroe, Lieut. and Mrs. William Robert (Katherine Johnson) William Robert Monroe, Jr. (Junior), Care U.S. Navel Mission to Brazil, Post Master, N. Y. 833 W. Twenty-eighth St.; Tel. Beacon 5413 Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Orson (Victoria Sheppard) Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard (Virginia McNaughton) 1005 W. Twenty-eighth St.; Tel. Beacon 3724 Clubs: California; L. A. Country; Wa Wan Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. (Rae Wright) 1626 Rockwood Ave.; Tel. 52781 Clubs: Ebell; Republican Study; Greater Republican; Hamilton L. A. Art Center Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ilot Johnson, Norwin Kerr (Junior) 5310 Angeles Mesa Drive; Tel. University 3566 Clubs: Ebell Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Belshaw (Genevieve Joyce) “Ledgemont”, 911 Alpine Dr., Beverly Hills; Tel. 559193 Clubs: California; L. A. Country Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. Milbank (Isabel Simeral) 360 S. Westlake Ave.; Tel. 55277 Club: Sons of the Revolution Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Milo F. (Edith Dorothy Kesner) 1053 S. Norton Ave.; Tel. 768292 Club: L. A. Country Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Norton (Helen Wells) Holton Arms, 405 W. Adams St.; Tel. 285121 Johnson, Mr. Parley M. Johnson, Misses Harriet E. and Alice 749 Garland Ave.; Tel. 52236 Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. S. Frederic (Claire Chamberlain) Johnson, Robert C. (Junior) 2140 W. Twenty-first St.; Tel. 72122 Club: Ebell Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry (Margaret McLean) Holton Arms, 405 W. Adams St.; Tel. 285273 Johnston, Mrs. Hancock McClung 2911 N. Broadway; Tel. Captiol 2438 Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. William Dupuy (Margaret McLean) Ranch, Imperial Valley; Tel. 289031 Johnston, Mrs. William T. (Florence Dupuy) Darby Hotel; Tel. 289031 Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Addison Bentley (Vangie Cope) Jones, Addison Bentley, Jr. (Junior) 524 S. Harvard Blvd.; Tel. 568159 Clubs: L. A. Country; L. A. A. C. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carlos (Anna Pendleton) 1534 S. St. Andrews Pl.; Tel. 72834 Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Colcock (Elizabeth King) 102 S. Occidental Blvd.; Tel. Dunkirk 3059 Club: California Jones, Dr. and Mrs. Ellis (Elizabeth Bradley) Jones, Ellis, Jr. and Harvey Bradley (Juniors) 3921 W. Seventh St.; Tel. 560708 Clubs: California; L. A. Country; Wilshire Country; Midwick Country Jones, Col. and Mrs. Frank B. and Miss Evelyn 1115 F Ave., Coronado; Tel. Cor. 686 Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hooker (Alice Spencer) Country Home: 139 Live Oak Ave., Sierra Madre, Cal.; Tel. Red 132 1124 W. Seventh St., Howell Terrace Apts.; Tel. 874111 Clubs: Ebell; L.A.A.C.; Jonathan; Cal. Country Jones, Mr. and Mrs. George Merritt and Miss Olive F. Merritt-Jones Hotel, Ocean Park; Tel. 63145 Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory (Harriet Wagner) Jones, Samuel Lloyd (Junior) 909 Quintara St., San Francisco, Cal. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hampshur (Emilie Austin) Jones, Samuel Austin (Junior) 448 S. Arden Blvd.; Tel. 437202 Clubs: Wilshire Blvd.; California; University Jones, Mrs. John Percival (Georgian Sullivan) Farquhar, Mrs. Robert (Marion Jones) Farquhar, David (Junior), Berkshire School, Sheffield, Mass. Farquhar, John and Colin (Juniors) 136 W. Eleventh St., New York City Jones, Major and Mrs. John Taylor (Ida Thompson) 2637 Portland Ave.; Tel. Beacon 3761 Clubs: L. A. Country; California Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Mattison Boyd Jones, Miss Lillian Winifred Summer Home: 2142 Hermosa Ave., Hermosa Beach, Cal. Winter Home: “Bel-Air”, 727 Kenneth Rd., Glendale, Cal., P. O. Box 156, Glendale; Tel. Glen. 367 Mrs. Jones, Pres., Glendale Music Club; Past Pres. L. A. Dist., C.F.W.C.; Honorary Member Matinee Musical Club; Other Clubs: Emeritus Club; C.F.W.C.; Women’s City; Glendale Women’s; Mr. Jones’ Clubs: University; Sunset Canyon Country; Surf and Sand Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. (Maria J. Tilden) Jones, Miss Matilda T. 533 S. Harvard Blvd.; Tel. 560503 Club: Friday Morning Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Roy (Pauline Williamson) 308 S. Commonwealth Ave.; Tel. Dunkirk 1868 Clubs: Women’s Athletic; Friday Morning; Harvard Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. Donelson (Neva Myers) Jones, Myers, Lunford and Margaret Helen (Juniors) 6438 Pasadena Ave.; Tel. Garv. 4012 Jones, Mrs. William L. (Lida Wilson) Jones, Mr. Robert Wilson Clubs: Sons of the Revolution Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Granville (Alice L. Jones) Robertson, Frances Alice and Joysclind (Juniors) Clubs: Ebell; Drama League; Galpin Shakespeare 1327 S. Manhattan Pl.; Tel. 769073 Club: Sons of the Revolution Jordan, Col. and Mrs. Lambert (Susan Carpenter) Washington, D.C. Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. William Barnard Joyce, Mr. Morton Dean 1004 Elden Way, Beverly Hills; Tel. 559174 Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. William Bradford, Jr. (Charlotte Rayner) Joyce, Charlotte Curley and Lucille Bradford (Juniors) 107 S. Wilton Dr.; Tel. 56356 Clubs: California; L. A. Country; University; Midwick [Country] |