Southwest Blue Book, 1923 - 1924 Lenora H. King, Editor and Publisher, Copyright 1923; Printed Oct., 1923 Notes: 1) Unless otherwise indicated, all street addresses are located in Los Angeles, CA 2) U.D.C. = United Daughters of the Confederacy 3) L.A.A.C. = Los Angeles Athletic Club Society Blue Book – “R” Rabe, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Anna Robinson) Harley, Anne Robinson (Junior) 3257 Waverly Ave.; Tel. 599296 Radford, Mrs. Joseph D. (Florence Rivers) Hopkins, Mrs. Ethel Rivers 1124 W. Adams St.; Tel. Beacon 5315 Rall, Mr. and Mrs. William Cary (Laura Bernhardt) Rall, Miss Pearl 2382 W. Twenty-third St.; Tel. 75797 Clubs: League of American Pen Women; So. Cal. Women’s Press; Women Lawyers, Ad Ralphs, Mrs. George A. (Lula Von Keith) Ralphs, Miss Annabelle Abroad for a year Ralphs, Mr. and Mrs. Walter William (Ione Francis Weaver) Ralphs, Alaine Ione and Walter William, Jr. (Juniors) 917 S. Kenmore Ave.; Tel. Drexel 1082 Club: Wilshire Country Ramsay, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. (Lois McCrea) 7755 Hollywood Blvd.; Tel. 579436 Rand, Mrs. Charles Wellington and Miss Lillian Gotham Hotel, New York City Rand, Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge (Lucile Gage) Rand, Francesca and Caroline (Juniors) Diplomatic Service, Tangier, Morroco, N. Africa and R.F.D., No. 12, Box 1412, Los Angeles, Cal. Ransford, Mr. and Mrs. J. Elmer (Ione Judson) Country Home: Big Bear Lake, Cal. And Lake Harbour, Mich. 1715 Orange Dr.; Tel. 570469 Clubs: L. A. Athletic; L. A. Country; Hollywood Country; Women’s Club of Hollywood Raphael, Mr. Herman Biltmore Hotel; Tel. Metropolitan 6200 Rasher, Mr. and Mrs. Huber (Margaret Kramer) Rex Arms, 943 Orange St.; Tel. 872361 Rath, Mr. Howard G. Berner, Mrs. Elizabeth (Rath) 2966 Wilshire Blvd.; Tel. 52541 Clubs: California; Men’s University; L. A. Country Rauscher, Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn A. (Nancy R. Wright) 1615 Buckingham Rd.; Tel. 72090 (Traveling for Year) Clubs: Oral Arts Assoc. of So. Cal.; L. A. Ebell; Western Avenue Golf Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beverly Hills Read, Mr. and Mrs. William Carlos (Mary Goodrich) Read, Miss Mary Goodrich (On Eastern Concert Tour) Read, Mr. Goodrich (At Columbia University) 2325 Thompson St.; Tel. Beacon 1921 Reber, Mr. and Mrs. El Centro St., and Afton Pl. Reed, Mr. George C. Residence: California Club Reed, Com. and Mrs. James (Laura C. Maltby) Reed, James, Jr., and Edward Maltby (Juniors) Maltby, Mr. Edward Dickson 545 S .Norton Ave.; Tel. 569606 Clubs: Army and Navy of New York; L. A. University; L.A.A.C.; Beach; Mrs. Reed to Society of Sponsors, Naval Vessels; Wellesley Club of So. Cal. Reeder, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. (Edna Burrowes) Reeder, Elizabeth and Billy A. (Juniors) Beverly Dr. and Highland Gourge, Beverly Hills Tel. 559461 Reeder, Mr. and Mrs. Leland P. (Caroline Campbell) Reeder, William Campbell (Junior) 403 Rodeo Dr., Beverly Hills; Tel. 559456 Reeder, Mr. William A. and Miss Highland 811 Rexford Dr., Beverly Hills; Tel. 559187 Rees, Dr. and Mrs. H. C. (Theresa Jordon) Rees, Mr. John H. Jordan, Mr. Leland 2214 S. Western Ave.; Tel. 74186 Clubs: University; L. A. Country Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Cora M. Martin) Reese, Mr. Leroy 135 S. Van Ness Ave.; Tel. Holly 1966 Clubs: Ebell; Matinee Musical Reeve, Gen. and Mrs. C. McC. 220 Orange Grove Ave., So. Pasadena; Tel. Colo. 1760 Regan, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Francis 849 S. Burlington Ave.; Tel. 52187 Mrs. Regan, Life Member Archaeological Society; Life Member Women’s Athletic Club; L. A. Congress of Mothers; Landmarks; Friday Morning; Fellow of Southwest Museum Reilley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry (Florence Jones) Reilley, Ewing Willard and Florence (Juniors) Jones, Mrs. Cummins B. (Alice Ewing) 10 Berkeley Sq.; Tel. 71994 Clubs: L. A. Country; Wilshire Country; California Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. (Miriam Ferry) Reynolds, Miss Virginia Ferry Reynolds, Charles Ferry (Junior) 609 N. Rossmore Ave.; Tel. Holly 8337 Clubs: Friday Morning; Jonathan Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. and Miss Lois 1030 N. Third Ave.; Tel. 74335 Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. (Silence McVay) Reynolds, Howard W., Jr., Susane and Priscilla (Juniors) 4630 W Seventeenth St.; Tel. 74950 Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. George Jerome (Alma Whitaker) Reynolds, Colin Whitaker and Jerome (Juniors) 1040 Kensington Rd.; Tel. Drexel 8993 Reynolds, Mrs. Sue B. (Stephens) Walker, Mrs. Caroline (Reynolds) 2718 Eagle St.; Tel. Boyle 6000 Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. (Rose Perrett) Reynolds, Misses Katherine and Helen 121 Fremont Pl.; Tel. 767617 Clubs: L. A. Country; Ebell; L. A. Athletic Riblet, Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. (Henrietta L. Woodman) 2055 Grace Ave.; Tel. Holly 6760 Clubs: Hollywood Country; Women’s Club of Hollywood Rice, Mrs. Nicholas E. (Harriet Burdick) 377 S. Occidental Blvd.; Tel. Dunkirk 2836 Rice, Mrs. W. V (Mary Isabelle Browne) Utley, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. (Isabelle Rice) Utley, Windsor and David (Juniors) 2215 S. Harvard Blvd.; Tel. Beacon 7396 Richards, Mrs. Charles (Columbia Cremer) Horton, Mrs. Warren N. (Elizabeth Richards) 500 W. Adams St.; Tel. 23425 Club: L. A. Country Richards, Mr. and Mrs. John R. (Mabel Wilson) 2450 Glendower Ave.; Hollywood; Tel. 593902 Clubs: L. A. Country; University; Women’s Athletic Richards, Mr. and Mrs. William B. (Jane Shafer) 2135 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Richardson, Capt. Charles, Jr. 218 Mission Theater Bldg., Long Beach, Cal. Richardson, Mrs. Davis Richardson, Mr. Davis (University of California) 720 Burck Pl.; Tel. 767281 Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Randolph (Narcissa Belle Welch) 10 Laughlin Park; Tel. 594111 Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. John L. (Lillian Belcher) Richardson, Jack (Junior) 3956 S. Grand Ave.; Tel. Humbolt 3731 Richert, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. (Helen Tipton) Richert, Helen Jane and Barbara (Juniors) Tipton, Mrs. Odelia (Wahl) 1507 Ingraham St.; Tel. 52290 Clubs: L. A. Country; L. A. Athletic; St. Cecelia Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. James B. (Orena) 230 W. Victoria, Santa Barbara; Tel. 1007 Riggs, Mrs. Herbert Verity, Mr. and Mrs. Alden Henry (Gertrude Maytham) 800 S. Kenmore Ave.; Tel. Dunkirk 0411 Righter, Mr. and Mrs. John W. (Mae Scully) 562 S. Norton Ave.; Tel. 569641 Clubs: Philanthropy; Civics; Catholic Women’s Riley, Mr. and Mrs. James Sheldon (Edith Powell) Riley, Sheldon Powell and Miss Lillian Barbara (Juniors) 446 S. Oxford Ave.; Tel. 56432 Clubs: California; L. A. Country; Men’s University; University Club of Chicago Rindge, Mrs. May 2263 Harvard Blvd. Rindge, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Knight (Agnes M. Hole) Rindge, Samuel Hole, Ramona and Frederick Hastings (Juniors) Country Home: Rancho La Sierra, Arlington, Cal. 832 Lorraine Blvd.; Tel. 71417 Clubs: Mr. Rindge to California Unversity; L. A. Country; Virginia Country; Newport Yacht Ripley, Mrs. E. P. Coe, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. (Alice Ripley) 229 E. Pedregosa, Santa Barbara; Tel. 1255 Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic C. (Vernette Snyder) Ripley, Mr. Edward P. (Dartmouth College, Hanover, Mass.) Ripley, Mr. Frederic C., Jr. Ripley, Forbes and Vernette (Juniors) 3315 W. Adams St.; Tel. 70754 Clubs: California; L.A.A.C.; Cal. Yacht; L. A. Country; Women’s Athletic Rishel, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. 716 W. Twenty-eighth St.; Tel. Beacon 4640 Rivers, Mrs. Betty (Scott) Los Palmos Apts., S. Bonnie Brae St. Rivers, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bradford (Lulu Edna Bedford) Bryson Apts., 2701 Wilshire Bldg.; Tel. Dunkirk 2550 Clubs: L. A. Country; California; San Gabriel Country Rivers, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leland (Edith H. Field) Rivers, Elizabeth Florence (Junior) 414 S. Irving Blvd.; Tel. 439152 Clubs: L.A.A.C.; City Rivers, Mr. and Mrs. Nairn Stowell (Dorothy Young) Rivers, Nairn Ernest and Rosanne Elizabeth (Juniors) 424 Shatto Pl.; Tel. Drexel 1080 Rives, Mr. and Mrs. Judson C. (Nan Krout) 1130 Westchester Pl.; Tel. 74989 Clubs: L. A. Country; Ebell; L. A. Athletic Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse B. (Crilla McDermott) 1544 Hayworth Ave., Hollywood; Tel. Holly 4301 Clubs: L. A. Country; Women’s University; Women’s Club of Hollywood Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley (Ivy Gardner) Roberts, Eleanor and Katherine Emily (Juniors) 2151 W. Twenty-first St.; Tel. 70428 Robertson, Commander and Mrs. (Juliette Bixby) Hotel Del Coronado, Coronado Beach Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. George Harris (Bess Cheester) Marshall, Mr. Chester 223 S. Plymouth Blvd.; Tel. 438201 Club: Ebell Robertson, Mr. Mathew S. and Capt. William Ardis 202 Van Ness Ave.; Tel. Holly 7334 Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom P. (Kathleen Pillsbury) Robertson, Thomas Pillsbury (Junior) Pillsbury, Mrs. Albert Smith Young, Mrs. Mary Robertson (Phi Delta Delta Legal Fraternity; Univ. of Southern California College of Law) 1581 W. Adams St.; Tel. Beacon 6706 Clubs: Ebell; Sunset Country; Southern Cal. Athletic and Country Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. (Virginia Dryden) Eldon Way, Beverly Hills; Tel. 559123 Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. (Mary A. Barwell) 832 Beacon St.; Tel. 52009 Clubs: Friday Morning; California; L. A. Athletic Robinson, Admiral and Mrs. Samuel Virginia Hotel, Long Beach Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. (Cora Keeney) Robinson, Miss Virginia Robinson, Mr. Paul (Junior Bachelors’ Club) 270 S. Harvard Blvd.; Tel. 56602 Rodezno, Mrs. J. 146 N. Coronado St.; Tel. Main 5270 Rodman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clifford (Katherine Field of Chicago) 117 Greenbay Rd., Lake Forest, Ill. Rodman, Mrs. Willoughby (Arabella Page) Rodman, Mr. Willoughby Page 2631 Orchard Ave. (Aboard) Mrs. Rodman, Local Chairman Foreign Relief Com. Rogan, Mr. and Mrs. Nat 766 A Ave., Coronado; Tel. Cor. 568 Rogers, Capt. and Mrs. Bogart (Isabel Young) 1947 Ivar Ave., Hollywood; Tel. Holly 6432 Club: University Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irwin (Josephine Clement) 26 St. James Park; Tel. Beacon 3440 Clubs: Crags Country; California; L. A. Country; Midwick; L.A.A.C.; Cerritos Gun Rohrer, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. (Helen W. Myers) Rohrer, James Stoddard (Junior) 905 N. Ave. Sixty-four; Tel. Garv. 1262 Rollins, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Bowman (Mary Carson) Rollins, Mr. James Hickman Rollins, John Lind Carson (Junior), L. A. Country Club Wilcoxson, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson F. (Rosemary Rollins) 4615 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. 1838 S. Gramercy Pl.; Tel. 763624 Clubs: California; L. A. Athletic; L. A. Country Rollins, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Bowman, Jr. (Cleora Hobson) 534 N. Manhattan Pl.; Tel. 439535 Rooks, Mrs. Evelyn R. (Rideout) Rooks, Miss Lyle 2912 Idell St.; Tel. Capitol 2607 Roseberry, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. (Jeannett Morton) Roseberry, Patricia (Junior) 1543 S. Van Ness Ave.; Tel. 73714 Society, Sons of the Revolution Rosecrans, Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. and Miss 840 W Rosecrans Ave., Gardena; Tel. Gardena 591 Rosecrans, Mr. and Mrs. William Stark (Elizabeth Helm) 641 Olympic Blvd., Athans [sic] on the Hill, Los Angeles Ross, Dr. and Mrs. A. Bartlett (Nora Dickinson) Ross, John Winslow, Dickinson Crosby, Almon Bartlett, Jr. (Juniors) Ross, John Winslow, baby (Junior) 839 S. Plymouth Blvd.; Tel. 75267 Clubs: L. A. Country; L. A. Athletic; Ebell (Mrs. Ross, Chairman, Rest Cottage Association) Ross, Mrs. Abner L. Ross, Mrs. Gertrude Ross, Mr. Rugby Ross, Miss Corinne 1000 S. Alvarado St.; Tel. 51063 Clubs: Mrs. Gertrude Ross: Ebell; Monday Musical; Dominant; Wa Wan; American Composers; Three Arts; MacDowell Ross, Judge E. M. Residence: California Club Ross, Mr. and Mrs. George F. (Kate Durant) Mathers, Mr. and Mrs. Cotton (Marion Ross) Mathers, Richard Oliver, Jessie Durant, Kathryn Julia (Juniors) 609 S. Sycamore St., Santa Ana, Cal. 2158 W. Twenty-first St.; Tel. 73166 Clubs: L. A. Country; L. A. Athletic; L. A. Ebell Ross, Dr. and Mrs. Moses Hodge (Madge Teague) Ross, Miss Evalyn Gries, Mrs. C. W. 4015 W. Adams St.; Tel. 71944 Ross, Mr. and Mrs. William G. 957 S. Magnolia Ave.; Tel. 54275 Clubs: California; Midwick Country; L. A. Country Roth, Dr. and Mrs. Leon Joseph (Rilla Wrench) Roth, Marie Louise, Leona Jane and Hubert George (Juniors) 512 S. Oxford Ave.; Tel. 568016 Clubs: Friday Morning; Jonathan; Newport Yacht Rothwell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Henry Rothwell, Walter Henry, Jr. (Junior) 333 Irving Blvd. Rowland, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Toland, Dr. and Mrs. Clarence G. (Nina Rowland) 805 S. Bonnie Brea St.; Tel. 51046 Rowley, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Ridgway, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Caldwell (Grace Rowley) Ridgway, Kate Edwin and Thomas C., Jr. (Juniors) Ridgway Summer Home: Big Bear Lake 2621 Menlo Ave.; Tel. Beacon 5232 Clubs: Friday Morning; Ebell; California; L. A. Country; L. A. Athletic; University Rowntree, Mr. and Mrs. John T. (Mary E. Barry) 638 S. New Hampshire Ave.; Tel. Drexel 18832 Clubs: California; L. A. Country; L. A. Athletic Rowntree, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace (Fannie Kirtley Ball) Rowntree, John Wallace, Jr., Louise Kirtley and Mary Elizabeth (Juniors) 3029 Leeward Ave.; Tel. Drexel 7363 Clubs: Eschscholtzia Chap., D.A.R.; (Mrs. Rowntree, Cor. Sec.); Robert E. Lee Chap., U.D.S.; Harmonia (Mrs. Rowntree, Chairman, Program Com.); Wa Wan; MacDowell Rude, Mr. and Mrs. Chester (Lorraine Frankenfield) 2124 Bellevue Ave.; Tel. Drexel 2995 Ruggles, Dr. Georgia S. (Saccett) Dorre, Madame Thea 404 S Irving Blvd., Windsor Sq.; Tel. 437321 Rule, Mrs. Esther (Milner) Rule, Miss Alice Patricia Rule, Winifred (Junior) McDonald, Mrs. Clara (Milner) 854 S. Ardmore Ave.; Tel. Dunkirk 0265 Club: Ebell Rule, Mrs. Fred K. (Alice Cross) Rule, Mr. Frank 446 S. Van Ness Ave.; Tel. 560566 Club: Friday Morning Rule, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. (Theo Birswick) Rule, Geraldine (Junior) 446 S. Van Ness Ave.: Tel. 560566 [Same add. & Ph. as above] Rule, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. (Annie Donovan) 3025 University Ave.; Tel. Beacon 4445 Rule, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Rey (Dorothy Bond) Rule, Margaret Anne and Orville Rey, Jr. (Juniors) 678 S. Ardmore Ave.; Tel. Dunkirk 0268 Clubs: L.A.A.C.; California; Wilshire Country; University Runyon, Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Randolph (Ellen E. Hart) 2005 Fuller Ave., Hollywood; Tel. Holly 0325 Clubs: Crags, Brentwood Country; New York Yacht Ruppersberg, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Louis (Mary A. Moore) Summer Residence: El Nido, 27 Thornton Ave., Venice; Tel. 61955 1632 N. Hobart Blvd., L.A.; Tel. Holly 0361 Clubs: Wilshire Country; Women’s Club of Hollywood; Matinee Musical; Ebell; Wa Wan; Opera Reading Club of Hollywood; Drama League Russell, Major and Mrs. Horace Marvin Brentwood, Cal. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. John Henry (Amy Requa of Piedmont, Cal., and New York) Russell, John Lawrence (Junior) 338 S. Hobart Blvd.; Tel. 56222 Society: Sons of the Revolution Russell, Mr. and Mrs. John Newton, Jr. (Berdella Evans) 2263 S. Hobart Blvd.; Tel. 71110 Clubs: L.A.A.C.; California; L. A. Country; Gamut; Sons of the Revolution; Friday Morning; Women’s Athletic Russell, Mr. and Mrs. William (Elizabeth Brockman) 915 W. Thirtieth St.; Tel. Beacon 3014 Russell, Mr. and Mrs. William Henry (Isabel King) 455 S. Lorraine Blvd., Windsor Sq.; Tel. Holly 6220 Clubs: Sons of the Revolution; L. A. Country Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. James Bertram (Ida F. Benson) Ruth, Kenneth and Jane (Juniors) 330 E. Los Tunas Dr., San Gabriel, Cal.; Tel. San Gabriel 1543-W Club: San Gabriel Country Rutledge, Mr. and Mrs. John D. (Genevieve Scheller) Rutledge, Genevieve (Junior) 16 Seacliffe, San Francisco; Tel. Pacific 1428 Ruwe, Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. (Edna Brown) Ruwe, Miss Edna Louise 314 Muirfield Rd.; Tel. 436665 Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Ruth Muller) Ryan, Miss Maude Roselee 218 S. Normandie Ave.; Tel. 568381 Clubs: L. A. Country; L. A. Athletic; California Ryus, Major and Mrs. Harmon David (Celeste Nellis) Ryus, Celeste Nellis, the Second (Junior) 5911 Carlton Way; Tel. 431302 Clubs: L.A.A.C.; Ebell; San Francisco Women’s Athletic; Olympic American Legion |