Southwest Blue Book, 1923 - 1924

Lenora H. King, Editor and Publisher, Copyright 1923; Printed Oct., 1923


1) Unless otherwise indicated, all street addresses are located in Los Angeles, CA

2) U.D.C. = United Daughters of the Confederacy

3) L.A.A.C. = Los Angeles Athletic Club

Society Blue Book – “V”

Vail, Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Zoa Teague)

Vail, Misses Marion and Frances

            2527 Eleventh Ave.; Tel. 75455

            Club: Ebell

Vail, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Russell (Nita Mills)

Vail, Margaret Eliabeth [sic], Nathan Russell, Jr. and Alexander Lennox (Juniors

            1420 Edgecliffe Dr.; Tel. 595650

Vail, Mrs. Walter L.

Vail, Miss Margaret R.

            720 S. Burlington Ave.; Tel. Drexel 0157

            First Friday.

Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick (Anna McMahon of Rochester, N. Y.)

            3933 W. Twenty-eighth St.; Tel. 766878

            Club: Ebell

Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. (Elizabeth Pearson)

Valentine, Misses Jean and Clarise

            916 S. Alvarado St.; Tel. 51060

Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. (Robinson)

Valentine, Miss Susan, William and Edward (Juniors)

Valentine, Henry (Junior)

            1421 N. Wilson Ave., So. Pasadena; Tel. 352004

Vallely, Mr. and Mrs. John L’Estrange (Lorita Rouse)

Vallely, John Baker and Patricia Ann (Juniors)

            633 W. Twenty-first St.; Tel. 288664

Vallery, Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. (Ella Hogsett)

            Howell Terrace Apts., 1124 W. Seventh St.; Tel. 874111

            Clubs: Eschscholtzia Chap., D.A.R.; L. A. Chap., U.D.C.;

            L.A.A.C.; Flintridge Country; L. A. Ebell

Vallikett, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. (Maude E. Seaver)

            3006 W. Ninth St.; Tel. Drexel 7935

Vanderbilt, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius, Jr. (Mary Littleton)

            Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly Hills; Tel. 559521

Van der Leck, Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Georgia Mott)

Van der Leck, Miss Chonita and Mr. Hallock

Van der Leck, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence

            Mott, Mrs. Thomas Dillingham (Ascension Sepulveda)

            Sepulveda, Miss Tranquelina

            San Juan Capistrano, Cal.

Van Deusen, Mr. and Mrs. Julian (Jessie Beacom)

Van Deusen, Paul (Junior)

            510 S Commonwealth Ave.; Tel. Dunkirk 2041

            Club: Friday Morning

Van Dyke, Madam and Miss Caroline

            461 N. Serrano Ave.; Tel. 438957

Van Dyke, Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Helen Goodall)

Van Dyke, Susan Marian (Junior)

            Goodall, Mrs. Marion (Cullen)

            213 N. Oxford Ave.; Tel. Holly 7413

            Club: University

Van Dyke, Mr. and Mrs. William Martin (Annie Cora Taylor)

Van Dyke, Miss Lillian and Mr. Douglas

            222 W. Adams St.; Tel. 285877

            Clubs: Woman’s University; University of L.A.; Beach;

            Legion of Honor; Bohemian of San Francisco

Van Ettisch, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. (Bessie Snyder)

Van Ettisch, Dorothy (Junior)

            719 N. Oxford Ave.; Tel. Holly 1840

Van Kaathoven, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. A. (Alice Belknap)

            Henry, Miss Alice

            1925 S. Hobart Blvd.; Tel. 75322

            Clubs: Calfironia; L. A. Athletic; L. A. Tuberculosis Assoc.,

            (Mrs. Van Kaathoven, Pres.)

Van Metre, Dr. and Mrs. Harold (Mary Stuckslager)

Van Metre, Mary and Rowena (Juniors)

            625 S. Virgil Ave.; Tel. Dunkirk 2323

            Clubs: University; Woman’s University; L. A. Tennis

Van Norden, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur (Zaidee Hartwell)

Van Norden, Miss Virginia (Univ. of Cal.), and Archine (Juniors)

            516 Carondelet St.; Tel. Drexel 0026

Van Nuys, Mr. and Mrs. J. Benton (Emily Howard)

            Summer Home: Lake Arrowhead

            357 S. Lorraine Blvd.; Tel. 437311

            Clubs: California; L. A. Country; L.A.A.C.; Society of

            Colonial Wars; Midwick and Wilshire Country

Van Pelt, Mr. W. G.

            Residence: California Club

Van Rensselaer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scuyler

            4716 S. Gramercy Pl.; Tel. 97327

Van Sickle, Mr. and Mrs. G. Foster (Florence McKellar)

            1504 E. Centro St., So. Pasadena; Tel. Colo. 7671

Vaughan, Dr. and Mrs. Russell Uriah (Harriette Seaver)

Vaughan, Charaline Harriette (St. Mary’s Academy)

Vaughan, Earle Russell (Junior Page Military Academy)

            1948 S. Harvard Blvd.; Tel. 72073

Verbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eugene (Blanche Avicestell Harriman)

            Harriman, Marjorie Blanche (Junior)

            637 S. Lucerne Blvd.; Tel. 432802

            Clubs: So. Cal. Woman’s Press (Mrs. Verbeck, Pres.); League

            of American Pen Women; Women’s Club of Hollywood.  Mr.

            Verbeck’s Clubs: Gamut and Optimists’

Vercoe, Mrs. Adele (d’Artois)

            Beverly Hills Hotel, Beverly Hills; Tel. 559521

Verity, Mrs. and Mrs. R. H. (Helen Burritt)

Verity, Misses Lucile and Gertrude

Verity, Mr. Charles

Verity, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Burritt (Edith Balson of St. Louis)

            2102 So. Western Ave.; Tel. Beacon 5305

Vetter, Mr. Louis F.

            California Club, 453 S. Hill St.; Tel. 821391

Vickers, Mrs. J. V. (Anna M. Childs)

            Naftzger, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edgar (Clara Vickers)

            624 W. Twenty-eighth St.; Tels. Beacon 4218; B’con 0184

            Club: Ebell

Vickery, Mrs. Frank A. (Marie C. Von Violand)

            2025 La Salle Ave.; Tel. 71237

            Clubs: Ebell; Friday Morning

Vickery, Mr. and Mrs. Ofield Arthur (Lucile Lauck)

Vickery, Mr. William Waitman

            Hotel Darby, 234 W. Adams St.; Tel. 289031

            Clubs: California; L. A. Country; University

Visher, Dr. L. G., Athletic Club; Tel. Bdwy. 0440

Visscher, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kraght (Margaret Louie McMillan)

            2660 Seventh Ave.; Tel. 75791

Vogel, Mr. and Mrs. Lucius L. (Jeannette Chalmers)

            Summer Home: 657 Pier Ave., Santa Monica, Cal.

            2271 Cambridge St.; Tel. 72269

            Wednesday.  Clubs: Ebell; Cosmos; Women’s City; Sunset


Voigt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Henry

Voigt, Miss Mamie N.

            936 S. Westlake Ave.; Tel. 51351

            Clubs: L. A. Ebell; California; University

Voight, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. (Helen Parcela)

Voight, Robert Edwin (Junior)

            156 S. Irving Blvd.; Tel. 439415

Von KleinSmid [sic], Mr. and Mrs. Rufus B. (Elizabeth Patterson Sawyer)

Von KleinSmid, Elizabeth (Junior)

            801 W. Twenty-eighth St.; Tel. Beacon 8564

Von Schmidt, Mrs. Jaro

            Hotel Darby, 234 W. Adams St.; Tel. 289031

Von Tesmar, Mr. and Mrs. Frank

            McSorley, Mrs. James D.

            Star Park, Coronado; Tel. Cor. 168-J

Vosburg, Mrs. Kate Slauson

Vosburg, Mr. Keith

            Rancho Del Alisal, Azusa, Cal.; Tel. Azusa 115

            Clubs: Ebell; Friday Morning; Philanthropy and Civics;

            Keith Vosburg to San Gabriel Country

Vredenburgh, Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. (Jessie Scholes)

Vredenburgh, Miss Clarice and Margaret (Juniors)

            526 Lucerne Blvd.; Tel. 437218

            Clubs: L.A.A.C.; California Country

Vruwink, Dr. and Mrs. John (Laura Osman)

            424 Shatto Place; Tel. Drexel 0421

            Clubs: Friday Morning; Women’s University; Men’s
