Southwest Blue Book, 1923 - 1924 Lenora H. King, Editor and Publisher, Copyright 1923; Printed Oct., 1923 Notes: 1) Unless otherwise indicated, all street addresses are located in Pasadena, CA 2) U.D.C. = United Daughters of the Confederacy 3) L.A.A.C. = Los Angeles Athletic Club Pasadena Society Blue Book Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll (Evelyn Gwynne) Allen, Miss Carolyn (Junior) and Mr. Gwynne 3091 N. Fair Oaks Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 3515 Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gates (Minnie Stephens) Seiffert, Mr. and Mrs. Otto H. Permanent Home: “Allendale”, Molina, Ill. Summer Home: “White Ledge”, Michillinda, Mich. Winter Home: “Red Top”, 453 S. Orange Grove Ave., Pasadena, Cal.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2276 Clubs: Mr. Allen: Bolsa Chica Gun; Midwick [Country], Cal.; Overland of Los Angeles and Pasadena; Old Elm Golf; University of Chicago Allen, Mr. and Mrs. George W. H. (Gretchen Stevens) Summer Home: Casanovia, N. Y. 340 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 8015 Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Earl V. 1470 E. California; Tel. Fair Oaks 3694 Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. (Blanche H. Hogin) 36 Bowens Court; Tel. Colo. 4600 Badgley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briggs (Clara Bailey) 224 State St.; Tel. Colo. 7770 Clubs: Valley Hunt; Sons of the Revolution Baer, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shaw (Georgianna Drummond) 676 Norwood Dr.; Tel. Colo. 5808 Bartlett, Mrs. Frank G. – See E. B. Shideler Bates, Miss Georgana – See Mrs. Isabel Winslow Baxter, Mrs. (Cora Auten) Vista del Arroyo; Tel. Fair Oaks 5900 Bell, Hon. and Mrs. Charles Webster 726 St. John Ave.; Tel. Colo. 1155 Benton, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wright (Helen Adams) 630 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5757 Clubs: Vallet Hunt; Midwick Country Bettingen, Mr. and Mrs. William John Bettingen, Miss Betty and William J., Jr. 1144 Hillcrest Ave., Oak Knoll; Tel. Fair Oaks 1561 Clubs: Bohemian of San Francisco; Midwick Country; Valley Hunt; California; L. A. Country Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Lathrop (Dorothy Bailey) 515 S. Wilson Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1057 Blankenhorn, Mr. and Mrs. David E. 639 Lester Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 3032 Clubs: Sons of the Revolution Blankenhorn, Mr. George S. 762 St. John Ave.; Tel. Colo. 4276 Blankenhorn, Mrs. Louis (Lillian Stevens) Blankenhorn, Miss Barbara Pasadena (Traveling) Blankenhorn, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mac 1234 Hillcrest Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 5390 Clubs: Annandale Golf; California Blacker, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. 1177 Hillcrest; Tel. Fair Oaks 2877 Bogey, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. 1810 N. Fair Oaks Ave.; Tel. Colo. 580 [sic] Bond, Mrs. Joseph – See Joseph Rhodes, Jr. Borden, Mr. Sheldon – See Mrs. Margery C. Burnett Braun, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick William “Valley View” 1600 Oak Grove Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2655 Clubs: California; Annandale Golf; L. A. Athletic; L. A. Country; Bohemian of S. F. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. 694 S. Grand Ave. Brydolf, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon M. (Marguerite Hughes) 2430 Highland Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 5448 Burdette, Mrs. Robert Jones (Clara Bailey) Hotel Maryland; Tel. Fair Oaks 4060 Clubs: L. A. Ebell; Friday Morning; Women’s City; Badger; Tuesday; Women’s Athletic; (Mrs. Burdette, Pres.); Pasadena Women’s Civic League; Pasadena Shakespeare Bucklin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Norris, Jr. (Theodora Robbins) 648 S. Arroyo Blvd.; Tel. Colo. 7302 Burnett, Mrs. Margery C. Winston, Miss Charlotte Montgomery, Miss Ruth Higby, Miss Esther Jane Borden, Mr. Sheldon (University Club) 144 Los Flores, Altadena; Tel. Colo. 6488 Callery, Mr. and Mrs. John B. 1501 S. Marengo Ave.; Tel. Colo. 4272 Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. 424 Arroyo Terrace; Tel. Fair Oaks 4423 Cole, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. 1230 Oakland Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1112 Coleman, Mrs. Harry (Anne Loomis Richards) Coleman, Miss Harriet Colemen, Barbara Richards and Deborah Loring (Juniors) Richard, Mrs. Huldah Loomis (Loomis) 507 S. Euclid Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2875 Clubs: Pasadena Chapter D.A.R.; (Mrs. Coleman Regent); Michigan Group Colonial Dames; Women’s University; Pasadena Shakespeare Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Harriet Seward (Martha Wood) Collins, Messrs. Seward Bishop and Herbert George Summer Home: “Collinswood”, New Cansan [sic], Conn. 650 Lester Ave.; Tel. Colo. 9118 Condit, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. 284 Palmetto Dr.; Tel. Fair Oaks 525 [sic] Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stockton (Virginia Johnson) Cook, Harold Stockton, Jr. (Junior) 644 S. Pasadena Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5617 Coppell, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Summer Home: Easthampton, Long Island 1245 S. Grand Ave.; Tel. Colo. 201 [sic] And New York and Tenafly, N. J. Coulston, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. (Nora Seibert) Green Hotel; Tel. Fair Oaks 1711 Cravens, Mr. and Mrs. John S. 1101 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5490 Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Crosby, Miss Margaret 975 Mira Vista Terrace Cruickshank, Mr. and Mrs. Falconer G. (Florence Gleason) Gleason, Mrs. Frederick 1071 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5443 Curtin, Mrs. Thomas – See Adelbert Fenyes Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. 562 Bellefontaine; Tel. Colo. 5588 Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick 530 S. Orange Grove Ave. Devereaux, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. (Mrs. F. E. Wilcox – Virginia Hurlburt) 774 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 65 [sic] Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. David Brainard, Jr. (Gladys Gardner) 2595 Linda Vista; Tel. Colo. 468 [sic] Clubs: Valley Hunt Dickey, Mrs. E. M. Dickey, Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. (Florence V. Murphy) 744 Rockwood Rd.; Tel. Colo. 7721 Dobbins, Mr. and Mrs. Horace M. (Elsa Morse) Dobbins, Misses Dorothy and Marjorie Pasadena, Cal.; Tel. Colo. 792 [sic] Dodworth, Mrs. A. R. Dodsworth, Mr. Arthur R. 350 W. Coronado St. Drake, Mrs. Alexander McClunk 1270 Hillcrest, Oak Knoll; Tel. Fair Oaks 1270 Driscoll, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Driscoll, Misses Marjorie and Dorothy 465 Oakland Ave.; Tel Fair Oaks 1083 Dulin, Mr. and Mrs. Garretton (Jane Stimson) 20 Oak Grove Ave., Oak Knoll; Tel. Fair Oaks 1817 Eaton, Mrs. Charles Summer 1250 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 378 [sic] Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome O. 340 E. California St.; Tel. Fair Oaks 4757 Eisenmayer, W. G. and Family – See Los Angeles Eliot, Mrs. E. R. (Ellen R. M. Blossom) 345 S. Hill Ave.; Tel. Colo. 4768 Emmons, Mr. and Mrs. George E. 252 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 3160 Etienne, Mr. and Mrs. Myron E. (Lucille Bettingen) Etienne, William J. Bettingen (Junior) 1250 S. El Molino Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 4268 Clubs: Midwick Country; Bohemian of San Francisco Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. (Mary Ellison) Winter Home: 190 Arroyo Terrace; Tel. Colo. 4634 Fenyes, Dr. and Mrs. Adelbert Curtin, Mrs. Thomas (Lenore Muse) 170 N. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1312 Finkbine, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. 1141 Oak Knoll; Tel. Fair Oaks 4483 Fitzherbert-West, Mr. and Mrs. William (Helen S. Ball) Fitzherbert-West, Messrs. George and M. Paulison 1344 Hillcrest, Oak Knoll; Tel. Fair Oaks 2622 Clubs: Valley Hunt; Overland; Tuna; Midwick [Country] Fleming, Dr. Arthur H. 1003 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 4238 Flint, Senator and Mrs. Frank (Danskin) La Canada; Tel. Colo. 4076 Clubs: Sons of the Revolution Flint, Mr. and Mrs. William (Ruth Grant) Flint, Frank P., Second (Junior) Flintridge, Cal.; Tel. Fair Oaks 6290 Folsom, Mrs. Benjamin (Ella Blanchard) 727 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5641 Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Tod (Anna Perkins) 257 S Grand Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5140 Fowler, Mrs. Eldridge M. (Margaret Brewer) 363 Grove St.; Tel. Colo. 5417 Clubs: L. A. Friday Morning; Women’s Athletic of Los Angeles Foy, Mrs. Samuel Calvert (Lucinda Macy) Foy, Miss Mary E. and Mr. James Calvert O’Gorman, Mrs. M. M. (Ella Foy) Summer Home: 1409 Ocean Front, Santa Monica 400 San Rafael Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5780; Garvanza 3600 Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. James Allen 1330 Hillcrest, Oak Knoll; Tel. Fair Oaks 4611 French, Mrs. Henry Clay, Miss Jean P., Mr. Henry C. 100 Oak Grove Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 4383 French, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Whitney 125 S. Grand Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5900 Garvey, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hamilton (Luella Mae Rhodes) Rhodes, Mr. Charles Bourgoin 215 Palmetto Dr.; Tel. Colo. 5690 Gibbs, Judge and Mrs. G A. 305 E. California St.; Tel. Fair Oaks 973 [sic] Gibbs, Mrs. Kate Wanostrocht (Kate W. Peck) 1415 S. Marengo Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 5788 Gifford, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ladd (Miss Brooks) Gifford, Mr. Brooks 1231 S El Molino Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 3746 Goodyear, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adams 1025 Oak Knoll Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 4521 Goss, Corporal Joseph – See C. W. Leffingwell Gray, Mrs. Harry (Alice Carey) 375 Waverly Dr.; Tel. [No exchange given] 4227 Green, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Treadwell (Harriet H. Jones) Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Eastern Home: Boston, Mass. 745 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 7068 Griffith, Mr. Frederick T. and Miss Margaret 2433 Highland Ave., Altadena; Tel. Colo. 5059 Grosse, Mr. and Mrs. John 30 Ford Pl.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1207 Guest, Mrs. Frank 836 E. Washington St. Halsted, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hazard (Lucy Ely) 90 N. Grand Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5422 Clubs: Annandale Golf; Valley Hunt; Twilight; Mountain Meadows Country; Sons of the Revolution Halsted, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens 607 W. California St.; Tel. Colo. 6026 Hamilton, Mrs. S. M. (Susie Markham) 216 Palmetto Dr.; Tel. Colo. 3320 Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. 1111 San Pasquel Dr.; Tel. Colo. 7855 Harbert, Mrs. Elizabeth Boynton, Ph. D. Harbert, Miss Corinne Boynton 1671 Raymond Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1990 Henry, Mr. and Mrs. John H. (Marie Coolidge) Henry, Miss Helen Coolidge, Mr. Baldwin “Knoll Top”, 1199 Oak Knoll Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 4132 Clubs: Valley Hunt; Twilight; Pasadena Garden Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. William Pratt (Ethel Thomas) Thomas, Mrs. E. C. “Oakleigh”, 1150 Arroyo Blvd.; Tel. Colo. 7723 Clubs: Midwick [Country]; California and Annandale Golf Higby, Miss Esther Jane – See Mrs. Margery C. Burnett Hinds, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. (Dorothy Vandervort) 880 La Loma Blvd., San Rafael Heights; Tel. Colo. 2145 Clubs: Annandale Golf; Valley Hunt Hixon, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hixon, Miss Betty 1050 Arden Rd.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2461 Holladay, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Holladay, Helen and Mr. Collis H. Rosalind Rd.; Tel. Colo. 6761 Holmes, Col. and Mrs. Edwin Francis (Susanne E. Bransford) Summer Home: Salt Lake City Country Home: Oakwood, Utah 141 N. Grand Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2036 Horton, Mr. and Mrs. George Clifford (Eva M. Carey) Horton, Miss Marion L. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Joel B. (Helen Horton) 174 N. Madison Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1383 Houx, Mrs. Janet 857 S. Grand View Ave.; Tel. 582359 Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Myron 200 N. Grand Ave.; Tel. Colo. 639 [sic] Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. 357 Waverly Dr.; Tel. Colo. 5464 Hunter, Dr. Paul and Mrs. 508 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 1184 Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Gwendolyn Mitchell) 505 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 1184 Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hume 450 Annandale Rd.; Tel. Fair Oaks 4664 Huntington, Mr. and Henry E. (Arabella Farrington) San Marino Ranch, San Marino, Cal. P. O. Address, San Gabriel, Cal. Clubs: Sons of the Revolution Huntington, Mrs. Howard (Leslie Thayer Green) Oak Knoll; Tel. Colo. 279 [sic] Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. 400 S. Grand Ave., Tel. Fair Oaks 2392 Plainfield, N. J. Jardine, Mr. and Mrs. John Earle (Mary Chater Peck) Jardine, Mr. Douglas Seymour Jardine, Vincent Wanostrocht 1445 S Los Robles Ave. and 1504 S. Marengo Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 342 [sic] Clubs: Midwick [Country]; Valley Hunt; California Jardine, Mr. and Mrs. John Earle, Jr. (Laura Blair Snider) 1410 S Marengo Ave.; Tel. 4707 Jevne, Mr. Hans Jevne, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. (Genevieve Marx) 910 San Rafael Ave.; Tel. Colo. 6772 Clubs: California; L. A. Country; L. A. Athletic; Annandale Golf Jewett, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. 1201 Arden Rd.; Tel. Colo. 996 [sic] Johnson, The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. (Isabel Davis) 415 S. Grand Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5718 Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Davis (Kathleen Leupp) 1514 Lombardy Road; Tel. Fair Oaks 5329 Johnstone, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Richards (Allerton) Johnstone, Me Allerton and Mr. Vanderburgh Summer Home: Brackenside, Hamilton, Mass. 703 Pasadena Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2265 Clubs: California; L. A. Country; Annandale Golf; Chicago Golf; Metropolitan of N. Y. and Washington, D. C.; Racquet and Tennis of N. Y.; Garden City Golf; Essex Country; Brooklyne Country of Mass.; Mrs. Johnstone: Chicago Athletic Women’s; Women’s Athletic of L.A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus 969 S Madison Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 3156 Judy, Mr. Clinton 55 N. Euclid Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 4763 Kayser, Mr. and Mrs. Emil (Gertrude Visscher) Kayser, Mr. Frederick (U.S.N.R.C.) Kayser, Miss Nancy 325 S. Madison Ave., Tel. Fair Oaks 1020 Clubs: Valley Hunt Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mariposa, Altadena; Tel. Fair Oaks 432 [sic] Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. William S. (Alice M. Crowe) 408 S. Marengo Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1760 Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. (Belle Rigg) Kendall, Mr. Jackson W. 210 S. Los Robles Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 800 [sic] King, Mrs. William King, Miss Lavinia Summer Home: New York 55 N. Grand Ave.; Tel. Colo. 7470 Knight, Mr. C. Y. and Miss Agnes 818 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 3590 Knight, Mr. and Mrs. William Franklin Knight, Mr. William 932 N. Los Robles Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1196 Lacey, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dewitt (Marjorie Bolt) 1105 Arden Rd.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2975 Lambert, Mrs. John Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry 378 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2240 Landroth, Mrs. Annie Frances and Miss Mildred Landroth, First Lieut., Harold “Old Oaks”, 1385 Hillcrest Ave.; Tel. Colo. 8680 Clubs: Midwick [Country]; Amateur Players; University; San Francisco Golf and Country Lanterman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. – See Los Angeles Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. William 1375 Ridgeway Ave., Oak Knoll; Tel. Fair Oaks 1138 Leffingwell, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. (Elizabeth Francis) Vaughn, Dr. Col. John Walter (Operating in French and Belgium Hospitals, 1918-1919. Son-in-law of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Leffingwell) Goss, Corporal Joseph (Battery “B”, 347th Field Artillery – Husband of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Leffingwell’s – Husband of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Leffingwell’s granddaughter, Madeleine 600 San Rafel Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5764 Clubs: Civic League, Valley Hunt; Browning; Shakespeare Leggat, Mr. and Mrs. J. Porter Ave., Altadena; Tel. Colo. 6943 Little, Miss Maria W. 460 W. California St.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2341 Club: Valley Hunt Libby, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A. (Jeanette Wilhelm) 665 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5227 Lockwood, Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. (Clara Sanford) 295 Markham Ave.; Tel. Colo. 943 Clubs: Valley Hunt; Annandale Golf; Sons of the Revolution Maccaferri, Capt. and Mme. Vitterio (Blanche Bolt Hugus) 107 W. Bellefontaine St.; Tel. Colo. 4909 Macbeth, Mrs. F. Ellsworth 1230 E. EL Molino Ave., Oak Knoll Macdonnell, Mr. and Mrs. James S. (Alice Tolcot) San Rafael Heights; Tel. Colo. 5060 MacMillan, Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. George B. 155 N. Madison Ave.; Tel. Colo. 4472 Macy, Mr. Lloyd and Mrs. Gertrude 78 N. Grand Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5418 Mansar, Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob (Helen Weiss) Mansar, Misses Louise and Constance 348 Mariposa St., Altadena; Tel. Fair Oaks 422 [sic] Markham, Mr. and Mrs. Henrry [sic] H. and the Misses [sic] 763 S. Pasadena Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5461 Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reeder (Cora J. Forbes) Visscher Pl., Altadena P. O. Box 223, Pasadena; Tel. Fair Oaks 4594 Clubs: Pasadena Golf; Valley Hunt Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jessup (Sallie McLemore) 500 Bellefontaine St.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2063 Clubs: California; L. A. Athletic; L. A. Country; Midwick [Country] Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. John Murray 286 W. Bellevue Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 3580 Mather, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. 208 S. Grand Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 3580 May, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford C. (Margaret Mortenson) 625 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1538 McElwee, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 312 S. Grand Ave. McFarland, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. (Georgiana Godfrey) McFarland, Virginia and Louise (Juniors) 1327 Oak Knoll Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2343 Club: Midwick Country McGilvery, Mr. Donald and Mrs. W. D. 203 Bellefontaine St.; Tel. Colo. 6649 McKellar, Dr. and Mrs. James H. (Dorothy Kellogg) 705 Oak Knoll Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 5496 McKeon, Mrs. John 588 Glenarm Ave., Altadena; Tel. Fair Oaks 3685 McNulty, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. (Kelleher) Kelleher, Mr. Joseph 1091 Arden Rd., Tel. Colo. 6500 McPherson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. (Marjorie Severance) McPherson, Marjorie Ann and Harriet (Juniors) 285 Congress Pl.; Tel. Colo. 7338 Mel, Capt. and Mrs. John de Mel, John de, Jr. (Junior) 491 Arbor St.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1989 Merwin, Mrs. A. Moss 267 State St.; Tel. Colo. 5601 Milbank, Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. (Macy Seymour Warren) Milbank, Mary Seymour (Junior) La Canada; Tel. Fair Oaks 6223 Miller, Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes (Carrie Borden Johnson) Miller, Mr. Morris Barnes Miller, Miss Carrita St. Clair Residence: “Hillside”, Pasadena; Tel. Colo. 29 [sic] Summer Home: “Trailsend”, La Verne, Box 85-B; R.F.D. No. 1 Clubs: California Club, Los Angeles; Midwick Country Club, Pasadena; Santa Barbara Club, Santa Barbara; Pacific Union and Bohemian Clubs, San Francisco; Racquet and Tennis Club, New York; Racquet Club, Washington, D.C. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. John B., Jr. (Lucy Carlye Cease) 695 Prospect Blvd.; Tel. Colo. 1249 Clubs: Midwick Country of Pasadena; University of Los Angeles Mines, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. (Pearl Vollmer) Mines, Miss Patricia (Junior) 3205 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Altadena; Tel. Fair Oaks 4410 Clubs: L. A. Country; California; Midwick [Country]; Flintridge; Bohemian of San Francisco Missell, Dr. and Mrs. Raymond 45 Oak Grove Ave., Oak Knoll; Tel. Colo. 4410 Clubs: Valley Hunt; Midwick Country Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. John James Summer Home: Lake Geneva, Wis. 325 W. Bellevue Dr. Modisette, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Modisette, Robert J., Rosemary, James (Juniors) 1002 Linda Vista Ave.; Tel. Colo. 2628 Montgomery, Miss Ruth – See Mrs. Margery C. Burnett Morris, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. (Letha Richardson) Morris, Letha, Mildred and Fannie Critz (Juniors) 500 Oakland Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1689 Morrison, Judge Willis Iwin [sic] and Miss Florence Catherine 733 E. Colorado St.; Tel. Fair Oaks 4225 Morse, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Stanley (Cora Dorr) 450 San Rafael Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2183 Clubs: Midwick [Country]; Overland of Pasadena; L. A. Country; and California Mortenson, Mrs. Elizabeth Mortenson, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob 184 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 3058 Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. (Eunice Phillips) Pepper Dr., Altadena, Route 1, R. D. Box 259 Club: L. A. Athletic Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. William D., Jr. (Maud Carpenter) 1299 Hillcrest Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 3567 Clubs: California; Valley Hunt; Midwick [Country]; Overland and Twilight Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert M. 2201 S. Oak Knoll Ave., Tel. Fair Oaks 4477 Nevin, Mr. William H. – See William Stanton O’Gorman, Mrs. M. M. – See Mrs. Samuel C. Foy Olmstead, Mr. and Mrs. Remington (Florence Foy) Olmstead, Ardiane, Remington, Jr., Samuel Foy (Juniors) Summer Home: 1409 Ocean Front, Santa Monica 627 W. California St.; Tel. Colo. 7063 Clubs: Annandale Golf; University; L. A. Motor Boat Pattison, Mr. and Mrs. I. Graham 700 E. California St., Tel. Colo. 5795 Club: Valley Hunt (Mr. Pattison, Pres.) Peck, Miss Hannah Huntington 639 La Loma Road; Tel. Colo. 7095 Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cupples (Plummer) Maryland Holtel; Tel. Fair Oaks 4060 Pitcairn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Jr. 289 State St. Clubs: Valley Hunt; Midwick [Country] Pitner, Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. 805 S. El Molino; Tel. Colo. 3146 Post, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J., Jr. (Catherine Jardine) P. O. Box 98 South Beach, Conn. Prentiss, Mrs. Francis Fleury 1188 Hillcrest Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 4089 Pyle, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. (Lillian Dodsworth) 1425 E. Mountain St.; Tel. Colo. 5550 Rathburn, Mr. and Mrs. George A. (Alda Mills) 1330 Wentworth Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2203 Clubs: California; L. A. A. C.; Annandale Golf; City [sic]; Uplifters; Old Colony; Shakespeare of Pasadena; Browning Raymond, Mr. Walter Summer Home: 215 Georgina Ave., Santa Monica Cottage Raymond Grounds; Tel. Fair Oaks 6580 Clubs: Valley Hunt; Annandale; Brentwood Reis, Mr. and Mrs. William E. 1240 Oak Knoll Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1240 Rendall, Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rendall, Inez Alvera, Thelma and Josephine (Juniors) Holliston Ave., Altadena; Tel. Colo. 2354 Rhodes, Mr. Charles B. – See Clayton H. Garvey Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Foster 365 W. Bellevue Drive; Tel. Colo. 5731 Clubs: Valley Hunt; Midwick Country; and California Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Paran Flint (Ruth Perkins) Thomas, Miss Harriet Perkins 368 Arroyo Terrace; Tel. Fair Oaks 2764 Club: University Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles (Fannie Leith Critz) 1050 Oakland Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1758 Clubs: Dixie Chap., U.D.C. (Mrs. Richardson, Pres.) Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mauris (Lauarbelle Arms) 195 S. Grand Ave. Club: Sons of the Revolution Rowan, Mrs. Robert A. (Laura Schwarz) 1170 Hillside Drive Rowland, Dr. and Mrs. F. Fenelon (Fannie M. Weaver) Rowland, Miss Edith C. 455 La Loma Road; Tel. Colo. 211 [sic] Club: Valley Hunt Salisbury, Mr. and Mrs. Orange [sic] James 2200 Block, South Oak Knoll Ave. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 1199 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 7838 Scoville, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burton (Fannie M. Grossius) Scoville, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burton, Jr. (Susanne Jefferson) 545 W. Colorado St.; Tel. Fair Oaks 651 [sic] Clubs: Valley Hunt; Midwick Country; California Seiffert, Mr. and Mrs. Otto H. – See Frank G. Allen Semple, Mr. and Mrs. R H. – See Geo. H. Singer Sherk, Dr. and Mrs. Henry H. (Margaret Gray) Sherk, Miss Elizabeth 268 S Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 50 [sic] Clubs: Midwick Country and Valley Hunt Shideler, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bartlett (Clara Bartlett) Bartlett, Mrs. Frank G. Hotel Vista Del Arroyo; Tel. Fair Oaks 4438 Clubs: Valley Hunt; Midwick [Country; California Sinclair, Mrs. Henry H. (Agnes M. Rowley) Sinclair, Miss Marjorie R. and Mr. Arthur W. 141 N. Madison Ave.; Tel. Colo. 7502 Club: California Singer, Mr. and Mrs. George Horton (Lottie Smith) Singer, Mr. and Mrs. George Horton, Jr. (Anna Turner) Semple, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hollyday (Hester Singer) 1365 Hillcrest Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2120 Clubs: Pittsburgh; Allegheny; Midwick [Country]; Annandale Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Linden 125 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5557 Club: Valley Hunt Smith, Mrs. Jesse Hoyt (Ida Lane) 6 Westmoreland Place; Tel. Fair Oaks 1380 Snow, Mrs. Neil W. 650 Mariposa Ave., Altadena; Tel. Fair Oaks 1836 Snyder, Miss 1714 Rose Villa, Pasadena Solano, Mrs. Ella Brooks Wolters, Miss Elizabeth 1275 Oakland Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 3663 Clubs: Midwick [Country] and California Spalding, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus 349 S Grand Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5730 Staats, Mr. and Mrs. William R. 294 S. Grand Ave. Club: Sons of the Revolution Stampley, Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. (Edith Maurice) Stampley, Robert, Richmond and Barbara Lee (Juniors) 550 Bradford St.; Tel. Fair Oaks 3915 Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. William (Sophronia Harbaugh) Nevin, Mr. William H. Grace Hill, N. W. Cor. Fair Oaks Ave. and State St.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1186 Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Olcott (Corinne Booth) 1234 Boston St., Altadena; Tel. Colo. 9846 Stetson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. (Annie E. Snyder) Tuesdays [sic] 860 San Rafael Ave.; Tel. Colo. 7450 Clubs: California; L. A. Ebell; Annandale Golf; Browning and Civic League of Pasadena Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. 16 Oak Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 1802 Stimson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. 1014 S. Madison Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2544 Stimson, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Stimson, Mrs and Mrs. George Lawrence 989 S. Madison Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1161 Storrow, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel (Letha Lewis) 500 S. Grand Ave. ; Tel. Colo. 159 [sic] Clubs: Ruskin Art (Mrs. Storrow, Pres.); Valley Hunt; Annandale Golf Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. (Elma Ball) 125 S. Grand Ave.; Tel. Colo. 2100 Sullivan, Lieut. and Mrs. Joseph I. (Marjorie Lacy) 530 S. Euclid Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 5676 Terrell, Mr. and Mrs. H. Evans (Elizabeth E. Eaton) Terrell, Minnette Elizabeth, Harry Evans, Jr. (Juniors) Altadena, Cal.; Tel. Colo. 2714 Club: Flintridge Country Thayer, Mrs. Maynard Force (Force) 651 S. Pasadena Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5614 Thomas, Mr. E. C. – See William P. Herbert Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dawson 481 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 33 [sic] Van Dyke, Mrs. Henry Seward (Katherine Moulton) Van Dyke, Catherine and Henry Moulton (Juniors) Old Mill Road and Lopez Ave.; Tel. Colo. 7272 Clubs: Wilshire Country; Midwick Country, Friday Morning; Women’s Athletic Vaughn, Dr. Col. J. W. – See C. W. Leffingwell Von Borosini, Dr. and Mrs. Victor (Edith Dorr) Von Borosini, Lucia (Junior) 26 Circle Drive; Tel. Fair Oaks 3691 Von Platen, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice (Alice Rudderow) 1091 Oak Knoll; Tel. Fair Oaks 3257 Club: Annandale Golf Vosburg, Mrs. Kate Slauson Vosburg, Mr. Keith Rancho Del Alisal, Azusa, Cal.; Tel. Azusa 115 Clubs: Ebell; Friday Morning; Philanthropy and Civics; Keith Vosburg to San Gabriel Country Vorsburg [sic], Mr. and Mrs. Murray Slauson (Jeanne Bulkeley) Vosburg, Janet Slauson and Phyllis (Juniors) Foothill Blvd., Azusa, Cal.; Tel. Azusa 134 Clubs: San Gabriel Country and Athletic Vosburg, Mr. and Mrs. Roydon (Elizabeth McMechan) Vosburg, Virginia and Kate (Juniors) Summer Home: Hermosa Beach 477 California Terrace; Tel. Colo. 5812 Clubs: Athletic and Annandale Golf Warden, Mrs. H. Page (Sara A. Mead) 779 S. Pasadena Ave.; Tel. Colo. 8030 Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Van Court (Marjorie Richardson) Warren, Jean (Junior) 1183 Avoca Ave.; Tel. Colo. 6014 Club: University Watters, Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Anne Dorr Morse) 570 Arroyo Drive; Tel. Fair Oaks 5853 Weber, Mr. and Mrs. George A. 1649 San Pasqual St.; Tel. Fair Oaks 3441 Wente, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. 1036 S. Madison Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 1573 Winslow, Mrs. Isabel (Bates) and Miss Georgana 718 Arroyo Drive; Tel. Colo. 5622 Winston, Miss Charlotte – See Margery C. Burnett Wolters, Miss Elizabeth – See Mrs. Ella B. Solano Wotkyns, Mr. and Mrs. Grosvenor L. (Wilhemina Eliot) 847 S. Grand Ave.; Tel. Colo. 5410 Wrigley, Ms. and Mrs. Williams, Jr. 391 S. Orange Grove Ave.; Tel. Colo. 3301 Young, Mr. and Mrs. John Spear (Ruth Rathbun) 1330 Wentworth Ave.; Tel. Fair Oaks 2203 Club: University |