The Misses Neva Veysey and Clara Sayre are the proprietors of the Glendale Commercial School, an institution that has been in existence for seven years. It was founded by Miss Veysey, and she was joined by Miss Sayre in January 1920. The school consists of seven rooms and occupies the second floor of the Press Building at 224 South Brand Boulevard where it has been since the completion of the building in April 1920. Prior to that time it moved several times as the school grew and required more space.
Miss Veysey is a native of Ogdensburg, Wisconsin, a graduate of Montesano High School, Montesano, Washington, and of the University of California, at Berkeley, where she took a general course in English. Prior to coming to Glendale she taught at Munson’s School of Secretaries at San Francisco, Mrs. Bean’s Business School for Girls and the Young Women’s Christian Association in Los Angeles.
Miss Sayre is a native of Joplin, Missouri. When she was two years old her parents moved to Council Bluffs, Iowa, where she graduated from high school. She then went to Joplin, Missouri, and graduated from Joplin Business College. Since then she has taught at the Joplin Business College; Parsons Business College, Parsons, Kansas, McCormac Business College and Gregg School, of Chicago, and the Willis Woodbury Business College, of Los Angeles.
Both Miss Veysey and Miss Sayre are charter members of the Business Women’s Clubs of Glendale. Miss Veysey was the first secretary of the club and Miss Sayre is the present secretary. They are members of the Chamber of Commerce. Miss Veysey is treasurer of the Glendale Chapter of the American Red Cross.
From History of Glendale and Vicinity by John Calvin Sherer. The Glendale Publishing Company, c. 1922 F. M. Broadbooks and J. C. Sherer. Pg 431.