Asbury Prettyman


Married Elizabeth Bradley Little on 3/21/1830. They lived in Seaford, Delaware on a farm that was left to Elizabeth by her uncle, William Bradley who had raised her.

All of their children were born on the family farm in Seaford, Delaware: They are as follows:

William Henry born Febuary l, 1831 died 1849
Sallie Emily born September 3,1832 died Febuary 20 1920
Mary Elizabeth born December 21,1838 died October 16,1903
Thomas Edwin born May 24,1841 died November l, 1922
Hester Olivia born July ll, l845 died February 28,1927
David Millis born August 1847
Francis Asbury born September 1834. He died in Phila.Masonic Home, Philadelphia, Penna.

Later he moved to Lewes, Delaware where he and his brother Solomon built "Ocean House" a hotel and ran steamboats from Lewes to Philadelphia, Pa.

Was also the Custom House Officer at Breakwater in Lewes, Delaware.

Along with sons Thomas and Frank he a ran commission business in Philadelphia, Pa.

He was a local Methodist preacher who was instramental in starting several churches in Philadelphia, Pa.


Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:44:03 CDT

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