Vessels Family Cemetery

Vessels, Benjamin D
b Mary 14, 1843
d Feb 28, 1846
Age 2 yr 11 mo 14 day
son of Wm F & Charlotte Vessels

Vessels, Charlotty
d Feb 29, 1861

Age abt 57 yr
wife of William F Vessels

Vessels, John C
b Dec 22, 1836
d Mar 7 1846
Age 9 yr 2 mo 15 day
son of Wm F & Charlotte Vessels

Vessels, Mary S
b Oct 6, 1839
d Dec 11, 1845
Age 6 yr 2 mo 5 day
dau of Wm F & Charlotte Vessels

Vessels, William
b Jan 1, 1801
d Oct 20, 1854

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:43:36 CDT

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