Susan Maull Houston

Consort(A husband or wife, 2. A companion or partner) of Sheperd Houston, of the Houston family of Georgetown.

She married Shepard Prettyman Houston on March 31, 1830, married by Rev.William Barnes.


Joseph Maull Houston b January 26, 1831 9 am. Died: March 26, 1831 l0pm afe 2 mths old.

Sarah Priscilla Houston born May 9, 1832 4pm

Joseph Maull Houston born August 4, 1834 Monday at 6pm. Died January 24, 1876 age 41 y 5 m 20 d

Susan died Monday morning at l0am on January 19 1835
Age 26 years and 17 days at time of death.

Susan Houston died young and her bereaved family had engraved the following admonition on her tombstone:
"Reader reflect now, thoughtlessly proceed, theres but a step between thee and the dead, beneath thy foot lies death's victim, slain in youthful vigor, turned to dust again."

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:43:36 CDT

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