From: Biographic etchings of ministers and
laymen of the Georgia conferences / by W. J. Scott found in Digital Library
of Georgia.
------page 276 ------
Col. N. C. Barnett was during much of his
long life a prominent State official. he served under not less than a half-score
of gubernatorial administrations as keeper of the great seal of the Commonwealth,
a special function of the secretary of state.
Such was the clearness of his official record
and the uprightness of his private life that he was spoken of in the highest
and humblest political circles as "honest Nathan."
He was a nephew of the great William H.
Crawford, whose fame extended through both hemispheres. Not less than Ben
Franklin or Tom Jefferson he was the idol of the French people, and but
for a paralytic stroke he would have been the presidential successor of
James Monroe.
------ page 277 ------
My first intimate acqaintance with Col.
Barnett began during my pastorate at Milledgeville, in 1860. The strength
and influence of that once strongest station in Georgia had greatly declined
since its pulpit was occupied by Capers Howard, Lovick Pierce and other
notabilities. During that year, however, it was blessed with a memorable
revival, and from that date it has advanced to one of the leading appointments
of the North Georgia Conference.
Col. Barnett was a man of courtly address,
of liberal culture and strongly wedded to old-time Methodism. He kept his
Christian reputation untarnished until his closing days, and it may be
truthfully said that both politically and ecclesiastically he died in the
No little of his success in life was due
to his wife, a daughter of Dr. David Cooper, a veteran of the second British
war and a former superintendent of the State lunatic asylum. Mrs. Barnett
still survives, greatly beloved by a large number of her old friends of
earlier days.
Nathan C. Barnett was the Secretary of State
of Georgia during the War Between the States. On November 18, 1864, with
Sherman's army advancing on Milledgeville, Barnett buried the Great Seal
of Georgia under his house and pigpen located just east of the New Court
House on Hancock Street. He is believed to have died a pauper.
Secretary of state of Georgia, 1843-49,
1851-53, 1861-68, 1873-90.
1863 Vol. 1 -- Page: 5
Sequential Number: 001
Law Number: (No. 1.)
Full Title: An Act to provide for raising
a revenue for the political year 1864, and to appropriate money for the
support of the Government during said year, and to make certain special
appropriations, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
[[portions are intentionally omitted here
RWK, 22 OCT 2004]]
32. SEC. XXXII. Be it further enacted, That
the sum of five hundred dollars is hereby appropriated to pay the Compiler
of the laws of this session of the Legislature; and that the sum of two
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same
is hereby appropriated, to pay George N. Lester, B. H. Bigham, N. C. Barnett,
and S. S. Stafford, commissioners to prepare a new great seal for the State
of Georgia, for services, and to reimburse them such funds as they, or
either of them may have paid out for the accomplishment of the said work.
The Governor is hereby authorized to audit the accounts therefor, and to
pay so much of said accounts as he may find just, from any fund in the
Treasury, not otherwise appropriated.
[Sidenote: Pay to Compiler of the laws of
session of 1868.]
[Sidenote: To Hon. G. N. Lester and others
for services in preparing new Great Seal for the State.]
[Sidenote: Gov. to audit the accounts for
preparing seal.]
Approval Date: Assented to Dec'r 14th, 1863.
From an Article originally written
for the Columbia Sentinel in 1883 by Dr. H. R. Casey:
May 10, 1883
"Hon. Nathan Crawford Barnett, the present
Secretary of State is a native of Columbia county. His father was Wm Barnett
and his mother's maiden name was Anna Crawford, a sister of Hon. Wm Crawford.
His parents were of English and Scotch extraction and emigrated from Virginia
to Georgia and settled in Columbia-- Losing his father when quite young,
the widow and the children moved to Oglethorpe and settled in Lexington.
Here young Barnett grew up to manhood, surrounded by some of the best of
Georgia's citizens--William H Crawford, Thos. W. Cobb (of both of whom
I have already spoken), Stephen Upson and that "prince of good fellows",
George R Gilmer. On reaching his majority Nathan C Barnett moved to Monroe,
Walton County. Soon afterwards he moved to Clarke county, married Miss
Margaret Morton and settled in Watkinsville. While here he was first elected
Surveyor, and assisted in surveying the Cherokee Purchase. In 1836 he was
elected to the Legislature and was one of the warm and zealous supporters
of the act to build the Western and Atlantic Railroad. Having lost his
wife several years previous, he married in 1811[[note: this is a typo,
should be 1841 NOT 1811]] Mary Ann Cooper of Harris County. In 1842 he
was elected Secretary of State and was re-elected under Geo. W Crawford.
Again, in 1850 he became Secretary of State under Gov Howell Cobb. In 1861
when the offices of the Surveyor-General and Secretary of State were combined,
he was elected and continued in office during eight years of Gov J. E.
Brown's administration. When the iron rule of military power proclaimed
Georgia's territory N.C. Barnett, quietly yet patriotically folded
the drapery of his honest office around him and boldly taking with
him the Great Seal of the State followed the lead of the Noble old Roman,
Chas. J. Jenkins, the then Governor. When the Democracy again came into
power, under Gov James M Smith, he again became Secretary of State and
to-day holds the same office under Gov Colquitt. For many years he has
been a prominent member of the Methodist Church."
From the New York Times, August 14, 1884, page 2.
"The Queer Character Georgia has for Secretary
of State"
Atlanta. Ga. August. 13. -- "Among
the other nominations made by the Georgia Democratic Convention today was
that of the Hon. Nathan Barnett, for Secretary of State. Mr. Barnett
is perhaps one of the oldest officeholders in the world, being now 90 years
of age, and having held his present office since 1842. Mr. Barnett
was born in Columbia County while yet it was an Indian country, and as
an infant had several narrow escapes from the tomahawk. He grew up
to be a man of splendid physique, 6 1/2 feet in height, lean of flesh,
with a long, cran-like neck. When elected Secretary of State 42 years
ago, he was a man of much prominence, but held onto his office so long
that the people forget the existence of both the man and his office.
When reconstruction measures necessitated the clearing out of the State
House Barnett was found to be still there, and as soon as the Republicans
gave up the State he was found there again. Of late years he has
become extremely sensitive as to his age. When asked the question
recently he took the questioner away into the darkest recess of his office
and pleaded that nothing be said about that question, "because", said he,
"the people are calling so much for young men in office that it might defeat
me." When the canvass just closed for State House officers was begun
the old man for the first time in his life so far yielded to modern requirements
as to write a card to the people announcing himself in the race.
Georgia, being one of the original States, and her Government only dating
back 150 years, Secretary Barnett's memory takes in over one-half of that
era. hence his is one of the greatest authorities upon matters of
titles &c. A singular feature of his memory is that he does not
remember recent events. Speaking to a friend he could give but very
little information as to matters happening in recent years, but when conversation
drifted back to (can't make out word) he spoke of events of that date with
the greatest vivacity. At the age of 60 he married a girl of 16.
He now wears three pairs of spectacles bridged upon each other.
The full State ticket placed in nomination
today is: H. D. McDaniel, for Governor: N. C. Barnett, for
Secretary of State: W. A. Wright, for Controller; R. A. Hardeman
for Treasurer, and Clifford Anderson, for Attorney-General."
END of NY Times Article... Transcribed by
Robert W. Klebs, May 10, 2003.
Death of Col. N. C. Barnett (Obituary, Milledgeville,
Union Recorder, Feb. 4, 1890)
We hardly got into type a brief notice of
the serious illness of Col. N. C. Barnett, Secretary of State, on yesterday
morning, when a telegram was received in the city announcing the death
of the venerable gentleman on Sunday evening. We believe Col. Barnett was
a native of Columbia county, and was born June 28th, 1801. His second wife
was Mary Ann, daughter of Doctor David Cooper, the first Supt. and Resident
physician of the State Lunatic Asylum. Besides his widow he leaves three
children -- Addison, Mary and Stewart.
Col. Barnett was first elected to the office
of Secretary of State in 1843, while a resident of Clarke county, Ga.,
and, with the exception of two or three terms, when he was defeated by
Col. Geo. W. Harrison, and Hon. E. P. Watkins, he has held the office continuously
ever since. The old man has been in feeble health for several years prior
to his death, but his wonderful vitality and will power enabled him to
discharge the duties of his office with the valuable assistance he was
so fortunate as to secure. Col. Barnett was a good man -- a Christian --
an amiable, lovely man, whose life has been one long illustration of the
power and protection the Lord giveth to those who love him and obey his
The remains were expected to reach the city
at 9:54 last night. We go to press before the train arrives. The funeral
will take place from the Methodist church at 11 A. M. to-day.
Memorial Services and Burial of Col. N.
C. Barnett (Union Recorder, Feb.... 11, 1890)
[Part of article omitted]
Sketch of his life
Nathan Crawford Barnett was born in Columbia
county, Georgia, in July 1801 and was eighty-eight years, seven months
and five days old at the time of his death.
His mother was a sister of William H. Crawford,
the illustrious Georgian who served in the cabinet and as foreign minister,
and his father was William Barnett, a gentleman of English descent.
On the death of his father his mother moved
to Oglethorpe county where Col. Barnett grew up, completing his education
at the Lexington academy. In his young manhood he bore a striking resemblance
to his distinguished uncle, William H. Crawford [note: March 2002, see
more about Crawford below]. Tall, erect, of commanding presence, high character
and intelligence he grew rapidly in strength and reputation. In his boyhood
he was thrown among such men as his illustrious uncle, Thomas W. Cobb,
Stephen Upson and George R. Gilmer, and on his removal to Walton county
his associates were Walter T. Colquitt, Hugh A. Haralson, and men of like
After his marriage to Miss Morton of Clarke,
Mr. Barnett moved to that county, where he was elected succesvely major
of battalion and colonel of the Clarke county regiment.
He was engaged in merchandise at Watkinsville
when he was elected to the legislature in 1836. He served two sessions,
and acquired considerable prominence in the state through his active and
valuable work. The service there to which he has referred with most satisfaction
was his active work in behalf of the Western and Atlantic railroad.
After Colonel Barnett was elected to the
office of secretary of state in 1843 he held it with the exception of one
or two terms until the days of reconstruction.
His departure from the public service after
the war was characteristic of the man. General Ruger, who was at the head
of the military government of Georgia, wished the treat seal of the state
affixed to an executive act which Colonel Barnett could not approve. He
refused to sanction the papers with the imprint of the seal and as a consequence
was removed by General Ruger. Colonel Barnett took the seal with him, and
kept it until his return to office in 1873. So the ancient seal of the
state was not given to any of the corrupt transactions of radical rule.
Continually since the restoration of the
democracy in 1873, Colonel Barnett has held office, and it was very seldom
that any one had the temerity to oppose him before the people or the legislature.
Col. Barnett's chief characteristics were
purity of life, firmness, faithfulness and candor. Always decided in his
opinions, he did not thrust them upon others, but when they were asked
for he gave them with candor and absolute fearlessness. His faithfulness
to his duties was noticeable in his habits up to the time of his death.
Col. Barnett was married a second time,
in 1841, to Miss Mary Ann Cooper, and on the 10th of next April the forty-ninth
year of the sojourn together would have been completed.
As Nathan C. Barnett was involved with railroads,
it should be noted that In 1837 the Western and Atlantic Railroad, a state-sponsored
project, established a town at the termination point for the railroad,
calling that location "Terminus." In 1843 the town was named Marthasville
in honor of the daughter of former Governor Wilson Lumpkin, who had been
instrumental in bringing railroads to the area. Two years later, the town
was incorporated as Atlanta.
The following article appeared in a Sunday
edition of an unnamed (torn off) Atlanta newspaper in 1938 or 1939 two
photo's were included in the article. One contains a portrait of Colonel
Nathan Crawford Barnett with the caption " The mystery photograph at the
Capitol, which has been identified as a portrait of Colonel Nathan Crawford
Barnett, secretary of state for 43 years." The other photograph contains
a photo of a smiling woman looking down at her hands which clutch the approximately
4" diameter Great Seal of Georgia.
Special thanks to Dorothy Olson Director
Georgia Capitol Museum Office of Secretary of State Cathy Cox 431 State
Capitol Atlanta, Georgia 30334 who provided me with this newspaper article
on October 13, 2004.
Transcribed from the original by Robert
W. Klebs a gggg nephew of Col. Nathan Barnett's wife Mary Ann Cooper Barnett
on October 19, 2004.
Saved State Seal Twice
Mystery Picture Identified as Portrait of
Col. Nathan Barnett
By Willard Neal
The mystery of the unidentified picture at
the State Capitol has been solved. It is a portrait of Colonel Nathan
Crawford Barnett, who saved the Great Seal of Georgia on two occasions-first
from Federal troops marching on Milledgeville; second from carpetbaggers
who had seized control of the legislature.
Colonel Barnett was secretary of
state in Georgia for 43 years. He held office before, during and
after the War Between the States, and was one of the state's most remarkable
The picture, an old-fashioned photographic
enlargement, has been hanging in the office of the secretary of state as
far back as any one can remember. Whenever the walls were cleaned
the picture was taken down, and usually was hung back in some other spot.
Nobody ever seemed to know the identity of the subject, a be-speckled,
determined, even grim-looking gentleman, his mouth shut like a steel trap
and whiskers sprouting under, and not on, his chin.
When the Capitol got its recent overhauling,
Secretary of State John Wilson became curious about the picture and called
in Charles J. Haden, one of Atlanta's pioneer citizens. Mr. Haden
suggested that the subject of the mysterious picture was probably Colonel
C. E. Gregory, state political writer
for The Journal, speculated about the old picture in an interesting news
story. Cy Young, of the Georgia Public Service Commission, recalled
that Stewart R. Barnett of New Orleans, was a grandson of Colonel Barnett.
Mr. Barnett was invited to take a look at the picture on his next visit
to Atlanta.
"That's my grandfather all right."
Mr. [[portion of story missing]] picture is very much like my father's
especially the large nose and square jaw".
Colonel Barnett was born in 1801,
and was a nephew of William H. Crawford, secretary of state of the United
States and candidate for the presidency. In his you he was colonel of militia,
at Watkinsville. He was elected representative from Oconee County
in 1836 and championed the bill to build the Western & Atlantic Railroad,
which resulted in the founding of Atlanta.
In 1843 he was replaced as secretary
of state for two terms in 1849 and 1853, and of course during the carpetbagger
Several legends have grown up about
Colonel Barnett's adventure with the seal during the War Between the States.
One account is that he had his wife bury the seal under the house while
he looked the other way, so that he could truthfully say he didn't know
where it was.
"That story is not quite correct"
said Stewart Barnett. " I remember hearing my grandmother tell how
it happened. Grandmother was a wee little thing, barely five feet tall
and she never weighed ninety-five pounds in her life. She was the
daughter of Dr. David Cooper, the first superintendent at the State Asylum.
"When Sherman marched on Milledgeville,
grandmother told me she and grandfather went to the Capitol and got the
Great Seal; also the new acts that had not yet been signed by the governor.
She wrapped these in oilcloth, and she and grandfather buried them in the
dead of night, the seal under the house and the acts under the pig sty.
"Grandmother had heard of the reverence
General Sherman held for the Masonic Order, and when the Yankees entered
Milledgeville she hung grandfather's lodge apron on the gate. As
a result, her house was never damaged. One time several soldiers
came to the door and demanded food. She told them that she would
feed them, but the food would be poisoned. They left without arguing."
After the troops moved on to Savannah,
Colonel Barnett dug up the seal and the papers unharmed and sent back to
the clerk at the Capitol.
In 1866 when Governor Charles J.
Jenkins quit his office rather than follow the dictation of the Federal
Government, enforced by Yankee bayonets, Colonel Barnett went with him.
Governor Jenkins took the executive seal to Canada for safekeeping. Colonel
Barnett carried away the Great Seal, "so that it was never affixed to any
of the documents of misrule which followed" under the carpetbag government.
Records at the Capitol do not relate how and where the seal was hidden.
It seems possible that this might have been the occasion when Mrs. Barnett
buried it under the house, so that the colonel could retain his veracity
while denying that he knew where the seal could be found.
In 1868, when the new state constitution
was adopted, Colonel Barnett surrendered the seal to the Republican secretary
then in office. It was shortly afterward, during the administration
of Governor Rufus Brown Bullock, the only Republican who ever held the
office in Georgia, that the capital was moved to Atlanta.
When the Democrats returned to power
in 1873 Colonel Barnett was elected to his old office of secretary of state
and again became keeper of the Great Seal that he had protected so well
on two occasions-once to save it from the hands of enemies, later to keep
it from lending an honorable stamp to the acts of carpetbaggers.
Colonel Barnett continued to conduct
his office with no fuss or trouble until his death, February 2, 1890 at
the age of 88. He had had an attack of influenza a few weeks previously,
and a relapse caused his death.
Stewart Barnett recalled that in
the later part of the colonel's life he went home at 1 o'clock every day
ate a light meal took a toddy and went to bed and slept until time to go
to work the next morning.
He was never a drinking man, but the
toddy was considered important to his health, and its preparation became
quite a ceremony.
Before his death Colonel Barnett told
General John B. Gordon, then governor, that he would like to be succeeded
in office by General Phil Cook. The request was fulfilled. General
Gordon appointed General Cook to fill the unexpired term.
General Gordon was noted as a soldier
rather than an orator. He seldom used flowery language, but he made
an exception in his statement announcing the death of Colonel Barnett.
The rather long proclamation contained glowing tributes, including his
assertion that " Everybody felt that the Great Seal could not be intrusted
to cleaner hands than his".
The Capitol was closed February 4,
1890, the day of Colonel Barnett's funeral, held at Milledgeville.
The Central Railroad tendered free use of its cars for Colonel Barnett's
family and members of the funeral party.
While the polishing up and identifying
of the old portrait in the secretary of state's office brought to light
an almost forgotten Georgia hero, he will not be forgotten again.
The Robert E. Lee Chapter of the U. D. C. at Milledgeville, is preparing
a granite marker, which will be unveiled at Milledgeville on Memorial Day
April 26. The table on the stone will read: "The Great Seal
of the State of Georgia and The Acts of the Legislature, 1864. "Four
hundred and seventy feet east of this marker stood the home of Georgia's
Secretary of State, Nathan C. Barnett, and his wife, Mary A. Barnett.
On November 18, 1864, before the arrival of General Sherman and his army,
the Georgia Legislature adjourned and Nathan Barnett took with him the
Great Seal and the unfinished Acts.
At midnight Mr. and Mrs. Barnett with
their youngest son, buried the Great Seal under their house.
Mrs. Barnett hid the Acts in the pigpen.
When the legislature met in Macon, February 15, 1865-March 11, 1865, the
Great Seal and the Acts were returned to the State. Neither had been
captured by the enemy.
Placed by the Robert E. Lee Chapter,
U. D. C. 1939.
The following appeared in:
Histories of Milledgeville and Baldwin County
(Georgia) by Leola Selman Beeson,
The J. W. Burke Company, Macon Georgia 1943.
216 pgs.
Of this first Edition of the History of
Milledgeville and Baldwin County
Three Hundred Copies have been printed.
Chapter 5. Baldwin County courthouses and
Marker on Courthouse Square for Preservers
of the Great Seal of the State of Georgia
On Memorial Day, April 26th, 1939, under
Miss Floride Allen’s Presidency of the United Daughters of the Confederacy
there was set up on the Courthouse Square, the second marble marker for
a historic site, to be obtained for Milledgeville from The Division of
Parks, Historic Sites and Monuments in the State of Georgia.
The marker honors the preservers of the
Great Seal of the State and the inscription reads: “In commeration of the
Safeguarding of the Great Seal of the State of Georgia and the Acts of
The Legislature, 1864.
Near here stood the home of Georgia’s Secretary
of State, Nathan C. Barnett, and his wife, Mary A. Barnett.
On November 18th, 1864, before the arrival
of General Sherman and his army, Mr. and Mrs. Barnett buried the Great
Seal under their house. Mrs. Barnett hid the Acts in the pig pen.
More about Uncle William Harris Crawford:
Born in Amherst County (his birthplace is now in Nelson County),
Va., February 24, 1772. He moved with his father to Edgefield District,
S.C., in 1779 and to Columbia County, Ga., in 1783. He pursued classical
studies in a private school and in Richmond Academy, Augusta, Ga. He studied
law; was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Lexington, Ga. in
1799. During that time he was appointed to prepare a digest of the
laws of Georgia covering the period 1755-1800.
In 1802 inspired by political
rivalries a duel was held and Crawford killed Peter L. Van Allen a partisan
of John Clark, who was head of the opposite faction. Two years later, in
another duel, this time with John Clark, Crawford was wounded, suffering
a crippled left wrist.
In 1803 he was
elected to the Georgia State House of Representatives. In the stormy
state political battles of the time, he was the leader of the upcountry
forces and allied with the followers of James Jackson and later George
M. Troup, leaders of the tidewater region.
In 1807 he was appointed to
fill the unexpired term of Georgia's recently deceased U.S. Senator
Abraham Baldwin. In the Senate, Crawford quickly earned a reputation for
wisdom and sound judgment, and the Georgia legislature elected him to a
full term as senator in 1811. While in the Senate, Crawford staunchly advocated
re chartering the Bank of the United States. In 1811, Crawford was elected
president pro tempore of the Senate during the Twelfth Congress upon the
death of Vice President George Clinton. Crawford backed U.S. preparations
for and the declaration of war against Britain in 1812 and--unlike most
Democratic Republicans--favored a tariff and extension of the charter of
the Bank of the United States. During the war he declined the portfolio
of Secretary of War tendered by President James Madison. He resigned
from the Senate March 23, 1813 to serve as Minister to France, where
he was presented to Napoleon at Court. A yet unconfirmed story
tells that, Napoleon said that Crawford was the only man he had seen
that he wanted to bow to twice.
In 1815 he returned home
to act as agent for the sale of the land donated by Congress to Lafayette.
Later that August, President Madison appointed him Secretary of War.
Subsequently a year and a few months later Madison transferred him to the
Treasury Department in October 1816. In leaving the War Department, he
recommended to Congress the perpetuation of a War Department (now known
as Defense Department) management staff. At the Treasury he found
a department still in fiscal confusion resulting from the poorly financed
War of 1812. His goal was the organizing the nation's bookkeeping.
He initiated the Reform Bill of 1817, which placed with the Treasury Department
the responsibility for settling the financial accounts of all the federal
departments. The structure of the Treasury Department was subsequently
altered to accommodate its increased duties. During his term, Crawford
also oversaw extensive improvements to the nation's infrastructure, including
the initiation of coastal fortifications and the construction of the great
westward leading Cumberland Road. He had strong support for
the presidency in 1816 but disavowed his candidacy and served under Presidents
Madison and James Monroe until 1825. For the election of 1824, he
was again a strong candidate for president. His opponents: Andrew Jackson,
John Quincy Adams, and Henry Clay. For a time Crawford was a leading candidate,
he had won the vote of the party caucus, but by 1824 the caucus system
had fallen into disrepute, and its choice of Crawford proved meaningless.
During the campaign he
became temporarily incapacitated and nearly blind as the result of a stroke.
At the election, Andrew Jackson wins the popular vote but fails to get
all of the electoral votes he needs to be declared president. An
election deadlock ensues. The nation waits...Since no candidate received
a majority of the electoral votes, the election goes to the House of Representatives.
The electoral votes that will determine the winner are now under the control
of a third party. The former president's son offers this third party a
deal: give me the votes, he says, and I'll name you to an important post
in my new administration. Eager to receive the offered post, this third
party gives the former president's son the votes all the candidates crave.
Although his supporters claimed Crawford
was steadily improving, after the back room deal was made, Crawford finished
a distant third behind Adams and Jackson. John Quincy Adams was finally
chosen. Henry Clay was one of four people running for president in
1824. The least popular of the four, he nonetheless managed to win enough
Electoral College votes to make Adams president. In exchange for his votes,
the newly elected President John Quincy Adams appointed him Secretary of
State. Crawford, citing ill health, refused the tender of President John
Quincy Adams that he remain on as Secretary of the Treasury.
Crawford returned home
to Georgia and was appointed judge of the Northern Court of Georgia upon
the death of the incumbent in 1827. He was elected to the judgeship
in 1828 and again in 1831. He died at a friend's home near Elberton, Georgia,
while on the judicial circuit, 15 September 1834.
In the United States Crawford counties in
Arkansas., Georgia., Illinois., Indiana., Iowa, Missouri. and Wisconsin.
are named for him.
In 1878 The United States Treasury issued
50 cents paper denomination currency with his portrait.
During WW II, a "Liberty" ship was launched
in 1943 that carried his name.
In 1947 the Internal Revenue Service issued
a 10 cent IRS stamp to be placed on paper documents subject to taxation.
His portrait hangs at the Treasury Department
in Washington DC.
A sculptured bust of his likeness is in
the Georgia State Capital in Atlanta.
For additional reading see biographies by:
Green, Philip. The Life of William
Crawford. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965; Mooney,
Chase. William H. Crawford, 1772-1834. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky,
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