Wilkinson County GAGenWeb Project
Will of William Bivins
Signed March 5, 1828

         In the name of God amen. I William Bivins of the County of Wilkinson and State of Georgia being weak of body but of sound mind and memory considering the uncertainly of death and the uncertainly of the time it may come have determined to make this my last will and testament this fifth day of March in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred & twenty eight in manner & form following that is to say, I recommend my mortal soul to the giver & great author of all good.
        I give & bequeath my beloved wife Polly one riding horse & saddle the choice of my horses during her life or widowhood also one bed & furniture.
        I give and bequeath beloved son Martin Luther Bivins one negroe woman named Caroline with all her increase she now has and hereafter may have to his and his heirs forever also one feather bed & furniture also five cows & calves all of which to him & his heirs forever. I will all my land lying and being in the fifth district of Wilkinson County amounting to eight hundred acres more or less to be sold to the highest bidder on a credit by my Executor hereafter named the amount of money arising from the sale of said land to be placed in the hands of my son Martin Luther guardian hereafter named for the purpose of supporting him & his small negroes and his education.
       3rd   I give my beloved wife Polly one negroe woman named Susan during her life or widowhood after her death or marriage the said negroe woman to descend to my son Martin Luther to him and his heirs forever.
       4th   I give to my daughter in law Susan widow of John Bivins, Decd. two negroes a man by the name of Simon and a woman by the name of Peggy during her life or widowhood. I also give to my grandson Wm. Bivins son of John Bivins (Decd) one tract land in Troup county containing two hundred two and half acres more or less in the Seventh District No. Fifty Seven.
       5th   I give to my grandson Appleton Bivins son of Jonathan Bivins one square land Carrol in 11 district No. 78.
       I give to my daughter Allafair English one negroe girl named Mary to her heirs forever. Also I give to my daughter Sally Danilly a negro girl by the name of Julia to her heirs forever.
       I give to my daughter Abigal Barker one silver dollar in addition to what she has already has had and she is not to inherit any more of my property. My  will is this that my two negroe men to wit Mercer & Lewis to be sold on a credit to the highest bidder.
      8th   My will and desire is that my wife Polly take out as much of household and kitchen furniture as will be necessary for her use for raising here family together with all or other the provisions such as corn and fodder meal and wheat which many be on hand at my death. My wish and desire that above named two negroes be sold together with all the balance of my perishable property which many be on hand with all the balance of my stock of cattle, horses & hogs which are not already disposed of with the old ___ with such furniture as being  to a ___ that also the money arising from the last mentioned sales to be divided unto six equal parts after my just debts and lawful expenses be paid two parts of the above six shares to be paid over to my wife and son Martin Luther, one part to Elafair English, one part to Sally Danally, one part to widow of John Bivins, my wife Polly Bivins be appointed guardian for my son Martin Luther until he becomes of sufficient age and I also do appoint my friend John Hall Executor and my wife Polly Bivins Executrix of this my last week. Witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed my seal the day and year above written.
(s)William Bivins (seal)

J. _ Wales
Jonathan Pearson
Robert McCouncil
Charles Rily

Note: William Bivins was married to Polly Hall in Baldwin County in 1814. She was the widow of Isaac Hall.


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