Edgar County Children's Home
1897 Listings
All information provided by the Edgar County Children's Home is used with
their permission and is their property. These pages are not to be copied
or reproduced without their permission. Every attempt has been made to
accurately transcribe the information contained herein. Please feel free
to submit any corrections to the host of this site.
Edgar County Children's Home
1897 Listings
Application of:
Date: Jan. 16, 1897
For Admission of: Oklie Wells
Child's Name in full: Oklie Wells
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born: January 16, 1887
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die:
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: H. W. Knuckles
P. O.: Chrisman
Township: Ross
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: January 27, 1897
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Taken from Poor House
Date: January 19, 1897
For Admission of: Nellie Shank
Child's Name in full: Nellie Shank
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Edgar County, Illinois
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother living. Child illegitimate.
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: William Curtis
P. O.: Paris
Township: Paris
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: March 1899
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Taken from Poor Farm
Date: January 19, 1897
For Admission of: William Morgan
Child's Name in full: William Morgan
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Edgar County
When Born: January 19, 1883
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living, child illegitimate.
When did Mother Die:
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child:
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: Child taken to
Poor Farm March 27th 1897 from there to the Feeble Minded
Asylum at Lincoln, Ill.
Application of: Taken from Poor Farm
Date: January 19, 1897
For Admission of: Albert Winset
Child's Name in full: Albert Winset
Father's Name:
Mother's Name: Miss Nancy Winset
Where was Child Born: Logan, Edgar Co., Illinois
When Born: January 19, 1887
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother in Hospital, child illegitimate.
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child:
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: This child was
taken to the Feeble Minded Asylum at Lincoln, Ill.,
September 28th 1897.
Application of: Taken from Poor Farm
Date: January 19, 1897
For Admission of: Harland Scotton
Child's Name in full: Harland Scotton
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Edgar County-Illinois
When Born: January 19, 1892
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother dead, illegitimate child.
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child:
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: This child was
taken to the Feeble Minded Asylum at Lincoln, Ill.,
April 2nd 1899.
Application of: Taken from Poor Farm
Date: January 19, 1897
For Admission of: William Anderson
Child's Name in full: William Anderson
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Edgar County-Illinois
When Born: January 19, 1892
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father dead
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child:
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: This child
was taken to the Feeble Minded Asylum at Lincoln, Ill.,
Nov. 27, 1899.
Application of: Mrs. Gilbert
Date: Feb. 4, 1897
For Admission of: Lottie Woolry
Child's Name in full: Lottie Woolry
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Vermillion, Edgar County-Illinois
When Born: Feb. 4, 1881
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father dead
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child:
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: January the
6th 1900. This child left the Home to live with her
sister Mrs. Elmer Cummins near Redmon, Illinois.
Application of:
Date: Feb. 22, 1897
For Admission of: Myrtle Alberson
Child's Name in full: Myrtle Alberson
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Edgar County-Illinois
When Born: Feb. 22, 1883
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother living, child illegitimate
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: Zachariah Jewell
P. O.: Horner
Township: Edgar
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child:
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: January 3rd
1898, this child was taken to the home of Rev. R. W.
Bell and on account of this family taking a trip the
child was taken back to Home and afterward taken by
Mr. Zachariah Jewell.
Application of: Supervisor of Symmes
Date: Feb. 22, 1897
For Admission of: Rachiel Canaday
Child's Name in full: Rachiel Canaday
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Edgar County-Illinois
When Born: 1895
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: William Grant
P. O.: Paris
Township: Paris
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: March 20, 1897
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of:
Date: March 19, 1897
For Admission of: Harvey Edinger
Child's Name in full: Harvey Edinger
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Edgar County - Illinois
When Born: 1890
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: April 10th 1897 by Mother
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of:
Date: March 19, 1897
For Admission of: Clarence Edinger
Child's Name in full: Clarence Edinger
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Edgar County Illinois
When Born: 1888
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: April 10, 1897 by Mother
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Mrs. Allice Long
Date: March 24, 1897
For Admission of: Harry Long
Child's Name in full: Harry Long
Father's Name: Long
Mother's Name: Mrs. Allice Long
Where was Child Born: Kentucky P. O. Midway
When Born: 1886
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother: House wife
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father dead
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate: yes
Was Mother temperate: no
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: May 12, 1897 by Mother
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Mrs. Allice Long
Date: March 24, 1897
For Admission of: Edmund Long
Child's Name in full: Edmund Long
Father's Name: Long
Mother's Name: Mrs. Allice Long
Where was Child Born: Kentucky P. O. Midway
When Born: May 4th 1892
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother: House wife
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Paris Illinois
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father dead
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate: yes
Was Mother temperate: no
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: May 12th 1897 by Mother
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: Mother
marrying. Step-Father refused to give the child a
home and he is returned to the Children's Home Nov
the 3rd 1899. Mother relinquishing her right - child
hard of hearing and not an average in intelect.
Application of: Mrs. Allice Long
Date: March 24, 1897
For Admission of: Mary Long
Child's Name in full: Mary Long
Father's Name:
Mother's Name: Mrs. Allice Long
Where was Child Born: Midway Kentucky
When Born: 1890
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother: House wife
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Paris, Ill
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father dead
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate: yes
Was Mother temperate: no
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: May 12th 1897 by Mother
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of:
Date: April 1, 1897
For Admission of: Ross Pickrell
Child's Name in full: Ross Pickrell
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1886
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father dead
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: Geo. Babes
P. O.: Kansas
Township: Kansas
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: April 17, 1897
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Mrs. Allice Long
Date: April 5, 1897
For Admission of: Gertrude Long
Child's Name in full: Gertrude Long
Father's Name:
Mother's Name: Mrs. Allice Long
Where was Child Born: Midway Kentucky
When Born: 1882
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother: House wife
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Paris, Ill
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father dead
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate: yes
Was Mother temperate: no
Agreement of: Eugene Kellog, Jr.
P. O.: Paris
Township: Paris
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: April 19, 1897
Date of Returning Child: Afterward taken by Mother
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: Married
Nov. 16, 1898 to James Melton of Kansas, Ill.
Application of:
Date: Aug. 12, 1897
For Admission of: James Steel
Child's Name in full: James Steel
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1889
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father dead
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: C. C. Steel
P. O.: Fithian
County of:
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: Sep 25, 1898
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Mrs. Jonathan Still
Date: August 24, 1897
For Admission of: Wallis Martin
Child's Name in full: Wallis Martin
Father's Name:
Mother's Name: Mrs. Johathan Still
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1883
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother: Nurse
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Paris Illinois
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father dead
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: Nov 1st 1898 by Mother
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Mary Dillon
Date: Aug 24, 1897
For Admission of: Evangeline Dillon
Child's Name in full: Evangeline Dillon
Father's Name:
Mother's Name: Mary Dillon
Where was Child Born: Paris Illinois
When Born: May 1897
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother: Servant
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother: Irish
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother living child illegitimate
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate: yes
Agreement of: Mr. Alf. Shuppert
P. O.: Indianapolis
County of:
State of: Indiana
Date of Taking Child: Sep. 27, 1897 child legally adopted.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of:
Date: Aug 22, 1897
For Admission of: Carl Winsett
Child's Name in full: Carl Winsett
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Logan, Edgar Co., Illinois
When Born: May 1897
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die:
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: Mr. and Mrs. Salters, Joseph R.
P. O.: Rockvillle
County of: Park
State of: Indiana
Date of Taking Child: July 5, 1898 child legally adopted.
Date of Returning Child: at the death of adopted mother
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: was committed
irregularly, again, Sept 1st 1906 to Home by Grand Mother,
Father (adopted) applied for the custody of the boy Oct
5th 1908 and filed reference of Mr. John R. Paine and Mr.
Geo. W. Higgins of Clinton.
Application of: T. W. Chadwick
Date: Sep. 25, 1897
For Admission of: Clifton Chadwick
Child's Name in full: Clifton Chadwick
Father's Name: T. W. Chadwick
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Hume Edgar Co. Illinois
When Born: 1888
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father: Hume, Ill
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: James Trestner
P. O.: Metcalf
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: June 13, 1898
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: T. W. Chadwick
Date: Sep 25, 1897
For Admission of: Daniel Chadwick
Child's Name in full: Daniel Chadwick
Father's Name: T. W. Chadwick
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Hume, Edgar Co. Illinois
When Born: 1897
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father: Hume, Ill
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: Mrs. M. E. Berkshire
P. O.: Hume
Township: Edgar
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: March 1899
Date of Returning Child: Oct. 1, 1899
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: Home not
suitable. The child taken back to Home, afterward
taken by A. J. Scott, Scottland, Ill.
Application of:
Date: Oct. 30, 1897
For Admission of: Charles Barr
Child's Name in full: Charles Barr
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Paris, Ill
When Born: 1895
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: Nov. 4, 1897 Returned to parents.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Campbell
Date: Nov. 9th 1897
For Admission of: Charlie Campbell
Child's Name in full: Charlie Campbell
Father's Name: Campbell
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Edgar County, Illinois
When Born: 1884
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child:
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: Child taken
to the Feeble Minded Asylum at Lincoln, Ill,
April 2nd 1899.
Application of: T. W. Chadwick
Date: Dec. 11, 1897
For Admission of: May Chadwick
Child's Name in full: May Chadwick
Father's Name: T. W. Chadwick
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Hume, Edgar County, Illinois
When Born: 1892
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father: Hume, Ill.
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: Aug. 12, 1898 by Father
Date of Returning Child: Jan. 1899 by Aunt "Mrs. Braden"
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: under orders of
the Supervisor of Young America Township. Child taken by
aunt, Miss Brooks, Hume, March 1900.
Application of: T. W. Chadwick
Date: Dec. 11, 1897
For Admission of: Cecil Chadwick
Child's Name in full: Cecil Chadwick
Father's Name: T. W. Chadwick
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Hume, Edgar County, Illinois
When Born: 1894
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother dead.
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: Aug. 12, 1898 by Father
Date of Returning Child: Jan. 1899 by Aunt Mrs. Brading
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: Under order of
the Supervisor of Young America Township. Child taken by
Aunt Miss Brooks, Hume, March 1900.
Application of:
Date: Dec. 11, 1897
For Admission of: Exie Smith
Child's Name in full: Exie Smith
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1895
Occupation of Father: Farmer
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: January 22, 1898 by Father.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Supervisors Edgar Twp.
Date: Dec. 15, 1897
For Admission of: Bruce Meadoff
Child's Name in full: Bruce Meadoff
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1886
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: in Poor House
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: Mrs. Slepp (or Stepp)
P. O.: Paris
Township: Paris
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: May 7, 1898.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Supervisor of Edgar Twp.
Date: Dec. 15, 1897
For Admission of: Harrison Meadoff
Child's Name in full: Harrison Meadoff
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1888
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: in Poor House
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: Dec. 10, 1898 by Father
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Chief of Police
Date: Dec. 22, 1897
For Admission of: Charles Layman
Child's Name in full: Charles Layman
Father's Name: Charles Layman
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Paris, Ill.
When Born: 1890
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father: Paris, Ill.
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: Jan 1st 1898 by Grandmother Mrs. Copeland
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Chief of Police
Date: Dec. 22, 1897
For Admission of: Lucy Layman
Child's Name in full: Lucy Layman
Father's Name: Chas. Layman
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Paris, Ill.
When Born: 1895
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father: Paris, Ill.
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: Jan 1, 1898 by Grandmother Mrs. Copeland
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Supervisor of Edgar Twp.
Date: Dec. 15, 1897
For Admission of: Nettie Meadoff
Child's Name in full: Nettie Meadoff
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1889
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: in Poor House
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: L. H. Johns
P. O.: Garland
Township: Shiloh
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: March 10, 1898
Date of Returning Child: June 5, 1898
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: not-known.
Aug. 10, 1898 Mrs. Gilbert of Oakland, Ill. took the
child to keep until she was of age. Owing to death in
family Mrs. Gilbert was unable to keep child and it
was returned.
Application of: Chief of Police
Date: Dec. 22, 1897
For Admission of: Mollie Layman
Child's Name in full: Mollie Layman
Father's Name: Chas. Layman
Mother's Name: Layman
Where was Child Born: Paris, Ill.
When Born: 1892
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father: Soldiers Home 1898
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father: Irish
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: Jan. 1, 1898 by Grandmother Mrs. Copeland
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of:
Date: Dec. 22, 1897
For Admission of: Lizzie Lee
Child's Name in full: Lizzie Lee
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Edgar County, Ill.
When Born: 1894
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: January 6th 1898 by parents
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
For further information regarding any entries here or other information, please contact the
Edgar County Children's Home at the link below.
Edgar County Children's Home
300 South Eads Avenue
Paris, IL 61944
(217) 465-6451
Fax: (217) 465-1272
Email: dra@ecch.org