Edgar County Children's Home
1898 Listings
All information provided by the Edgar County Children's Home is used with
their permission and is their property. These pages are not to be copied
or reproduced without their permission. Every attempt has been made to
accurately transcribe the information contained herein. Please feel free
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Edgar County Children's Home
1898 Listings
Application of:
Date: Jan. 6, 1898
For Admission of: Maud Bright
Child's Name in full: Maud Bright
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1888
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: Jan. 13, 1898 by Parents.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of:
Date: January 13, 1898
For Admission of: Myrtle Terry
Child's Name in full: Myrtle Terry
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Clark County, Ill.
When Born: 1887
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Clark County, Ill.
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: 1897
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate: Yes
Was Mother temperate: Yes
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: Feb. 12, 1898 by Mother
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of:
Date: Jan. 18, 1898
For Admission of: Frank Terry
Child's Name in full: Frank Terry
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Clark County, Ill.
When Born: 1897
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Clark County, Ill.
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: 1897
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate: Yes
Was Mother temperate: Yes
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: Feb. 12, 1898 by Mother.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of:
Date: Jan. 29, 1898
For Admission of: George Wooley
Child's Name in full: George Wooley
Father's Name: Guy Wooley
Mother's Name: Margaret Wooley
Where was Child Born: Scottland, Ill.
When Born: 1890
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father: Kidley, Ill.
Present Residence of Mother: Kidley, Ill.
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents: U B Church
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die:
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate: Yes
Agreement of: M. E. Berkshire
P. O.: Horace
Township: Edgar
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: July 22, 1898 child returned to Parents.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Pearl Jiles
Date: Feb. 11, 1898
For Admission of: Arthur Jiles
Child's Name in full: Arthur Jiles
Father's Name:
Mother's Name: Pearl Jiles
Where was Child Born: Paris, Illinois
When Born: Dec. 1897
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother: Servant
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Paris
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother living child illegitimate
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate: No
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: June 5, 1898 by Mother
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of:
Date: March 1st 1898
For Admission of: Levis Engraham
Child's Name in full: Levis Engraham
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1887
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: P. Wright
P. O.: Charleston
County of:
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: Aug. 9, 1898
Date of Returning Child: not known
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: Child taken
out by Mr. Welch of Edgar County, March 16, 1899.
Application of:
Date: March 18, 1898
For Admission of: Roy Gammeron
Child's Name in full: Roy Gammeron
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1893
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: June 11, 1898 by Father.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Wm. H. Petty
Date: March 22, 1898
For Admission of: Fred Sebring
Child's Name in full: Fred Sebring
Father's Name: Harry Sebring
Mother's Name: Carrie Sebring
Where was Child Born: Villa Grove, Illinois
When Born: 1895
Occupation of Father: Farmer
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Dudley, Illinois
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents: M E Church
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate: Yes
Agreement of: Mr. and Mrs. John W. Morris
P. O.: Paris
Township: Paris
County of: Edgar
State of: Ill.
Date of Taking Child: Oct. 4th 1899
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Wm. H. Petty
Date: March 22, 1898
For Admission of: Blanche Sebring
Child's Name in full: Blanche Sebring
Father's Name: Harry Sebring
Mother's Name: Carrie Sebring
Where was Child Born: Casey, Ill.
When Born: 1896
Occupation of Father: Farmer
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Dudley, Ill.
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents: M E Church
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate: Yes
Agreement of: Mrs. Joseph Walker
P. O.: Vermillion
Township: Stratton
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: May 27, 1898 Child legally adopted.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Stewart of Poor Farm
Date: June 1st 1898
For Admission of: Infant
Child's Name in full: Dewey Haws, named by Matron.
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Logan, Edgar County, Illinois
When Born: January 1898
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Logan, Edgar Co., Illinois
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother living, child illegitimate.
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate: No
Agreement of: A. A. Richenbach
P. O.: Paris
Township: Paris
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: June 1st 1898, child legally adopted.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Geo. R. Blood
Date: May 2nd 1898
For Admission of: Susie Melton
Child's Name in full: Susie Melton
Father's Name: James Melton
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Westfield, Clark Co., Illinois.
When Born: 1891
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father: Kansas, Ill.
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child:
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: Child was
taken by the President of the Home to The American Home
Finding Association at Chicago, Ill. on Nov. 23, 1899.
Application of: Geo. R. Blood
Date: May 2nd 1898
For Admission of: Pearl Melton
Child's Name in full: Pearl Melton
Father's Name: James Melton
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Kansas, Illinois
When Born: 1894
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father: Kansas, Ill.
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother dead
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: John Hadley
P. O.: Paris
Township: Paris
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: Oct. 9, 1898
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Supervisor of Symmes Twp.
Date: July 4, 1898
For Admission of: Lillie Quilian
Child's Name in full: Lillie Quilian
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1883
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: July 23, 1898 taken to Poor House.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Supervisor of Symmes Twp.
Date: July 4, 1898
For Admission of: Stella Quillian
Child's Name in full: Stella Quillian
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1888
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: D. M. Walls
P. O.: Grover
Township: Symmes
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: Aug. 22, 1898.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Chief of Police
Date: Aug 6th 1898
For Admission of: Lillie Hutchison
Child's Name in full: Lillie Hutchison
Father's Name: Harvey Hutchison
Mother's Name: Lillie Hutchison
Where was Child Born: Paris, Illinois
When Born: 1894
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father: Paris, Ill.
Present Residence of Mother: Paris, Ill.
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate: No
Agreement of: Mrs. May Souders
P. O.: Oakland
Township: Coles
County of: Coles
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: Dec. 31, 1898.
Date of Returning Child: child returned to Father.
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Chief of Police
Date: Aug. 6th 1898
For Admission of: Glenn Hutchison
Child's Name in full: Glenn Hutchison
Father's Name: Harvey Hutchison
Mother's Name: Lillie Hutchison
Where was Child Born: Paris, Ill.
When Born: Nov. 8th 1896
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father: Paris, Ill
Present Residence of Mother: Paris, Ill
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father living
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate: No
Agreement of: Mrs. L. Whitsett
P. O.: Paris
Township: Paris
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: Nov. 6, 1898
Date of Returning Child: Child legally adopted.
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Henry Flint
Date: Aug 2nd 1898
For Admission of: Ira Flint
Child's Name in full: Ira Flint
Father's Name: Henry Flint
Mother's Name: Oral Flint
Where was Child Born: Paris, Ill.
When Born: 1898
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father: Paris, Ill.
Present Residence of Mother: Paris, Ill.
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents: M. E. Church
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die:
Was Father temperate: Yes
Was Mother temperate: Yes
Agreement of: Mr. Andrew Wilson
P. O.: Isabel
Township: Embarrass
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: Dec. 19, 1898.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: Child returned
and on June 28, 1898 taken to the home of Mr. Chas.
Horsley, Horrace, Ill.
Application of: Henry Flint
Date: Aug. 30, 1898
For Admission of: Ethel Flint
Child's Name in full: Ethel Flint
Father's Name: Henry Flint
Mother's Name: Oral Flint
Where was Child Born: Paris, Ill.
When Born: Dec. 1897
Occupation of Father: Laborer
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father: Paris, Ill.
Present Residence of Mother: Paris, Ill.
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents: M. E. Church
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die:
Was Father temperate: Yes
Was Mother temperate: Yes
Agreement of: Robert Gilguson
P. O.: Isabel
Township: Embarrass
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: Jan. 2, 1899.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Mrs. Alice Hanley
For Admission of: Perry Hanley
Child's Name in full: Perry Hanley
Father's Name: John Hanley
Mother's Name: Hanley
Where was Child Born: Paris, Ill.
When Born:
Occupation of Father: Mechanic
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father: Unknown
Present Residence of Mother: Paris, Ill.
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents: Baptist
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die:
Was Father temperate: No
Was Mother temperate: Yes
Agreement of: Mrs. Wendle
P. O.: Oakland
Township: Oakland
County of: Coles
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child:
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Mrs. Alice Handley
Date: Sep. 1st 1898
For Admission of: Herbert Handley
Child's Name in full: Herbert Handley
Father's Name: John Handley
Mother's Name: Alice Handley
Where was Child Born:
When Born:
Occupation of Father: Mechanic
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father: Paris, Ill.
Present Residence of Mother: Paris, Ill.
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents: Baptist
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die:
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: Jack Thompkin
P. O.: Oliver
Township: Symmes
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child:
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of:
Date: Sep. 8, 1898
For Admission of: Lewis Ross
Child's Name in full: Lewis Ross
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born:
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die:
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: Sep. 10, 1898 by Mother.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Supervisor of Buck Twp.
Date: Oct. 27, 1898
For Admission of: Floyd Bird
Child's Name in full: Floyd Bird
Father's Name:
Mother's Name: Ella Bird
Where was Child Born: Kentucky
When Born: 1889
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Redmon, Ill.
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father dead
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: June 1st 1899 child taken by Mother.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Supervisor of Buck Twp.
Date: Oct. 24, 1898
For Admission of: Anna Bird
Child's Name in full: Anna Bird
Father's Name:
Mother's Name: Ella Bird
Where was Child Born: Kentucky
When Born: 1893
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Redmon, Ill.
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father dead
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child: June 1st 1899 by Mother.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Harris
Date: Nov. 10, 1898
For Admission of: Ethel Harris
Child's Name in full: Ethel Harris
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Edgar Co., Ill.
When Born: 1893
Occupation of Father: Farmer
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father: Edgar Tp.
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Oct. 1898
Was Father temperate: Yes
Was Mother temperate: Yes
Agreement of: Rush Tate
P. O.: Chrisman
Township: Ross
County of: Edgar
State of: Ill.
Date of Taking Child: January 18, 1899.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of:
Date: Nov. 10, 1898
For Admission of: Cecil Earl Harris
Child's Name in full: Cecil Earl Harris
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Edgar Co., Ill.
When Born: 1894
Occupation of Father: Farmer
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father: Edgar Tp.
Present Residence of Mother: Edgar Tp.
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Oct. 1898
Was Father temperate: Yes
Was Mother temperate: Yes
Agreement of: Claud Mitchell
P. O.: Chrisman
Township: Ross
County of: Edgar
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: Jan. 19, 1899
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: Child taken
back by President of Home on account of it not being a
suitable home for child. Afterward taken by Mr. Rush
Tate of Chrisman, Ill.
Application of:
Date: Nov. 10, 1898
For Admission of: Hazle Harris
Child's Name in full: Hazle Harris
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: Edgar Co., Ill.
When Born: Oct. 23, 1896
Occupation of Father: Farmer
Occupation of Mother: House Wife
Present Residence of Father: Edgar Tp.
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father: American
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Oct. 1898
Was Father temperate: Yes
Was Mother temperate: Yes
Agreement of: Mrs. Amanda Neese
P. O.: Jonesville
County of:
State of: Kansas
Date of Taking Child: Feb. 18, 1901
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Mother
Date: Nov. 13, 1898
For Admission of: Chas. Wilgus
Child's Name in full: Chas. Wilgus
Father's Name:
Mother's Name: Eva Wilgus
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1888
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother: Domestic
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Paris, Ill.
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father dead
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: Mrs. Elbridge Donley
P. O.: Tuscola
County of: Douglas
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: Feb. 4, 1899.
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: Mother
Date: Nov. 13, 1898
For Admission of: Eva Wilgus
Child's Name in full: Eva Wilgus
Father's Name:
Mother's Name: Eva Wilgus
Where was Child Born:
When Born: 1890
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother: Domestic
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Paris, Ill.
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother: American
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: Father dead
When did Mother Die: Mother living
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: Mrs. I. N. Craig
P. O.: Marshall
County of: Clark
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: Feb. 15, 1899
Date of Returning Child: March 16, 1899 to Mother.
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks:
Application of: From Poor Farm
Date: Nov. 24, 1898
For Admission of: Infant from Poor Farm
Child's Name in full: Infant
Father's Name:
Mother's Name: Ann Gibson
Where was Child Born: At Poor Farm
When Born: Nov. 1898
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother: Domestic
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother: Paris, Ill.
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die: Mother living, child illegitimate
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of: Mrs. May Sonders
P. O.: Oakland
Township: Oakland
County of: Coles
State of: Illinois
Date of Taking Child: Nov. 24, 1898
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: Child only
lived two weeks.
Application of: From Poor Farm
Date: Dec. 19, 1898
For Admission of: Goldie May Royall
Child's Name in full: Goldie May Royall
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born: at Poor Farm
When Born: 1892
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die: child illegitimate
When did Mother Die:
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child:
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: March 20, 1900
taken to the home of the Feeble Minded at Lincoln, Ill.
Application of:
Date: Dec. 21, 1898
For Admission of: Willie Bachelor
Child's Name in full: Willie Bachelor
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Where was Child Born:
When Born:
Occupation of Father:
Occupation of Mother:
Present Residence of Father:
Present Residence of Mother:
Nationality of Father:
Nationality of Mother:
Religion of Parents:
When did Father Die:
When did Mother Die:
Was Father temperate:
Was Mother temperate:
Agreement of:
P. O.:
County of:
State of:
Date of Taking Child:
Date of Returning Child:
Reason for Returning Child and General Remarks: This boy came
here as a tramp and ran away Dec. 28, 1898.
For further information regarding any entries here or other information, please contact the
Edgar County Children's Home at the link below.
Edgar County Children's Home
300 South Eads Avenue
Paris, IL 61944
(217) 465-6451
Fax: (217) 465-1272
Email: dra@ecch.org