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Newspaper Items Page

The Terre Haute Morning Star
Saturday, January 12, 1907

Plaintiff in Damage Suit Said to Have
Been Awarded $1,000

Paris, Ill, Jan. 11 -- (Spl) -- The jury in the case of Mary Kelly against the Big Four Railroad company for damages for injuries sustained by being struck by a train at the Main street crossing here, returned a sealed verdict about 11 o'clock tonight. It is said that the jury awarded the plaintiff $1,000.

The damage suit was given precedence by Judge Kimbrough in the Circuit court today over a fifty-cent law suit, for which the judge said he had no time.

Directors Investigate Trouble at
School in Edgar, Ill.

Chrisman, Ill, Jan 11 -- (Spl) -- The school directors of Edgar, a small town near here, are investigating some trouble which occurred between the teacher, W. A. Butcher, and Harry Lawyer, a pupil, yesterday. It is said that Lawyer, who is about 15 years old, kicked over the stove in the school room and that when the teacher attempted to whip him, he broke the switches. The teacher, it is said, persisted in his attempt to punish the boy when the lad picked up a bucket and struck him over the head. Prof. Butcher was unable to attend the Teachers' Institute held at Paris today.

Men Claim That Woman Damaged
Some Farm Land

Paris, Ill, Jan 11 -- (Spl) -- Silas Jones and Luna Smith filed suit for $2,500 damages against Mrs. Louisa Robertson in the Circuit court here today. The complainants allege that Mrs. Robertson damaged some farm land on which she has a dower interest and which Smith bought from Jones, who had charge of the property.

Paris, Ill -- A Vulcanizer exploded Saturday in the office of Dr. M. L. Whiteside and Dr. Whiteside was severely scalded about the face.

Paris, Ill -- Orrin Baker, committed to jail pending the disposition of a case of insanity against him, was released Saturday as cured.

Husband Is Taken To Jail

Paris, Ill, Jan 11 -- (Spl) -- Charles Jones was arrested tonight on complaint of his wife who claimed that he came home suddenly and broke into the house.

Jones left home about a year ago, and his whereabouts was unknown to his wife, who has started divorce proceedings.

Jones, it is said, returned home suddenly this evening after his wife had retired. She became frightened when he entered the house and went to a neighbor's home and called the police who took Jones to jail.

Submitted by Pamela J. Yates

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