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Business 1835 - 1836 Directories
Rising Sun

Source for the following Article, The Book "History of Dearborn and Ohio Counties, Indiana".
F.E. Weakley & Co., Publishers
John Morris Company, Printers
Published 1885

Status of Town of Rising Sun 1835 - 1836, Page 362

The population of Rising Sun is between 1,000 and 1,200.
It contains -----------------
1 cotton factory -----------
2 merchant flouring-mills,
and one in the vicinity, each running three pair of buhrs, and all driven by steam power ----------
2 taverns -----------------------------
9 dry goods stores -------------------
1 book and drug store ----------------
1 clothing store -----------------------
1 boot and shoe store ----------------
3 grocery and liquor stores -----------
2 grocery and provision stores --------
2 practicing physicians ----------------
1 lawyer ------------------------------
1 silversmith and jeweler --------------
1 printing office -----------------------
1 hat factory --------------------------
1 chair factory ------------------------
3 saddlers ----------------------------
4 tailors -------------------------------
4 cabinet-makers ---------------------
6 or 8 carpenters and joiners ----------
2 shoe-makers ------------------------
6 coopers -----------------------------
2 blacksmiths -------------------------
2 tin and sheet iron ware factories -----
2 stone- ware potteries ----------------
1 tannery ------------------------------
4 brick- layers and plasterers ----------
1 house, sign and ornamental painter ---
1 painter and glazier -------------------
1 soap factory -------------------------
1 carding machine ---------------------
1 extensive tobacco and cigar factory --
2 lumber merchants --------------------
2 wagon makers -----------------------
4 draymen -----------------------------
1 market house ------------------------
3 houses of public worship
1 for the Methodists -------------------
1 for the Presbyterians ----------------
1 for the Reformers -------------------
a fire and marine insurance company ---
a town seminary -----------------------
the Indiana Teacher's Seminary --------
an institution incorporated by the State is located in this village

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