This page last modified -- Thursday, 27-Jun-2019 15:27:59 CDT

Theophilus Crusse

This compilation was done by: Kurt Cook
(Great-Great-Grandson) 336 I Street #A
Salt Lake City, Utah 84103
Phone: 801-366-5240

© 1999 - 2013 –Kurt Cook

Part Three: The Unanswered Questions

  • Where was Theophilus really born, Germany or England?

  • When was Theophilus born?

  • From what source did Margaret Chrisman obtain the death date for Theophilus?

  • Where did he die?

  • Where is he buried?

  • Whatever really happened to Herman?

  • Mathilda, according to the Chrisman notes, had three husbands: Mr Steigerwald, Mr Howell, and Mr Smith.

  • (According to Marie Richard, her aunt Mathilda " seemed to marry for money.")

  • Where did Mathilda, her children, and the two last husbands disappear to?

  • Was there a falling out among the children? Was it over religion?

  • If there really was an inheritance, why did Herman go to get it? He wasn't the eldest, odds are he wasn't Catholic. If his father had been sent from Germany in disgrace over the priesthood/marriage business, why would the family want to possibly upset the Catholic German relatives by sending Theophilus' protestant son? Was it because he was the only unmarried member of the family, and therefore had the freedom to go?

  • Since Theodore died on Dec 1913, and World War I started about 5 months later, did Herman get caught up in that mess while trying to clean up the inheritance?

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© 2008-2013 Kurt Cook