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Turn of the Century Societies and Organizations

-Source for below: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Jan. 4, 1900 edition....

'Dearborn Lodge, K. of P.'
"On Thursday evening Dearborn lodge, Knights of Pythias, held its annual election of officers, as follows: Argus McCright, Chancellor commander. Harry Wade, vice chancellor. O.J. Zimmer, prelate. M.T. Walker, master of finance. Ellsworth Davis, inner guard. A.E. Jackson, outer guard. J.G. McKinney, master of excequer. Joseph Gould, master of work. H.B. Herrick, keeper of records and seal. Santford Tuthill, representative to grand lodge. John Ruby, alternate. W.E. Chamberlain, trustee."

'J.O.U.A.M. Organized.'
"A lodge of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics was organized Saturday evening in the Knights of Pythias hall with 29 charter members. The officers, so far as we have been able to secure their names, are as follows: Grant Harris, past chancellor. Richard Wehring, chancellor. Dr. H.H. Dwyer, vice chancellor. William Jones, chaplain. Clifford Vaughan, outer guard. Henry Herrier, inner guard. George Lane, recording secretary. Meetings will be held every Monday night in the K. of P. hall."

'Miami Fire Company'
"Has elected the following officers for the coming year: John M. Fichter, president. M.T. Walker, vice president. E.F. Gardner, secretary. Fred Pfalzgraf, assistant secretary. Christian Harsch, treasurer. William Schneider, captain. George E. Willers, engineer. Louis A. Wiles, first lieutenant. Joseph T. Fitch, second lieutenant. Gustave Kestner, trustee. Dr. S.H. Collins, surgeon."

'Fortuna Lodge, I.O.O.F.'
"Has elected officers as follows to serve until the Twentieth century; George Kunz, noble grand. Charles Lommel, vice grand. Charles Decker, treasurer. Jacob Decker, secretary. Julius Schneider, trustee."

'D. of R. New Officers.'
"At the meeting of Hope lodge, Daughters of Rebekah, Thursday night the following officers were elected: Mrs. Emma Enyart, noble grand. Mrs. Elizabeth Decker, vice grand. J.H. Menke, secretary. Miss Mathilda Kleinhans, treasurer. Mrs. Sarah Hayes, Mrs. M.L. Kochler, Mrs. Buena Hornberger and Miss Anna Mary Heustis, delegation to the grand lodge."

'The Erthstane Club'
"Had two regular meetings in the month of December. On the 13th Mrs. J.M. Bauer received the ladies, and the first exercise was responses giving "Items of Interest from Foreign Lands." Mrs. Columbia read a very interesting sketch of the life of "Francis Joseph of Austria." Another excellent paper was presented by Mrs. Givan on "Maximilian and Mexico," Mrs. Scott added pleasure by her skillful use of the piano, and the hostess with her usual generosity must needs feast her guests before they depart.
The closing meeting for the departing year was held at the home of Mrs. Henry Hodell. "Names of Noted Women of the Century" were given in answer to roll call. A paper on "The White House and Its Historic Dames" was read by one of our most able and cultured modern dames, and Mrs. E.G. Hayes, who is gladly welcomed home after her long visit to Denver, discoursed upon a theme of much interest. "The International Council of Women." After some social intercourse, while partaking of delicious refreshments, the company dispersed with the unanimous opinion that it was pleasant to meet with Mrs. Hodell, be it in December of May.
The next meeting will be guest day at the home of Mrs. Kirtley, with an unusually interesting program which must begin on exact time. Each member has the privilege of inviting a friend to attend this meeting."

'Prospect Grange Officers.'
"At the annual election of officers recently held by Prospect Grange the following were elected for 1900: Master, Peter Becker. Overseer, M.T. Smith. Lecturer, Mrs. Lana M. Nowlin. Steward, Clyde Jackson. Assistant steward, Asa(?) C. Smith. Chaplain, G.H. Smith, Sr. Treasurer, R.C. Marah. Secretary, H.L. Nowlin. Gatekeeper(?), J.H. Smith. Flora, Mrs. Leah Becker. Corea, Mrs. Ella Jackson. Lady assistant steward, Miss Harriet Lasenby. This grange is in a prosperous condition and is doing much to advance the interests of the farmers of its locality.

'Hope Grange Officers.'
"On Saturday Dearborn County Pomons Grange met with Hope Grange at Wright's Corner and elected and installed the following officers: Master, G.H. Smith Sr. Overseer, J.C. Hall. Lecturer, H.D. Tufts. Steward, R.C. Marsh. Assistant steward, William Sutton. Chaplain, B.F. Ewbank. Treasurer, Dr. J.R. Lazenby. Secretary, Miss Lora Sawdon. Gatekeeper, S.P. Schooley. Pomona, Mrs. Clementine House. Flora, Mrs. Lana M. Nowlin. Cerea(?) Mrs. America Sutton. Lady assistant steward, Miss Harriet Lazenby."

'Chapman lodge, I.O.O.F.'
"Has elected the following officers for the next term: Ellis Pearson, noble grand; W.C. McMurray, vice grand; C.F. Neibrugge, recording secretary; J.H. Abbott, financial secretary; Aaron F. Niester, treasurer; W.S. Burroughs, trustee."

Source: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Dec. 20, 1900 edition

"Huff post, G. A. R., has elected the following officers for the coming year: Thomas Winegardner, commander; Joseph Gould, senior vice commander; Dr. S.E. Harryman, chaplain; John Rork, officer of the day; Andrew Lay, officer of the guard; John Probst, quartermaster; Jacob Godfrey, surgeon; Thomas Winegardner, representative; Drewry Nothern, alternate."

-Source : The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs. Dec. 27, 1900 edition

'Knights of America'
"Branch 593, Catholic Knights of America, has elected the following officers: George Weismiller, president; Sebastian Kieffer, vice president; George Fahlbush, recording secretary; F.J. Henn, financial secretary; A.J. Hassmer, treasurer; Charles Schaefer, sergeant at arms; Michael Hafenbreitel, sentinel; Peter Zins, trustee."

'Masonic Installation.'
"Lawrenceburg lodge, F. and A.M., will install the following officers this evening;
Worshipful Master-W.B. Fagaly, Senior Warden, Theodore Ludwig, Junior Warden- M.J. Givan(?), Treasurer-G.H. Wood, Secretary-W.E. Enyart, Senior Deacon-H.H. Dwyer, Junior Deacon-Christ Harsch, Tyler-R.C. Sims."

"A chess and checker club with 14 members has been organized. The club elected officers Thursday evening as follows; John F. Hornberger, president; H.C. Steever, vice president; Dr. H.H. Dwyer, secretary and treasurer. The club meets over Corn(?) grocery. Any person who can play either checkers or chess is eligible to membership."

'Royal Arcanum Officers.'
"Amicns council, Royal Arcanum, has elected the following officers for the coming year:
Past Regent-H.A. Menke, Regent-Marion Cole, Vice Regent-Edward Austin, Secretary-O.A. Stockman, Collector-Emanuel Wnest, Treasurer-R.H. Blackmore, Chaplain-George Schlaudt, Guide-J.H. Russe, Sentry-George Sturm, Warden-W.H. Rucker, Trustees-Isadore Harry, Samuel McElfresh, and George Schleicher."

-Source for below: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Jan. 3, 1901 edition

'Miami Fire Company No. 1'
"Has elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President-M.T. Walker, Vice president-George F. Lommel, Secretary-E.F. Gardner, Assistant secretary-Fred Pfalzgraf, Treasurer-Christian Harsch, Trustee-Drewry Nothern, Captain-William Schneider, First lieutenant-John M. Roehm, Second lieutenant-John M. Fichter, First engineer-George E. Willers, Surgeon-Dr. S.H. Collins"

"The local lodge of the Modern Woodmen of America has elected officers for this year as follows: Venerable consul-T.H. Meek, Worthy advisor-W.G. Loucks, Excellent banker-J.M. Beinkamp, Clerk-F.E. Jaquith, Escort-Harry Sims, Watchman-A.E. Jackson, Sentry-R.W. Lowe, Manager-Carroll Moore, Physician-O.S. Jaquith, Chief forester-J.H. Knippenberg"

"At the election held by Deraborn lodge, K. of P., the following officers were chosen for the first year of the new century: C.C.-Gilbert Anderson; V.C.-A.E. Jackson; Prelate-R.P. Nelson; A.-O.J. Zimmer; M.of E.-J.G. McKinney; M.of F.-M.T. Walker; K.of R.and S-H.B.Herrick; I.G.-Joseph Gould; O.G.-Ben Dean; M.of W.-Harrison Wade; Representative-P.C.Braun; Trustee-L.J.Wade

'Fortuna lodge, I.O.O.F.'
" At its meeting a week ago last evening elected the following officers: Noble grand-George W. Decker, Vice grand-Carl W. Decker, Treasurer-Charles Decker, Secretary-Julius Schneider, Trustee-Christ. Ulrich"

-Source for below: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Jan. 10, 1901 edition

"The M.E. Sunday school has re-organized with the following officers: Superintendent, Miss Liddle; secretary, J.C. Ingham; treasurer, Ernest Grubbs; organist, Mrs. Megrew."

"The Y.P.S.C.E. of the Presbyterian church elected the following officers for the next six months: President, H.R. Rechenbach; vice president, Frank Nowlin; secretary, Ernest Henderson; treasurer, Miss Hattie Jackson; organist, Mrs. C.G. Rechenbach."

The information contained herein was
produced and provided courtesy of:
Kathleen Esposito

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