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Dearborn County Schools Christmas Exercises

Source: The Lawrenceburg Press
Thurs., Dec. 27, 1900 edition

Dearborn County Schools Christmas Exercises

(I am missing some schools that were listed)
"No. 10 and 11, taught by Miss Stapp and Miss Sembach, had a phonograph entertainment and "The Village Orchestra," "Kentucky Belle," "Gondolier Lancers," Washington-Post March," "Handicap March," "Zenda Waltzes," and "The Parrot Said" delighted visitors and children alike for an hour.
Songs and Declamations in Room 9, Mrs. Graham's room, made an attractive program in which Ollie Bryant, Fred Sturm, Lucy Lowe, Clara Wade, Leona Donner, Mabel Nowlin, Frances Herrier, Bessie Ketcham, Anna Henke, Lulu Goble, Lillian Emmert, Maggie Buckingham, Tom R. Jessup and Paul B. Graham took an active part.
In room No. 8, Miss Sim's room, a recitation, "Christmas Greeting," by Christie Lommel; a dialogue by Florence Bennett, Lillie Rerrier and Alma Kraus; "An Eastern Legend," by Walter Lommel; A Christmas exercise by Guy Blackmore, Emma McAdams, Katie Williams, Clara Lang, Mary Burkam, Dan Metzger, Anna Wilson, Elizabeth O'Brien and Walter Lommel, and songs filled a program that everybody enjoyed.
The teacher and pupils of Miss Posey in No. 7 deserve credit for the excellent manner in rendering their program to the entire satisfaction of visitors and pupils. Mabel Sanks, Edna Bob??nk(?), Elizabeth Collins, Alan James, Nellie Gilbert, Verona Hornberger, Lenna Daniel, Edna Sturm, George Roberts, Rose Ye?ni, Fannie Waring, Amelia Bryant, Margaret Fox, Carrie Sedler and Anna Lang deserve special mention for the efforts they made in carrying out the exercises.
No. 6, Miss Moores room, attracted as usual a large number of visitors, interested in what the youngest tots would say about Christmas; and they were not disappointed. Songs and recitations filled a happy hour.
No. 5, treated its pupils and visitors to a phonograph entertainment as well as a literary program. Edith Lamb's "To Santa Claus," Mellie Wests "A Secret," Prudence Lefever's "Christmas Morning," Theron Smashey's "Quite Like a Stocking," Eva Lewis' "Stockings or Scales," Edson Miner's "Johnnie's Observations on Christmas," Esther Dieterle's "Santa's Plan" and Effie(?) Billingsley's "Merry Christmas" showed great care on the part of both Miss Colt and pupils in preparing for the occasion.
The program in No. 4, Miss Fox's room, was enlivened by a play by six girls and a Santa Claus, to the immense delight of the boys and girls.
"Story of the Christ Child" by 16 children in No. 3, Miss Inglis' room, made the exercises take a didactic character tonight appropriate and much enjoyed by everybody.
Songs and recitations delighted the 30 or 40 pupils of No. 1, Miss Bobrink's room, and the visitors present. Everything here passed off pleasantly.
At the Center street school, taught by Miss Menke and Miss Lang, the two rooms went together and had immense delight among themselves over the following exercises: Howard Enyart was Santa, Florence Theis(?) gave the address of welcome, Willie Barrott declaimed "Come, Little People;" Phillip Stapp gave a "Christmas Jingle," Al Bennett, A. Mason, E. Kreider and F. Stoneking told about "When Santa Comes," Martha Matheus gave "Christmas Bells," Esther Truitt rendered "Wooden Shoes Won't Stretch," Thomas Sehlenker(?) told all about "How I Wish I Knew," Freda Eckstein ended the program by reciting "The Child of Christmas Day". It was a day long to be remembered in the Center street school.
At the Newtown school rooms 1 and 9, taught by Miss Ulrich and Mr. Bruce, eight little girls gave "The Fairies' Festival," eight boys, "Santa's Workers."
Note: The paper continues to list the exercises, but I don't have all of it copied, Kathy Esposito

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