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The Lawrenceburg Register
Lawrenceburg, IN (Dearborn Co.)
May 17, 1894

Mrs. Mary Decker

Mrs. Mary Decker, wife of Mr. Charles Decker, died at the family residence on Centre Street, Friday night last, aged 51 years and 14 days. She had been a great sufferer for several months with tumor of the stomach, for which there was no cure. Everything was done to alleviate the pain and make her last days as comfortable as possible.

She leaves a husband and four grown children - George, Carl, Catherine, and Emma. She was the oldest daughter of John Brauer, a venerable resident of the first ward.

The funeral took place on Monday afternoon at the Evangelical Zion's Church - services by Rev. G. A. Kienle.

Mrs. Decker was a charitable lady, an affectionate wife and mother, and possessed all those excellent qualities that made her an agreeable companion and a kindly neighbor.