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SOURCE: "History of the Catholic Church In Indiana"-- by Charles Blanchard, 1898   {via Dearborn County Mail List}

EDWARD DOBER, a trustee of the St. Lawrence church, a custom tailor and dealer in gents` furnishings, at Lawrenceburg, Dearborn county, Ind., is a son of Joseph and Henricia (Woeber) Dober, who was born in Baden, Germany, and died in that country.

Edward Dober was born on July 2, 1851, in Germany, and came to America in 1872, locating at Lawrenceburg immediately upon his arrival in the states. He learned the tailor`s trade in Germany, but worked at it only a few years. Upon his arrival here, he entered the employ of Cook & Klapper for a short time, formed a partnership later on, and this continued for two years. On account of bad health he returned to Europe and remained there a few months, but, before going, sold out to Mr. Klapper. Upon his return to Lawrenceburg he worked for Mr. Klapper for a short time, and in 1882 engaged in his present business, carrying a stock of $6,000.

Mr. Dober was first united in marriage, in 1875, to Miss Kate Gardner, of Lawrenceburg, a daughter of Anthony Gardner, and to this union was born one child, Ida. He was next married, in April, 1881, to Josephine Morgan, of Lawrenceburg. To this union have been born eight children, as follows: Fred J., Edward P., Henricia, Josephine, Mary, Frank, Bontonia, and Agnes. The family are all devout Catholics and belong to the church of which the father is a trustee, and socially move in the best circles of Lawrenceburg.