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The Lawrenceburg Press
Lawrenceburg, IN (Dearborn Co.)
Thursday, March 8, 1900

On Saturday morning death relieved the sufferings of Fred Eberhart, who had been sick for the past 6 years with consumption.

His age was nearly 35, and life was one of honor to himself and to his family.

At the age of fourteen he graduated from the public schools at the head of his class, although he was the youngest member. He attended college at Cincinnati.

In 1892 was married to Miss Katie Decker of this city. Happily they lived together and to them two sons were born. His wife died August 10, 1896, also from consumption.

Mr. Eberhart leaves his two little sons, his aged father, Henry Eberhart, Sr., two sisters and seven brothers, together with the large circle of friends to mourn his death.

Mr. Eberhart always had a kind word for everyone. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias, Barry Encampment I.O.O.F., and the Leidertafel, all of which attended the funeral, as did also the employees of the coffin factory.

The funeral took place from St. Emmanuel's Church Monday afternoon, Rev. F. Semm officiating.

The body was laid to rest in Greendale Cemetery.