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The Lawrenceburg Press
Lawrenceburg, IN (Dearborn Co.)
May 28, 1908


Mr. and Mrs.Henry Eberhart of Greensburg attended the funeral of the former's brother, George Eberhart. In the midst of this rushing, busy life we are in death. The entire community was shocked Sunday morning to learn that George Eberhart, who had been fireman at the light plant ever since its establishment, had been electrocuted about 11 o'clock Saturday night. Mr. Eberhart was eating his lunch and had a bucket of coffee in his hand. He reached out adjust some part of the machinery, when the metal of the bucket came in contact with the wires, forming a current. The full strength of the electric current, about 2,200 volts, passed through his body, killing him instantly. He was about fifty-one years of age, and was the son of Henry and Catherine Pedre Eberhart, deceased. He was born and reared in this city. He leaves a wife and eight children, one having preceded him to the other world. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in St. Emanuel's church, conducted by Rev. Frederick Semm. Interment in Greendale cemetery.