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SOURCE: "History of the Catholic Church In Indiana"-- by Charles Blanchard, 1898   {via Dearborn County Mail List}

VINCENT FRANK, formerly mash-master for the Gaff & Co. distillery at Aurora, Ind., but now deceased, was born in Germany February 2, 1832, was there educated, and, after leaving school, entered the employ of a distilling firm, becoming an expert malt-master.

In the early part of the `fifties he came to the United States and located in Ripley county, Ind. June 10, 1856, in Decatur county,he married Miss Marguerite Schneyder, who was born in Cincinnati, Ohio September 23, 1836, a daughter of Michael and Catherine Schneyder, and this union resulted in the birth of eleven children, of whom eight still survive, viz: Mary, William, Elizabeth, Carrie, Peter, Marguerite, Catherine and Joseph. On coming to Aurora, in 1856, Mr. Frank at once assumed his duties as malt-master for the Gaff company, and filled this position until his lamented death, August 21, 1889. He had been reared in the Catholic faith, and in this holy faith he died.

Mrs. Vincent Frank and her surviving children are all members of the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Aurora, and all are devoted to and faithful in the discharge of their religious duties, and socially are among the most respected residents of Aurora.