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SOURCE: "History of the Catholic Church In Indiana"-- by Charles Blanchard, 1898  
{via Dearborn County Mail List}

REV. JOHN McCABE, pastor of St. Mary`s parish, Daviess county, Ind., his post office address being Loogootee, was born in Covington, Ky., December 8, 1854, and is the eldest of the three sons and four daughters born to Michael and Mary (Bryne) McCabe, natives, respectively, of county Queens and county Kildare, Ireland. The father is now deceased, and his mother has now attained her sixty-fifth year. Of the seven children two have been ordained priests - John and Denis - the latter the present pastor of Holy Cross church at Indianapolis.

The Rev. John McCabe was confirmed, at the age of twelve years, by Bishop de St. Palais, of Vincennes. His primary education was acquired in the common schools, and this was supplemented by an attendance at Aurora, Ind., under the Sisters of Providence. In 1869 he entered the college at Bardstown, Ky., which he left in 1874, and for one year attended St. Joseph`s college, at Indianapolis, where he finished the philosophical course. In 1876 he became a student at St. Meinrad`s seminary, in Spencer county, Ind., where he remained until 1878, when his theological studies were completed. February 2, 1878, he was ordained priest at Indianapolis by Archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati and was assigned to St. John`s parish, in Warrick county, Ind., where his duties were effectively performed for one year, when he was transferred to St. Ann`s parish, at Terre Haute, where he labored arduosly and faithfully for five years; 1885 he was appointed to the pastorat of St. Ann`s, at Newcastle, Henry county, and after five years of very acceptable work was appointed, February 1, 1890, to his present pastorate of St. Mary`s, to succeed Rev. T. O`Donaghue, who was transferred to the charge of St. John`s church at Loogootee.

Father McCabe is dearly beloved by his parishoners for his piety and his unabated devotion to the welfare of his flock. The congregation comprises 125 families, or about 650 souls, and the position of pastor is therefore no sinecure, but Father McCabe is fully equal to the task of meeting its demands.