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SOURCE: "History of the Catholic Church In Indiana"-- by Charles Blanchard, 1898  
{via Dearborn County Mail List}

JOHN A. NEES, an old pioneer of Dearborn county, and hotel-keeper at Aurora, is a son of Thomas and Eva (Parr) Nees, natives of Germany. The father was a farmer until his death, which took place in Germany, March 15, 1842, and in that country the mother also passed away, in 1846.

John A. Nees is one of six children, was born November 2 1829, was reared on his parents farm, was educated in the common schools, and at the age of seventeen years came to America with the Wolbert family of Germany, passing as their son, in order that he might cross the ocean. Mr. Nees engaged, on his arrival in America, in the cooper trade near Cincinnati for two years, but left on account of the cholera epidemic and went to New Richmond, Ohio, and worked for fifteen years. He then taught a Catholic school, and was the organist at St. Peter`s church for five years. He then located in Aurora, Ind., on the 27th of August, 1867, and engaged in the grocery, hotel and saloon business, and has thus continued ever since. He built his present place - hotel, grocery and saloon, all connected - in 1876, at a cost of $10,000, the hotel containing twenty-seven rooms.

May 31, 1852, Mr. Nees was married to Miss Amelia Koch, a daughter of William J. Koch, and to this union have been born fifteen children, of whom four are deceased. The survivors are named Amelia, Thomas, Helen, Frank, William, John (who is a manager for his father), Josephina, Emma, Henry, Anna and Helen.

All of these, with their parents, are members of the Catholic church. Mr. Nees was one of the first to organize the St. Joseph Benevolent society, and the family is one of the most highly respected in the city of Aurora and the county of Dearborn. Mr. Nees for thirteen years was leader of the choir and organist at St. Mary`s church.