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The Lawrenceburg Press
Lawrenceburg, IN (Dearborn Co.)
February 9, 1893

The friends of Mrs. Christena Wilmena Reinking will be saddened though not surprised to hear of her death, which occurred Friday after about seven months illness. She was born in Lede, Prussia, June 27, 1813. She was confirmed and accepted into the Lutheran church at the age of fourteen, and was always a faithful member. As her sufferings increased and her strength failed she often hoped that the time would come when she would be at rest. Christena Wilmena was married to Ernest D. Reinking March 4, 1836. They came to America and to Dearborn county in 1844, and here Mrs. Reinking lived until her death. She was the mother of eleven children, two of whom, Henry Reinking and Mrs. Lizzie Ellinghausen live here, and are among our most highly respected citizens.