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SOURCE: "History of the Catholic Church In Indiana"-- by Charles Blanchard, 1898  
{via Dearborn County Mail List}

ANTHONY STOLL, proprietor of a popular meat market at Brookville, Ind., was born in Dearborn county, this state, February 5, 1857, a son of Anthony and Katherine (Bussalt) Stoll.

Anthony Stoll, the father, was born in Germany, in 1820, received a common-school education, and was then apprenticed to the carpenter`s trade, which he followed in his native land until 1841, when, at the age of twenty-one years, he came to America and located in New Alsace, Dearborn county, Ind., engaged in carpenter work and also followed farming. In 1842 he married at St. Peter`s, in Franklin county, Miss Katherine Bussalt, to which union eleven children have been born, of whom five died in infancy, the six survivors being Elizabeth, wife of Peter Geiger, of St. Mark`s Kans; Margaret, wife of John Stallman, of Wisconsin; Frances, wife of Jacob Sax, of Cincinnati, Ohio; Katherine, wife of Joseph Sketler, of Kentucky; Andrew, of Dearborn county Indiana, and Anthony, our subject. The mother of this family was called away in 1862, and the father in 1878, both in the Catholic faith, and their remains rest side by side in the cemetery of St. Peter, Franklin county.

Anthony Stoll, subject of this sketch, attended school until twelve years old and then learned the carpenter`s trade, which he followed eight years in St. Peter`s, Lawrenceville and Brookville, and then, in 1883, opened his present day meat market, which he has most prosperously conducted up to date. June 17, 1885, he was united in the bonds of matrimony, by Rev. Father Fleischmann, at St. Michael`s church, Brookville, with Miss Elizabeth Brockley, and this union has been blessed with six children, viz: Albert, Katie, Edward, Hildegar, Raymond and Agnes, all still under the parental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Stoll are faithful members of St. Michael`s church, of which Mr. Stoll was elected a trustee in January, 1897. He is also a member of St. Joseph`s and St. Peter`s societies, and Mr. Stoll is a member of St. Mary`s Ladies` society. The family stands well in the esteem of the residents of Brookville, and the parents are very generous in their contributions to the support of the church and in the promotion of its good work on all occasions.