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SOURCE: "History of the Catholic Church In Indiana"-- by Charles Blanchard, 1898  
{via Dearborn County Mail List}

MRS CAROLINA STOLL, wife of Leonard Stoll, butcher of Aurora, Dearborn county, Ind., is a daughter of Andrew and Bernardina, of Germany, who came to the United States in 1848. She was married to Mr. Stoll at the house of a Protestant minister in Kentucky November 3, 1853, and came to Aurora, Ind., in 1880. To Mr. and Mrs. Stoll have been born eighteen children, of whom ten are still living, viz: Catherine, now Mrs. P. Funk; Lewis; August; Josephine, now Mrs. H. Pelgen; Florentine, now Mrs. J. Maffey; Carolina, now Mrs. R. Dean; Marguerite, now Mrs. H. Siemantel; Anna, William, and Bernardina, the latter now Mrs. Doerr.

Mr. Stoll himself is not a Catholic, but has all his children reared in his wife`s belief. He is one of the very few men who are possessed of views so broad and liberal, and who are disposed to look upon Christianity as a redeeming faith, bear it what sectarian name it may. The consequence is that his domestic felicity has never been marred by religious dissensions, and the wife and children are happy in the enjoyment of the consolations of the Catholic faith.