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SOURCE: "History of the Catholic Church In Indiana"-- by Charles Blanchard, 1898  
{via Dearborn County Mail List}

EDWARD SUERMANN, deceased, decorator and later saloon-keeper, of Aurora, was born in Germany in 1834, and died March 4, 1893, in Aurora, leaving a wife and ten little children. Mrs. Suermann is a daughter of Michael and Barbara (Schidel) Sirber, natives of Germany. She was first married to Michael Kimmel, who died July 28, 1876, leaving her with three children - Maggie, Frank and Anna. By her marriage with Mr. Suermann she has six children, viz: Tillie, Willie, Charles, Carrie, John and Frederick, who, with a stepson, Edward G., constitute the ten children whom she was left to care for in her second widowhood. Mrs. Suermann sold out her saloon immediately after her husband died, and is now living in quiet retirement. She and family are devout Catholics and enjoy the full esteem of all their neighbors.