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SOURCE: "History of the Catholic Church In Indiana"-- by Charles Blanchard, 1898  
{via Dearborn County Mail List}

JOHN ULRICH, a druggist of Aurora, Dearborn county, chief of the fire department and trustee of the Immaculate Conception church, is a son of Frank and Mary (Kindscherf) Ulrick, of Baden, Germany, who came to the United States in 1851, and located in New Orleans, La. They then lived five years in Petersburg, Ky., then located in Lawrenceburg, Ind., and came to Aurora, Ind., in 1861. The father worked at the cooper trade in Aurora until 1890.

John Ulrich, was born November 13, 1860, in Petersburg, Ky. He attended the common schools, and at the age of thirteen learned the cooper trade, which he worked at until he was sixteen years old. He then engaged in his present business under Mr. Leibecks for five years; then returned to the cooper business on account of poor health for five years; then purchased the Leibeck drug stock and removed it to his present place, corner of second and Main streets, and carried a stock now valued at $6,000.

He was married to Helen Nees, a daughter of J. A. Nees, of Aurora, on May 10, 1882, and five children have blessed this union, viz: Willie, George, Leonia, Arlie and Helen, all members of St. Mary`s church.

He owns his own place of business, is a member and president of Aurora commandery, No. 232, and is one of the most enterprising and popular citizens of Aurora.