This page last modified -- Monday, 03-Feb-2020 15:02:48 CST


SOURCE: "History of the Catholic Church In Indiana"-- by Charles Blanchard, 1898  
{via Dearborn County Mail List}

GERHARD WITTE, who does the veneering and gluing for the Aurora (Dearborn county) Furniture company, was born April 22, 1846, in Germany. He came to the United States in 1881, and engaged in his present business.

He was married to Miss Anna Gaddemeir, and they have seven children, viz: Willie, Anna, Henry, Frank, Clara, Ida and Amelia. All are strict members of St. Mary`s church. Mr. Witte is a member of St. Joseph society, and he and family are highly respected in Aurora, and as much respected by the Protestant inhabitants as they are by their Catholic friends. He owns a pleasant home on Decatur street, the result of his industry and frugality, and well deserves the high esteem in which he is held.