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SOURCE: "History of the Catholic Church In Indiana"-- by Charles Blanchard, 1898   {via Dearborn County Mail List}

PETER ZINS, a well-known business man of Lawrenceburg, Dearborn county, Ind., is a native of the county of Franklin, and son of Adam and Magdalena (Wagner) Zins, both parents born in France. Peter was born November 22, 1847, passed his youthful years on a farm, attending in the meantime the parochial schools of his neighborhood, and at the age of seventeen began learning the shoemaker`s trade at Lawrenceburg. He became a resident of the city in October, 1863, and followed his chosen calling until 1877, when he engaged in the mercantile business, which he has continued with financial success to the present time.

Mr. Zins was married April 20, 1875, to Miss Elizabeth Schwartz, a native of Lawrenceburg, Ind., who has borne him three children - Henry M. Albert J. and Katie J., who died aged four years. Mr. Zins and family are members of St. Lawrence`s parish, Lawrenceburg, and are active in all charitable and other work of the congregation. He is widely and favorably known and possesses in a marked degree the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens, who have ever found in him a man of the highest personal honor and integrity.