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Ripley County, INGenWeb Project

-- Deeds --

Joseph Clark and James Wooley

Provided by Marilyn Merritt

RIPLEY County Record of Deeds book "D" page 206

This indenture made this forteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four between Joseph Clark of the county of Ripley and state of Indiana of the first part and James Wooley of the county of the aforesaid of the second part witnesseth that the said Joseph Clark for and in consideration of the sum of forty dollars lawful money of the United States to him in hand well and trewly paid by the said James Wooley the receipt whereof in hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold aliened released convey and confirm and by these present doth grant bargain convey and confirm unto said James Wooley his heirs and assigns for ever all that tract or parcel of and lying in the south east side of Graham creek it being that part of the northeast quarter of section thirty five Town seven north range Ten East of the district of Jeffersonville except a half acre for a butment for a mill dam containing five acres and twelve poles more or less and all the estate right title interest and demand of the said Joseph Clark of in and to the said promises and every part thereof together with all and singular the priviledges and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining and the rents dues and profits thereof to have and to hold the premises hereby bargained and sold or meant or intended,so to be with the appurtance to the only proper use and behoof of said James Wooley his heirs and assigns for ever and the said Joseph Clark his heirs executors and administrators doth covenant promise and agree with the said James Wooley his heirs.

(signed) Joseph x Clark his mark

Ripley County Record of Deeds book "D" Page 281 Date of deed - June 18,1836 to John Walton Amount of consideration - 1085.00

Discription Part of Northeast quarter Sec-35 Twp-7 Range-10 40 acres. Recorded June 20 1835.

his Joseph x Clark mark

her Adeline x Clark mark

Ripley County Record of Deeds Book D page 283 Date of deed- June 18, 1835 to John Walton Amount of consideration 35.00

Discription - Part East 1/2 Southeast quarter'Sec-35 Twp-7- Range-10 5-acres.

his Recorded June 20, 1835.

Joseph x Clark mark

her Adaline x Clark mark

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