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Ripley County, INGenWeb Project

-- Deeds --

Louis Backman and John Thackery

Provided by Royal Bachman

Deed Record 44 Page 280

Transcribed 28 May 1999

This Indenture witnesseth that Louis BacKman and Viola P. BacKman, Wife of Louis BacKman of Ripley County in the State of Indiana Convey and Warrant to John Thackery of Ripley County in the State of Indiana for the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars the following Real Estate in Ripley County in the State of Indiana, to wit: A lot or parcel of land laying in the Southwest quarter of Section twenty nine (29) Town nine (9) Range eleven (11)and bounded as follows: Commencing at the South side of Monroe Street at a point where the alley running South from Main Street to Monroe Street dividing Lot nos:53 and 60 in the town of Napoleon and the side of said alley, thence running South one hundred and sixty five feet thence West to old Versailles Road, thence North along the old Versailles Road to the line of a lot deeded by Samuel Hicks to the Christian Church, thence along said line with meanderings thereof to Monroe Street, thence East along the South side of Monroe Street to the place of beginning, containing three fourth (3/4 ) of an acre more or less.

In witness whereof the said Louis Backman and Vesta P. Backman, wife of Louis Backman, has hereunto set their hands and seals this 11th day of July 1873, Louis Backman (SEAL)

Vesta P. Bachman (SEAL)

(Ed. Note: This record has been transcribed by person or persons unknown. The name should be Lewis BACHMAN.)

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