This page last modified -- Friday, 28-Jun-2019 10:40:29 CDT

 The INGenWeb Project

Ripley County, INGenWeb Project

-- Military --

American Revolution

William Bassett
Daniel Baumgardner
Ninnian Beall
George Benefiel
John Boldrey
Geroge Buchanan
John Burchfield
Robert Burchfield
John Buskirk
William Collins
Lemuel Chapman
Philmore Davis
Conrad Dowers
Jacob Dowers
James Delapp
Wilbourne Gibson
James Grimes
Samuel Gookins
Gideon Hyatt
Benjamin Hamilton
Benjamin Hall
Joseph Henegin
Richard Hodges
Thomas Johnson
Philip Johnson
Roswell Johnson
Issac Levi
William Lipperd
Samuel Marquist
Joseph McDonald
Daniel McMillin
Henry Myers
Jacob Mitcheller
John O'Neal
Peter Newcomer
Edward Pendergast
John Parr
James Rolf
Peter Resor
Ephriam Robbins
Peter Rutledge
Henry Thomas
Samuel Stephens
Peter Vanbibber
John Tucker
John Ward
Issac Way
Daniel Welsh
Ephriam Wilson
Jacob Wycoff
John Whitaker

These patriots names shown in the lists below
are of veterans that served in the
Revolutionary War --1775 thru 1783, then
some time later took residence in Ripley County.
The Source for the list shown on the Left
is the Plaque shown below. Those marked
with yellow in this list do not appear on the
Daughters of the American Revolution list on
the Right. Probably didn't have any one
register for them

The Source for the list shown on the right
Daughters of the American Revolution.Those
marked with yellow in this list do not appear
on the Plaque list, probably due to different source,
and time period.

Revolutionary War Plaque In Ripley County Courthouse

This is a photograph of the Bronze Plate that was
inside the Ripley County Courthouse that
the following paragraph talks about.
This photograph was taken in 1991.
James Arnold
John Babbs
William Bassett
Daniel Baumgardner
Ninian Beal
John Boldrey
John Burchfield
Robert Burchfield
John Bursick
Lemuel Chapman
William Collins
Benjamin Cruzan
Philemon Davis
James Delapp
Conrad Dowers
James Dowers
Wilbourne Gibson
Samuel Gookins
James Grimes
Benjamin Hall
Benjamin Hamiliton
Joseph Henegin
Richard Hodges
James Johnson
Roswell Johnson
Thomas Hohnson
Isaac Levi
William Lipperd
William Mavity
Jacob Mitcheller
Henry Myers
Joseph McDonald
David McMillen
Peter Newcomer
John O'Neal
Martin Overturf
Edward Pendergast
John Pennetent
Jonathan Pratt
James Ralif
Peter Rutledge
Samuel Stevens
John Tucker Sr>
Peter Van Bibber
John Ward
John Wittaker
Ephraim Wilson
Jacob Wycoff

William Mavity, Sargent Major of the 4th battalion, 2nd regiment of the Henry Co. VA militia and was at the Seige of Yorktown. He moved to Ripley County somewhere around 1825 and is in your list of first settlers. A family researcher did some research back in 1930 or so and said there was a bronze plate inside the Ripley County Courthouse with all of the Revolutionary War Veterans that had served and had lived in Ripley County.  William Mavity was on the plate but I understand that the plate is missing and that somebody has a written record of the men but it does not show my ancestor now.
Provided by Brian Mavity -- California

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