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 The INGenWeb Project

Ripley County, INGenWeb Project

-- Newspaper Clippings --

This is an old clipping I found in the family bible annoucing my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary.

New Marion Couple
Married Fifty Years
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of New Marion celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Christmas Day.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Myers and family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brown, Mr and Mrs. Anthony Myers, Fred Ruppe and family of Logansport.
Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welch and little son Coreet. Children from a distance were unable to come on account of gasoline rationing.

John and Sarah Brown celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in December of 1942.

Contributed by Ilona Manion

Executors Notice
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has taken out letters
testamentary, on the estate of Bartlet Brown , late of Ripley Co.,
deceased. All indebted to said estate are required to make
immediate payment -- and those having claims are requested
to present them legally proven. The estate is solvent.

Contibuted by Ilona Manion

Martin V. Sheets, democratic candidate for Commissioner 2nd District
was born in Switzerland county in 1847, and is fifty one years old.
He was raised up on a farm and moved with his parents threee miles west
of Versaillles in 1865. He was granted on the first licenses to teach school
in this county, by Supt. Geo. W. Russ. He taught five terms , the last three at
Poston. then he went into the mercantile business at Poston with his father-
in law, H. Shook, and after afew years his brother Rob bought out Mr. Shook's interest and he continued in business until "96.
Martin Sheets is one of the foremost citizens in Poston and is at present
engaged in farming. He has all the requirements for the position he seeks.
He is level-headed, a man of good judgement and sociable.

Contributed by John Sheets

Michael Sheets, farmer of Monroe Twp. was born Sept. 12, 1827 in Prussia , the son of John Sheets, a native of that country , Michael came to this country with his fathers family in 1841, settling at Pittsburgh , Pa. His father moved to Ripley County and was the donor of the land and money for the founding of St. Magdelen Church and School in that county. He died in 1875.
  His mother was Elizabeth Lisman, who was the daughter of a teacher in Prussia. Her brother was in Napoleon Bonaparte's army and while there was starved to death.
  Michael Sheets was in the War with Mexico in the Third Regiment of Indiana Vo. In August , 1849, he married Mary Ann Miles of this county and they had six sons and four daughters. Enos J. Evan, Marion, John A., Charles F., Michael J., Mary F., Nettie, Anna, and Ida . Mr. Sheets was in the late war,  also serving with the 22 nd Re. Ind. Vol.  After the war , Mr. Sheets engaged in fruit culture and fish culture, and has a nice nursery and a pool of fine carp on his farm. 

Contributed by John Sheets

contributed by Ilona Manion

Page 8  Osgood Journal

Tuesday Dec. 24, 1991

Osgood In Review: D. P. Robbins          

by: Hazel Steuri

In a December 1916 issue of the Osgood Journal, there is an account of Dr. D. P. Robbins, who located here in 1866, visiting relatives. (Upon checking into records, the initials D. P. stands for his name of Daniel Peter and he was the youngest of twelve children.)  

The account stated that in May 1866, Daniel P. Robbins, who on account of his hospital service at the siege of Knoxville, Tennessee, in the Civil War, had graduated as a M.D. from the University of Michigan when but five months past 20 years of age.  He located in Osgood and practiced here for six months, before he went to Pennsylvania to claim a bride on his 21st birthday and remained in the Keystone State.

For five weeks, the doctor has been touring through Indiana to spend a day or two with each of his married nephews and nieces, of whom he as scores in the Hoosier state, as he was the youngest of a family of twelve and his brothers had prolific families.  Last week he was visiting the Webster sisters in Osgood.  These are the children of Dr. Robbins' brother, Ezra, who married Zelah Graham in Ohio County, Indiana in 1844 and soon afterwards moved to Ripley County, five miles north of Versailles.  Ezra died in 1863, leaving eight children and his widow.  Some years later, she married to Henry Roberts of Delaware Station,( Ripley Co.,) and many of our readers will remember her tragic death from the explosion of an anvil at Versailles, upon the jubilee-consequent upon the election of President Harrison in the fall of 1886.  

Ezra Robbins' children, all reared within 5 miles of here, are now widely scattered.  Pheba was the oldest, the widow of Lysander Webster, residing for many years in Osgood;  Sarah wife of Esquire George E. Graham, formerly lived many years in Osgood and now resides in Indianapolis; George W. Robbins lives 7 miles northeast of Osgood;  Rinda is the wife of Starling Webster, janitor of the Carnegie Library;  Bennett(now deceased)has a family in Milan,  Charley, formerly of Pierceville, now of LaPorte County, Indiana; T. Jeff, residing at Old Milan, and Rev. W. H. Robbins is a pastor in Shelbyville, Indiana.  

Esquire Graham, 71 years of age, and his wife are noted for their prolific progeny, having 10 living children, 31 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren, making a family of 55.  Their eldest daughter was formerly Mrs. Eva Henthorn of Osgood, now the wife of William Cupp of Connersville;  Albert, the oldest son is well known in Osgood and is superintendent of ambulance services on the firing line in France; and Frank Henthorn, formerly of Ripley County, is on the road to the Rainbow Division in France.  

When Dr. Robbins was here in 1866, his brother Thomas lived a mile south of Osgood near the railroad and his sister. Mrs. Pheba Richards, at Otter Village.  Thomas now resides at Athens, Ohio, aged 86 and Pheba at New Carlisle, Indiana, she is 84.  

Dr. Robbins, when here had two other brothers near here; and a widowed sister, who resided with him in Osgood-all long since dead.  For forty years past, the  doctor lived at Erie, Pennsylvania, having been extensively engaged as a publisher and historian and having accumulated a competency, is now enjoying a well-earned winter's vacation among relatives.    

Another name in the records of the Ripley County Historical Society was Ephraim Robbins born in 1759 at Killingly, Connecticut.  Now that town does not exist.  He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and died in 1836 with burial in a Rising Sun, Indiana Cemetery.  

Names are confusing - we assume that a daughter of Ezra Robbins, one source states the name of Clarinda, another stated as Lucinda, was married to Starling Webster.  She was born in Rhode Island in 1790 and Died in 1859. After the death of her husband,m she was married to a Morris Murill.  

Ezra Robbins had a sister, Louise,who was married to Henry Shutter.  Their son,Henry Shutter,Jr. was one of the men lynched in 1897,however, he was innocent of the malicious crimes.  He had been arrested for drunkardness and his drinking had gotten him in the county jail.  

Since there were Robbins children scattered over the area, we feel that there must be more families who could be included in the Robbins genealogy of this county.

Provided by Wanda Roberts

Golden Wedding                          

Dec. 16, 1923 

On Sunday Dec. 16th about seventy-five relatives, friends and neighbors with well filled baskets gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roberts to celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary.  

At high noon to the sweet strains of Home Sweet Home, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts marched into the presence of the guests, and after a brief but very impressive talk by the Rev. I. T. Spillman, they were re-united in the Holy bonds of wed-lock.   Immediatly after the ceremony the "Happy Couple of Fifty Years Ago" were ushered to the head of the table which was spread for the occasion, the center being adorned by a beautiful cake on which stood a fully dressed bride and groom.  

After the delightful noon hour was passed the afternoon was spent in social chat of both old and new acquaintances.  

There were a number of relatives present that witnessed the marriage in this same spot in the year of 1873.  

Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roberts, finley Roberts, wife and son Howard, Wm. Henderson and wife, R. E. Henderson, Wm. Wylie and wife, Rev. and Mrs. I. T. Spillman, Virgil Roberts and family, Lester Roberts and two sons, Malcolm and Raymond, Wm. Hahn and wife, Clark Henderson and wife, K. B. Henderson, Lee Laswell and family, ora Melson and sister Miss Essie, Alma and Mildred Nighbert, Wm. Ashe  wife and son Wylie,  Wilcer Braley and family, Mrs. J. M. Hufford and little daughter, Scott Henderson and family, Chas. Hillig, wife and son Clarence, John Bailey, Mrs. Sarah Lane, Robert Dickey, wife and daughter, Roy Jones, wife and daughter and John W. Hyatt, J. D. Smith and wife and Calvin Spillman.  

As the sun was sinking in the golden west after a beautiful day, all departed, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Roberts Many happy returns.                                       One Present  

These are all family members of the Roberts. Chas. Roberts being my husband's gr-grandfather.  Lester Roberts his grandfather and Malcolm his father. Provided by Wanda Roberts

The Ripley Journal
Osgood, Indiana
Thursday November 22 1888

A very sad accident happened here Thursday evening at the republican ratification meeting. The men who were doing the shooting loaded an old cast-iron anvil with a heavy charge of powder and blew it into a thousand pieces, which flew in every direction. David Lewis, of Lincolnville, a nice old colored gentleman, was killed, and Mrs. Henry O. Roberts, of Union school house, received such a wound as to make it necessary to amputate her leg, and her sixteen year old son had his leg broken above the knee. A twelve year old son of Capt. Bassett, of this place, received serious and perhaps dangerous injury, while numerous others were slightly bruised. The wounded are doing very well at present, and the attending physician Dr. Anderson, thinks they will recover. Words will do no good, to be sure, but the persons whose carelessness caused the accident, as well as everyone else present, should have a lesson in the handling of explosives.

The Ripley Journal
Osgood, Indiana
Thursday December 20 1888

Mrs. Henry O. Roberts, who was injured a month ago by the explosion at the ratification meeting here, died at the Indiana House Sunday morning from the effects of her wounds. Her son, who was at the same times severely injured, recovered sufficiently to be removed to his home near Union School house last week. The others who were injured are all rapidly recovering. Mrs. Roberts was buried Monday at Pierceville.

Johnny Roberts, who was injured at Versailles, was brought to his home near here. He is getting along well.

Mrs. H. O. Roberts, who was injured at the Versailles anvil explosion, was buried in the cemetery at the Pike church. She leaves a devoted husband and three children to mourn her.
Provided by
Carol Ealey
Zelah (Graham) Robbins Roberts was my gg-g'mother. Her first husband was
Ezra Robbins.

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