Begin at intersection of Richard School Rd and Link Road
- Julian Cormier
- Adam Neg Janis Jr.
- Laurent Doucet and Theophine LeBoeuf family
- Leo Romain
- Dupre Lejeune father of Ernest. He once owned property
across the street from this location
- Ernest Lejeune
- Steven Lejeune
- Alphe Bergeron, father of Shirley Ray. Alphe had a Cajun
band and played the accordion; Shirley played steel guitar and vocals.
- Laurent Bellard
- Dupre Lejeune home from circa 1867 to 1920s
- Dies family
- Intersection of Link Road formerly parish road 3-16 and
Pointe Noire road formerly parish road 3-18
- Paulus Doucet father of Stanley and Andre. His sons
married first cousins.
- Bridge over Blaise Lejeune gully
- Grant Link
End at intersectin of Link road and Boone Rd (La Hwy 1105)