Crowley Signal April 15, 1899
Monday was the opening day of the criminal term of curt, and a large number of people were about the court house. District Attorney Lee Garland and Judge Dupre arrived Sunday and were on hand to early Monday morning. While there are not a great many cases to come up before the term; yet a number of those to be tried are of especial interests to many in the parish.
Chas Brown accused of embezzling $2000 from Green & Shoemaker, also of other crooked dealing had entered a plea sometime ago of not guilty. He had expected to make a fight, but the feeling of the general public was so intense, that after talking with friends and being shown the uselessness of any fight on the case, he came into court Monday morning and withdrew his former plea on not guilty and entered a plea of guilty.
The case of Wm Riley, accused with cutting with intent to murder, was tried this morning and given to the jury about two oclock. The affaire took place in Prairie Hayes last July, when Riley made an assault upon Joe Pechell.
The following arraignments were made Monday morning:
A jury was empaneled Tuesday in the case of the Miller-Morris Canal Co. vs. L.A. Bergeron et al, and ordered to return on June 19 to resume the trial of the case.
The jury was drawn for the week was finally discharged, as was also the one drawn for the week beginning July 17th, and the clerk ordered to notify them of their discharge.
Only two days was consumed in trying felonies, after an interval of five months. It is a striking illustration of the decrease of crime in this parish.