Sheriffs Sale No. 1121
18th Judicial Court of Acadia Parish, Louisiana
Crowley Signal
By virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued on a 12 month bond out of the 11th Judicial District. I have seized and will proceed to sell at public auction, to the last and highest bidder, at the front door of the court house on Saturday, Sepember 16, 1899, at 11:00 a.m., the following property, to wit:
Land described as the west of the SE of Section 21, Township 8 south, range 1 west containing 81.40 acres w/all buildings and improvements to satisfy the sum of $167.50 debt, with interest thereon from may 2, 1899, until paid at the rate of 5% per annum, together with all cost of these proceedings.
E.W. Lyons, Sheriff
Sheriffs Sale No. 1335
18th Judicial District Court of Acadia Parish, Louisiana
Crowley Signal May 11, 1901
By virtue of a writ of seizure and sake issued from the 18th Judicial District court in and for the parish of Acadia, granted on the application of May 8, 1901, and to me directed , I have seized and taken into my possession and will offer for sale, at public auction, for cash to the highest bidder, between the legal hours of, at the courthouse door, Crowley, Louisiana on Saturday May 15, 1901, the following property to wit:
First: That certain tract or parcel of land situated in Prairie Hayes, with all buildings and improvements thereon,, containing 300 acres, bounded north by land of E.W. Lyons, south by land of Hornsby and E. Barousse, east by Bayou Plaquemine and west by land of Hockaday, and being a part of sections 45 and 46, township 8 south range 2 east.
Second: All of section 37 and 38 township 8 south, range 1 east and of such portion of section 45 and 46 in township 8 south and range 2 east as are not included in the first lot, and containing 385 acres more or less, save and excepting for acres being out of the north east corner of said lots above described and sold to August L. Ledoux on February 14, 1890.
And from the proceeds of said sale to pay and satisify the sum of $6,000.00, bearing interest theron at the rate of 8% per annum from May 15, 1896 until paid, together with 10% on the aggregate sums of the principal and interest therof, as attorneys fees, and all cost of this suit.
Pugh & Story, Attorneys for the plaintiff
Sheriff, Crowley, LA May 10, 1901.