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Register C
Second Class

Claims to land in the district of St Helena, founded on British patents, on which no settlements have been proved.

            Quanity Claimed           Inhabitation & Cultivation
No. By whom claimed Orginal Claimant Nature of claim 7
from what authority
Date of claim Front Depth Area in
Area in
Where Situated By whom issued When surveyed By whom surveyed From To
1 S Robinson, and
 Mary his wife
James Hamilton British patent Jul 30, 1772       500 East Baton Rouge Peter Chester July 31, 1772 E Durnford    
2 S Robinson, and
Mary his wife
John Gradenege British patent July 4, 1772       550 East Baton Rouge Peter Chester May 1, 1772 E Durnford    
3 S Robinson, and
Mary his wife
Patrick Conway British patent July 28, 1772       150 East Baton Rouge Peter Chester July 8, 1772      
4 S Robinson, and
Mary his wife
Oliver Pollock British patent Oct 21, 1774       400 St Tammany Peter Chester Oct 15, 1774      
5 S Robinson, and
Mary his wife
James, John and
W Michell
Lease and release Oct 7, 1777       200 East Baton Rouge          
6 D McCaleb and
S McCullagh
Alexander McCullagh British patent May 14, 1772       100 East Baton Rouge Peter Chester April 10, 1772 E Durnford    
7 D McCaleb and heir of
Alexander McCullagh
Alexander McCullagh Copy plat         1,000 East Baton Rouge          
8 D McCaleb and heir of
Alexander Mc Cullagh
James Barbeck Title lost or mislaid         1,500            
9 Luther Bernard Major Timothy Hierlihy British patent Sept 30, 1776       3,000 East Baton Rouge Peter Chester        
10   David Waugh British patent Aug 25, 1770       1850 West Feliciana Peter Chester June 10, 1770 W Wilson    
    Gilbert Hays British patent July 4, 1769       1,000 East Baton Rouge Montford Brown April 26, 1769      




Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:37:30 CDT

County Coordinator

County Coordinator:  Gayle Triller
State Coordinator:  Edward J. Hayden Jr.
Assistant State Coordinator:  Jo Branch
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