St. Helena Parish, Louisiana Queries 2000


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Mary Anne Amacker Hammond   February 28, 2000
Can anyone verify the middle name of John Jacob Amacker(died 1815,St. Helena
Parish, husband of Sarah Varnado{1785SC-1844LA} and that their children
included Clarinda (b.1807SC) and George W.(b.about 1814 LA, married 1.Celia
Burton,2.Elizabeth Melton)?
     Perhaps a deed(about 1813) from Richard Martin("Headright 46"lying
partly in sections 29, 30, 31 and the greater part of 32, now in Tangipahoa
Parish) might show John's middle name.
      Confirming his middle name may help me connect him to known   South
Carolina Amakers and Amachers.  Thanks for any help.

                                                 Mary Anne Amacker Hammond

Shuana Tucker Battiste
Researching the family names TUCKER and AMACKER. Thomas Tucker  was the  husband of Ida Wright Tucker and together they had approx. 10 children: Benny, Charlie, Joseph, Robert, Woodrow, Marie (Mariah), Flora, Pearl, Shirley and Rebecca all of whom were born in Greensburg. Also looking for AMACKERS with ties to Franklinton, LA (Washington Parish) and SC. Any information would be most appreciated.
I am researching my family name Tucker. My great grandparents resided in Greensburg, LA. Their names were Rev. Thomas Tucker and Ida Wright Tucker. Any information/suggestions that you can send me in my search would be most helpful and appreciated. Thanks

John R. Duer    April 10, 2000
Can anyone point me to a history of St. Helena Parish which includes information on the
Floridian Academy? Its headmaster, Capt. John T. Spencer, CSA, left to fight in the Civil
War, and died at Vicksburg in 1863.

Any help will be appreciated.
John R. Duer

Chris Deville  April 13, 2000
Looking for the parents of a John Chapman who may have been born about 1765.  He had children with a Marie Therese Fauvelle/Laviolette/Cluseau are some of the surnames she used.  He also had children with Manette Roy who was married to Joseph Bogard.  John's children did not inherit his land or belongings.  A Euphrasie McCoy married to Terrence Duplechain from St. Helena Parish was the only heir listed on the succession.
Carla Deville

Richard Wheat
Can anyone identify this Watson family listed on the 1850 St Helena
Parish Census  and furnish additional information?    J. P. Watson age
44, born in Ga;  wife Mary age 38, born in GA:  children:  William 15,
Frances 12, Catherine 11, Gallant F 9, George 7, Celia 5, Nancy 4 and
Mary 10/12.

Arlene Bridges

I am seeking information on a Willie (William) Bridges and a Maggie Good. I know they were married around 1859. The only wedding records I find between a Bridges and Good was between William C. Bridges and a Elizabeth Good.

According to a 92 yr. olf relative, Maggie and Will had three children: Pink, Cora, and Joe N.(Nimrod). They were later separated (sometime after the Civil War & according to birthdates after 1864). Will married (woman is unknown) again and had another son. Will later died from old war injuries.  I found a 1938 obituary (Joe N.'s) that lists a sister, Cora Hanley of Whistler, Alabama as a survivor

Maggie later married a Charlie McCann and had three more children: Charlie, Bridget, and Mame. According to this relative, Charlie worked for the railroad, was a nice looking man and made good money. Maggie found out women were chasing Charlie so they separated. He died shortly after this. I have a 1938 obituary (Joe N.'s)  that lists a sister, Mame Donley of California as a survivor.

Then Maggie married a Will Barrett. They had one child, who died at birth. Most of the time Will Barrett was good to Maggie. Then he took to drinking and tried her, so one of the Bridges boys told him to he had to leave. Maggie did not marry again.

Anyone with any information regarding these individuals, please contact me!

Rita Heard McPherson     May 10, 2000

Seeking info on Joseph HEARD, born c 1792 in MD, and Harriet NORTON, born c 1794 in SC (per 1850 EBR census for both).  They were married in St. Helena Parish on 13 Jan 1821.

A Joseph HEARD is noted as having a land claim in the Florida Parishes as early as 1802.  A succession for J. G. HEARD is recorded 18 Feb 1811; wife Nancy L HEARD  is administrator.  Can any one help me make a connection?
Thank you,  Rita Heard McPherson

Kathyren Ryle   May 16, 2000

Am searching for any information on Lucy Crittenden of St Helena Parish?
Any link to this Crittenden would be appreciated.
Thanks.  Kathyren Ryle

Wanda Adams   May 17, 2000
I am trying to find the parents of Reuben Womack b. c1863  (m) Elinor ___.

I have his parents as William Jacob Womack  b. c1849 and Frances  Cook Quillen but not sure if this is correct.

Can anyone help.
Thank you, Wanda Adams

W. Paul White     May 31, 2000
Looking for descendants of Clarkie Bullock b. 1813 in Ga., d. 1870 in St. Helena Parish, she married   in 1832 in Washington Parish to Samuel Alexander Slocum.

Kitty B. Hoffman     July 16, 2000

Seeking information on JEREMIAH STRICKLAND.  Online conveyance records
from St. Helena Parish, Book B. (May 1811 - Oct. 1812) speak of a
The first reference:
63-100 25 Jan. 1811 reads:  George Spiller of St. Helena Parish sold to
JEREMIAH STRICKLAND of St. Helena, Planter, a tract of land lying on
both sides of Jose's Branch, bounded on SE by Daniel RAYNOR, on NW by
Anne DAY, containing about 400 ac. pr. survey of I. KNEELAND for Daniel
SPILLERS, In presence of F. CUMING, J.P.,  J. SIMS.
The second reference:
28-78 March 20, 1812 reads:  JEREMIAH STRICKLAND of ST. Helena. Planter,
for $1.00 in hand and $300 to be paid, sold to Robert Gurley of said
Parish, Planter, a tract of about 400 acres on Josey Branch bounded on
the SE by Daniel Rainer, on NW by Alexander Freeland, accord. to survey
made by J.C. Kneeland for Daniel Spillers.  Recorded 28 March 1812.
 28-78 20 March 1812 reads:  JEREMIAH STRICKLAND sold to Robert Gurley
for $100 a mare, 7 head of cattle, and all his household furniture.
Recorded 28 March, 1812
 Does anyone have any information on this JEREMIAH STRICKLAND? How is he
related to the STRICKLANDS in LA? or MS? Was he in Franklin or Jackson
Co.'s GA before coming to LA?  Where did he go after selling his land in St. Helena?  Thanks, Kitty B. Hoffman

 Richard Wheat      July 20, 2000

Looking for descendants of Willis Watson, born about 1811, and Mary
Chance Watson, born 9/24/1817.  Mary was the daughter of Stephen Chance
and Elizabeth Doughty.    Willis Watson was reportedly the son of Willis
Murphy Watson and Elizabeth Bennett.

Ray               July 26, 2000
I am trying to find information on John Elam Lea born 3-3-1852 in St.
Helena Parish. His wife was Emma Louisiana Craft Lea. John was the son
of Caswell and Mary Kinchen Lea. John and Emma was married about 1876 in
St. Helena.   Thanks in advance for any help.

Terry McAllister Covington
My name is Terry McAllister Covington and I am researching the following surnames in St.Helena parish; McAllister,William-Lamberts Crittenden and Covington. I would like to find someone doing the same research to work with! My McAllister line goes-
Terry M. Covington - Gerald W. McAllister - William Clyde McAllister - John Crittenden McAllister -Charles(Charlie) R. McAllister-William John McAllister born 1820 in Ms.,he was married twice 1st to Lucinda Bazoon and 2nd to Francis P. blackwell.My snail mail address is 33475 North Walker Rd.,Walker,LA.70785-Ph# 225-667-1514,E-mail address is Please,Respond soon,Thanks Terry McAllister Covington

Jeanne Wainwright Park          October 27, 2000

Lucinda WAINWRIGHT married Hanson JOHNSON in St. Helena parish in 1829.
I have my Wainwright lineage, but need more information of Hanson
Johnson's parentage.  I only know one of their children and he is
Charles Milton born 1834.  I would like to know about other children.
In reading these queries, I see Dykes mentioned.  Lucinda WAINWRIGHT'S
father, Thomas WAINWRIGHT had as surety for his wedding bond in Amite,
Ms one William DYKES.  Later, after death of Sarah Cockern, his first
wife, Thomas married Prudence DYKES by whom he had three children.  Any
onformation appreciated--but the Johnson is what I am most anxious
about.  Jeanne Wainwright Park

Martha Clark        November 05, 2000
Searching for the burial place of RAINEY (RANEY) MERCER.  b. 16 March
1797  in So. Carolina, d. 3 April 1848 in St. Helena Parish.  He was
on the first board of trustees and a founder of the Montepelier
Academy.  He is probably buried next to a daughter, Mary Mercer who
died 21 May 1838 at the age of about 12.  Any help would be
appreciated.   Martha Clark

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