"We, the Subscribers Inhabitants of Baltimore County and Town, and many of Us Members of a Club kept in said Town, having understood that an Information hath been made to this Government, that Mr. James Richards, high Sheriff of Our said County, and a Member of Our Club, hath spoken words reflecting on his present Majesty King George his Persons and Government.  We therefore in justice to the character of the said James Richards do certify that he at all times and on all occasions, when in our company, expressed the greatest loyalty and zeal for his present Majesty and the happy establishment both in Church and State, and frequently declared his utter abhorrence of the present unnatural rebellion; and always was one of the most active and forward in expressing his joy, on making any conquest or gaining any victory over the French, the Pretender, or any of his Majesties enemies, and particularly distinguished himself on the days we celebrated the taking Capt. Breton, the victory obtained over the rebels at Culloden, under his Royal Highness the Duke, and on his Majesty's late birthday.  And further we believe the said information to be malicious, spiteful and without foundation."

Darby Lux                                                                       Nicholas Rogers
William Hammond                                                           William Bond
George Buchanan                                                             T. Stansbury
Richard Croxall                                                               William Dallam
Walter Tolley                                                                   Thomas Gough
James Slemaker                                                              William Payne
Edward Dogan                                                                Thomas Harrison
Lyde Goodwin                                                                T. Sheredine
William Fell                                                                     Henry Morgan
Thomas Franklyn                                                            William Titfin
Thomas Sligh                                                                  Sab  Sollers
Edward Tulley                                                                Alexander Lwason
Thomas Cradock                                                            William Lyon
Charles Ridgely                                                               James Walker
William Rogers
Robert North