Lucas James, (firm of do.) dw 63 Exeter st
Lucas Thomas, city Watchman, Market st
Lucas Edward, boot and shoemaker, 62 Market st
Lucas Peter B. tailor, Fleet st near Bond
Lucas capt. Thom. Stiles st 3d door N of Exeter
Lucas Wm. S. ropemaker, Harford av
Lucas Joshua, carpent. Schroeder st near Saratoga
Lucas Henry, 2 German lane
Luck Jacob, hatter, 10 canal st near E Pratt
Ludden Lemuel, hardware merchant, cor Liberty and Baltimore sts dw 35 w Fayette
Ludolph major John, cooper, Cowpen alley
Luginsland David, confectioner, 56 Camden st
Lungan Eliza, boarding house, opposite circus tavern N Front St
Lupton mrs Martha, Eager alley
Lusby Wm. Merchant tailor, 111 Baltimore st
Lusby Henry, keeper of Masonic hall, dw 52 Front st
Lusk John, house carpenter, Eden st near Pratt
Luskow John, Printer, 3 Mercer st
Lute Margaret, grocery, cor Fell and Wolf sts
Lutgens miss Christiana, cake store, St. Mary st near Penn av
Lybrant Henry, carpent. Sarah Ann st near Cove
Lybrant mrs Mary, Saratoga St. w of Covecett E. bookbinder, 28 N Frederick stLy
Lycett E. bookbinder, 28 N Frederick st
Lyeth Samuel, house carpenter, Saratoga st near Pine
Lyman Edward paper stainer, Fayette st near Pearl
Lymus Charles, waiter, 4 Salisbury alley
Lynch mrs Margaret, Wilk st near Caroline
Lynch J. S. paver, Beard st near Market st. F.P.
Lynch John, carpenter, 93 Saratoga st near Pine
Lynch John, watchmaker & Jeweller, 7 w Franklin st
Lynch & Craft, oil and paint store, 15 Cheapside
Lynch mrs Elizabeth, tailoress, Hull's lane
Lynch Henny, washwoman, Garden st near Biddle alley
Lynch Moses, Davis st near Bath
Lyon James, iron founder, w Pratt near Paca st
Lyon mrs Mary, boarding house w Pratt st near Howard
Lyon James E. attorney at law, cor Fayette and St. Paul's sts
Lyons John, weaver, cor Frankl. & Chatsworth sts
Lyons John, ship carpent. Charles st s of Montgomery
Lyons Margaret, cor Ann & Lancastcr sts
Lyons Dr. Samuel H High st E side near E Baltimore st
Lyons Wm grocery & liquor store, Potter st near French
Lyth Robert, carpenter, Chamberlain alley
MABEN ANDREW, marble polisher, Preston st
Maben John, weaver, Preston st
Macauly Doctor Patrick, Lombard st w of Sharp
Mace Thomas, tailor, 7 Tompson st
Mace Stephen T. shoemaker, N Gay st near Mott
Macher Benj. painter, Park lane near Pine st
Mackall Mintey, conway st
Mackal doctor L. dentist, 25 Pratt st
Mackall Samuel, sailor, Howard st near Conway
Mackenzie Doctor J.P. Fayette st near Holiday
Mackenzie Thomas, saddle store, 46 South st
Mackin Bernard, carpenter, Cathedral st near Tyson
Macklash capt. flet st
Macklin William, teacher, Pierce st near Cove
Macklin John, laborer, N Beuren st near Madison
Macklin mrs N Calvert st near Bart
Maconkey mrs seamstress, 62 n Gay st
Macubbin charles, dry goods merchant, 5 7 w Lexington st
Macubbin Joshua, tailor, Orleans st near the run
Macubbin Richard, inspector of customs, se cor Pratt and Exeter sts
Madairy John, (firm of Madairy & Bannerman,) dw 153 Hanover st
Madden John, Plasterer, Barre st w of Light
Madden Tobias, seaman, 26 Alice Anna st
Monday, 26-Aug-2024 17:55:03 CDT
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