Marriage License


 Sunday September 26, 1906 

Submitted by Debbie

Brown-Knode-Harry Brown 23; Mary S. Knode 19. Applicant, Grover C. Danner 1527 Edmonson Ave.

Buckingham-Bayless-Harry C. Buckingham 21, 797 George St. Rosa I. Bayless,19 

Boyle-Mandle-James Boyle 24; Mary Mandle, widow, 28, Baltimore County. Applicant, James W. Gosnell, 708 West Ostend St.

Boyd-Wilmer- John W. Boyd 30; Josephine Wilmer 21. Applicant Albert Bond, 116 North Montford Ave.

Colbus-Streett-Augustus Colbus, 24; Alva M. Streett, 20, both of Harford County Maryland. 

Carr-Heisovich-Ellis Carr, 25; Sarah Heisovich, 22. Applicant A.L.Warauch, 718 Aisquith St. 

Dufrainoi-Conway- Guy F. Dufrainoi35, 416 West 29th St.; Clara M. Conway, 32, divorced. 

Fink-Rodgers-Iremus H. Fink, 21; Matilda C. Rodgers, 18. Applicant, William J. Kerwin, 1107 West Hamburg St. September 26, 1906 page 3 

Glover-Schuchs-John W. Glover, 43,divorced, 811 Curley St. Louisa Schuchs, 29 Henry-Oldham-Charles F. Henry, 24, Sparrows Point; Emma E. Oldham, 23 

Harris -Bockmiller-Arthur L. Harris, 31, Kent County, Mary E. Bockmiller, 21. Applicant J. Harry Vickers, 540 North Fulton Ave. The parties reside in Baltimore unless otherwise stated.

Last Update Thursday, 07-Feb-2019 01:48:43 CST

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