Waldo County, Maine Gen Web Site

1790 United States Federal Census

Selected Maine Counties

Orphan Island Town, Hancock County

(See below for key definition)
(1)        (2)                          (3)      (4)    (5)    (6)     (7)
 1          Collins, Syrenus             2        1      4      0       0       
 2          Hopkins, Bazilah             1        3      3      0       0       
 3          Hearsey, Peleg               1        0      0      0       0       
 4          Scott, James                 2        2      3      0       0       
 5          Nickerson, William           1        0      3      0       0       
 6          Cunningham, James            2        2      2      0       0       
 7          Buckley, James               1        1      1      0       0       
 8          Mace, William                2        1      3      0       0       
 9          Blasdell, Moses              2        1      2      0       0       
 10         Sanders, Moses               1        1      1      0       0       
 11         Merrill, Caleb               1        2      2      0       0       
 12         Haines, Frederick            1        0      1      0       0       
 13         Webber, Isaac                1        0      2      0       0       
 14         Lillie, Benjamin             2        0      1      0       0       
 15         Walker, Eleazer              2        1      4      0       0       
 16         Perkins, Eliphalet           1        1      1      0       0       
 17         Abbott, James                1        3      4      0       0       
 18         Grout, William               2        2      5      0       0       
 19         Pomroy, William              1        2      2      0       0       
 20         York, Joseph                 1        2      2      0       0       
 21         Crocker, John                1        3      6      0       0       
 22         Rawlins, Benjamin            1        1      3      0       0       
 23         Cummins, Thomas              1        1      1      0       0       
 24         Blake, Jonathan              1        0      1      0       0       
 25         Richards, Samuel             1        1      3      0       0       
(1)  Census list order 
(2)  Name of Head of Family
(3)  Free white males of 16 years and upward, including heads
       of families
(4)  Free white males under 16 years
(5)  Free white females including heads of families
(6)  All other free persons
(7)  Slaves


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This page last updated on 27 September 2012