Picture taken about 1887 or 88. Older women believed to be Nancy Ramey, an aunt of Alex's who lived with them. 1. ALEXANDER2 RAMEY (JOHN1) was born October 04, 1847 in Pike Co. KY, and died June 22, 1912 in Meeker Co. MN. He married MARGARET HUTCHINS, daughter of JACOB HUTCHINS and NANCY BUCHANAN. She was born October 03, 1844 in NC, and died May 23, 1929 in Meeker Co. MN. Alexander & Margaret Hutchins Ramey "Grandfather and Grandmother Ramey were among the Hutchins and Ramey families who in 1864, left their homes in Virginia and Kentucky over the slavery question. They migrated to this area coming by rivers all the way until they reached St. Paul. Alexander Ramey was born in Pike Co. KY on October 4th, 1848. Margaret Hutchins was born October 26th, 1843 in North Carolina. Shortly after arriving in this locale, they were married. They settled in the Collinwood township near Pigeon Lake on the farm which is now occupied by Fred Urban. To this union were born 11 children. Their names were : Martha, Pricey, Rose, Samantha, Noah, Alice, James, Lilly, Inez, Herman Tracy. The land used for the building of the Pigeon Lake Baptist Church was donated by Alex Ramey. On most Sundays the majority of the congregation gathered at the Ramey home for dinner and fellowship after the services. Not only were the people fed, but, also the horses that pulled the buggies or wagons. People at the Dassel Creamery awaited Alex's arrival, each day. Down the road he came, driving his horse, Dolly, pulling the little spring wagon full of creamery cans. He was known to all as "Foxey Alex" because of his humorous mannerisms. "


Submitted by John Blair Family

Copyright 2001 by Ray Ensing