was introduced into the
territory of Minnesota by dispensation granted from the Grand Lodge of
Ohio, August 4th, 1849, to establish a lodge with the title of "St.
Paul's Lodge," at St. Paul. October 12th, 1850, a dispensation was
granted from the grand lodge of Wisconsin to establish a lodge with the
title of "St. John's Lodge, No. 1," of Stillwater. During the year
1852, a dispensation was also granted by the grand lodge of Illinois,
for the organization of a lodge under the. title of "Cataract Lodge,"
at St. Anthony. Delegates from the three lodges thus formed met at St.
Paul, February, 28th, 1853, and organized a Grand Lodge, with A. E.
Ames as first grand master. The officers under the dispensation out of which St. John's lodge was formed were F. K. Bartlett, W. M.; H. N. Setzer, S. W., and W. Holcombe, J. W. The regular organization under charter was effected October 9th, 1852, with the following officers: F. K. Bartlett, W. M.; H. N. Setzer, S. W.; W. Holcombe, J. W.; Daniel McLean, treasurer; A. Van Vorhes, secretary. At this date the lodge is prosperous and in fine working order with the following list of officers: A. K. Doe W. M.; Frank Chase, S. W.; W. H. Pratt, J. W.; E. A. Folsom, S. D.; H. T. King, J. D.; E. Capron, treasurer; W. H. Richardson, secretary; R. Daw, tyler; A. Ricker, S. S., and John Brown. J. S. The Washington Royal Arch Chapter No. 17, of Stillwater, was organized March 9th, 1868, by virtue of a dispensation issued February 22d, 1868, by Luther Dearborn, the most excellent high priest of the state of Minnesota. This chapter was organized with ten charter members, and the following officers: K. A. Hvmtoon, M. E. H. P.; Robert Langley, "king," and John Green, "scribe." The large list of active members evinces the prosperity of the chapter, which meets in their beautiful rooms on the last Thursday of each month, on Main, between Myrtle and Chestnut streets. At this date eighty-three active members are enrolled with the following officers: Hugh Hall, M. E. H. P.: B. G. Merry, E. K.; J. A. Eeed, E. S.; A. K.Doe, C. H.; P. B. Smith, P. S.; Abe. Hall, E. A. C; C. B. Jack, G. 1st V.; W. D. King, G. 2d V.; F. H. Lemon, G. 3d V.; E. Capron, treasurer; J. W. Dinsmore; secretary. Bayard Commandery, No. 11, Knights Templar, of Stillwater, was organized March 27, 1878, with thirteen charter members, by dispensation issued from the "Eight Eminent Grand Commander" of the "Grand Commandery," of the state of Minnesota, with the following officers: W. G. Bronson, E. C; E. E. Hersey, G. and D. B. Loomis, C. G. At the triennial conclave of the general grand encampment, held in Chicago, in August, 1880, this commandery acted as escort to the grand commandery of the state, and at the grand review received the highest compliments from the grand commander for their prompt and graceful display of Knights Templar tactics. The present membership is fifty-four, with the following officers: W. G. Bronson, E. C; R. F. Hersey, G.; R. G. Merry, C. G.; John W. Dinsmore, secretary, and J. H. Reed, treasurer. Early in the history of the territory of Minnesota, the Independent Order of Odd Fellowship was established at Stillwater, by a deputy grand master from Galena, Illinois, who in the spring of 1849 instituted what was known as Lodge Number One, the same to work under the jurisdiction of the grand lodge of the United States. The following were among its charter members: Henry Moss, W. Hollingshead, Albert Harris, D. D. Loomis, Sylvanus Trask, G. W. Battles, W. Stout and Martin Johnson. It became a flourishing lodge and continued so until 1863, when, in consequence of its number being so greatly diminished by its members enlisting as soldiers in the army for the suppression of the rebellion, the interests of the society were in a great measure lost, so much so that on the 4th day of March, same year, the charter was surrendered, together with eight hundred dollars, the amount of the widows and orphans' fund then in the hands of the society. On the 5th day of January, 1876, a new charter was granted by the grand lodge of the state of Minnesota. On the same date a new lodge was instituted, known as Stillwater Lodge, Number Fifty-one. The following officers were duly installed by Grand Master Joseph Bergfleld: George Low, N. G.; Lewis Grant, V. G.; Joseph Wilkinson, past grand; F. D. Hall, secretary, and Thomas Francis, treasurer. The lodge at this date is in a flourishing condition, with a membership of ninety. The present officers of the lodge are as follows: S. C. Proctor, N. G.; W. S. Huffer, V. G.; James Peterkins, secretary; James Sinclair, treasurer, and John S. Proctor, deputy grand master. In connection with the lodge is a branch of the Minnesota Odd Fellows Mutual Benefit Society. |
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